Customer Perception

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Name:.. Gender:.. 1. Your occupation?

Student Business

Contact No:.

Professional, specify

Others specify.

2.The age group you belong to

Age group




39 and above

Tick in appropriate cell

3.How many brands are you aware with? (Tick in appropriate cell)

Vento New Beetle

Polo Phaeton

New Jetta Touareg

New Passat

4. Which fuel engine do you prefer?




Please specify the reason.


What other brands you will go through before making this car purchase? Honda Ford Toyota Other specify.. TATA

Thank you for your valuable time

6. How do you know Volkswagen car? Family Relatives dont know

Friends Advertisement

Peers Others, specify

7.What is your thought on the price list of VOLKSWAGEN cars?

Affordable by common man Cant say

Affordable by rich man

8.Are you aware about various financing options which Volkswagen provides?



9.Which attributes are you considering while you purchasing VOLKSWAGEN cars? Rank them. (Rank 1= first priority, Rank 2=second priority, Rank3= third priority etc)

Quality Comfort

Design Fuel efficiency

Color Safety


10. What kind of offers do you expect from the dealer? Free insurance Extending the service period Others, specify 11. Was extended warranty presented to you? Special discount on sale of car Finance availability with 0% interest



12. Did you like to test-drive the car at your dealer before ordering it?



Thank you for your valuable time

13. If yes, how satisfied are you with the test drive?(this question is not valid if the last
question marked as is better to write along with that question)

Very much-satisfied Ok


Not satisfied

14. How much sensitive you are about the price of Volkswagen cars? (Tick in appropriate cell) Highly sensitive Moderately sensitive Not sensitive Dont know

15. Do you think a Brand Ambassador plays a key role in the promotion of the cars?

Yes, definitely

Not needed

Waste of money for manufacture


How do you rank the after sales service support provided? Very much-satisfied Ok Satisfied Not satisfied

17. Do you recommend Volkswagen car for others? Yes, if why No

18. Any suggestions regarding Volkswagen car.

Thank you for your valuable time

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