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MATH3403 | Assignment 1

This assignment is due at 9am August 11 at the lecture. It is worth 3% of the total assessment. Late penalties are listed in the prole. Clear and consise presentation of mathematics (or any work) is an important skill. Of the 30 marks associated with this assignment, 2 marks will be allocated for clarity and consiseness and 1 mark for neatness (in proportion to number of questions completed). 1. Solve yux xuy = 1 + u2 subject to u(x, 0) = 0 (Ans. u(x, y) = y/x). Write down the general solution for u(x, 0) = f (x).

2. Find an explicit solution u(x, y) which satises ux + uy = 1 u with u(2x, x) = F (x).


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