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Facts about dyslexia Teachers should know that:

The problems associated with dyslexia are roughly similar in some 10% of the population. This holds across all countries and languages. The dyslexia group is one of the largest single disability groups of all. It has a strong gender bias (four times more males appear to suffer from dyslexia). There is a genetic link. While most dyslexia is developmental in nature, it can also be acquired due to brain trauma or disease. Dyslexia is a syndrome manifesting a constellation of many of the following characteristics: discrepancy between general ability and performance o difficulties in visual and/or auditory discrimination o difficulties in phonemic identification and discrimination o difficulties in acquisition and use of word recognition with text: reading, spelling and writing difficulties o difficulties in comprehending what has been decoded o difficulties in writing in spite of acceptable reading levels o history of early language acquisition problems, and poor phonological development o deficits in working (short-term) memory for auditory and/or visual material o phonological processing deficits for encoding, and decoding (use and retrieval) o sensory-motor integration difficulties o sensory-motor co-ordination problems o auditory and/or visual sequencing problems o uneven brain function showing deficits in some areas and strengths in other areas (such as in art, drawing, physical education, 3-D construction) o self-management and organisation problems o organisation problems in academic areas, particularly relating to written language and especially paragraphs and essay writing conventions o algorithm and procedural problems in mathematical operations. Dyslexia may affect some or all subject areas of the curriculum including: o mathematical operations and understanding o technical graphics o mechanical drawing o science and social studies o second language learning o vocational subjects such as metal and woodwork and domestic science o music.

There may sometimes be exceptional strengths in art or sports and physical education. (kajian: what teacher can do)

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