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Epaphroditus ~ Philippians 2:30a August 13-17, 2012 Monday: Read Phil. 2: 25-30, II Cor. 9:6-8 Epaphroditus served the Lord by caring for Paul, almost to the point of death. Can you think of a time that your service to another caused personal pain or loss? This kind of serving is sacrificial. What is different about giving out of your excess as opposed to giving out of your need? Its not just about serving. (You can serve with a bad attitude.) What does II Cor. 9:6-8 say about giving? Tuesday: Read Phil. 2:25-30 Epaphroditus was a man whose Christian relationships were strong. He took the work of the ministry seriously and with great value. What was his relationship with Paul? (verse 25) What was his relationship with the Philippian church? (verses 25-26) Who is an Epaphroditus in your life? Are you an Epaphroditus in someone elses life? Wednesday: Read Phil. 2: 25-30 Sometimes our area of ministry or service may be interrupted. What occurred during the ministry of Epaphroditus to interrupt his ministry? (verses 25-27) Has there been a time when you were removed from ministry to others for a period of time? How did God use that time for good in your life? Thursday: Read Phil. 2:29-30, II Cor. 8:23-24 Paul guided the Philippian church in bringing honor to Epaphroditus & others like him. Is there someone that gives sacrificially to others that you could honor or bless this week? Do you take opportunities to give good news of the ministry of others to encourage believers? Friday: Read Phil 2: 25-30, James 1: 2-4 Epaphroditus was in a key role of encouragement and service to Paul. He was valued and affirmed for his ministry. Yet, he suffered. What hardships did Epaphroditus face? (Verses 26, 27, 30) Often Christians think that if they are believers and serving the Lord that everything should workout easily for them. Does this passage support that concept? What does James 1:2-4 teach about trials?

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