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RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE by Paul W.S. Anderson Based on Capcom's videogame “Resident Evil” Current revisions by Paul W.S. Anderson, 07-12-09 Constantin Production Services, Inc. 9200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 800 Los Angeles, CA 90069 (310) 247-0300 EXT. TOKYO - SHIBUYA STATION DAY. Rush Hour. The human traffic pouring out of the train station is a sight to behold. 3 million commuters on a busy day. And this is a busy day. TIME LAPSE photography causes a million people to race by in a matter of seconds. EXT. SHIBUYA STATION - HACHIKO EXIT DAY. Busy commuters hurtle by in a TIME LAPSE blur - conservatively dressed Businessmen, pressed for time, pushing past glamorous Kogal girls in Burberry scarves and Louis vuitton handbags, hurrying on northward to the fashion stores of Harajuku. Ganguro and Yamanba “bad girls” lounge against the statue of the faithful dog HACHIKO, smoking cigarettes and talking trash. A crush of busy, vibrant humanity. EXT. SHIBUYA CROSSING DAY. Massive neon signs tower above the crossing. They advertize all the major Japanese Corporations - SONY, TOYOTA, MATSUHISA, UMBRELLA This is the famous intersection where thousands of pedestrians cross in a sixty second scramble. ‘heir movements accelerated by the TIME LAPSE photography. But suddenly the Time Lapse SLOWS to normal speed and then to SUPER SLOW MOTION. We pick out a lone figure in the midst of the crush. A shapely TEENAGER dressed in the latest J. POP fashione platform shoes, schoolgirl mini, knee high socks, tight cropped top. As she turns however, we see her once beautiful face is pale and lifeless. Her movements are uncoordinated and her eyes unfocused. CLOSE ON THE TEENAGER ~~ As she turns and takes a BITE out of @ passing BUSINESSMAN . SHOCKED commuters are splashed with ARTERIAL SPRAY. 4 ARTEL SHOT -- As the wounded Businessman falls back, the Teenager clambers on top of him, ripping into his flesh. THE CAMERA PULLS BACK as horrified commuters flee and the panic spreads. Within moments, the whole of Shibuya Crossing is in chaos. The Camera continues to drift back 1,000s of feet into the air as night falls. We see the whole of Tokyo laid out before us. As the chaos spreads, explosions rip through the city and fires rage out of control. Then, block by block, the lights of the city blink out. Tokyo is dying. SUPER ~~ RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE EXT, SHIBUYA CROSSING - ARIEL SHOT NIGHT. The same ARIEL SHOT as before, but now things have changed. The once crowded landmark is deserted. Decaying bodies litter the crosswalk. Crashed cars are everywhere. The storefronts are burnt and broken - their neon lights unlit. This is a city of the dead. SUPER -- 4 YEARS LATER EXT, SHIBUYA STATION - HACHIKO EXIT NIGHT. The familiar statue of Hachiko - the faithful dog awaiting the return of his master - is unchanged. But everything else has gone to wrack and ruin. Overturned cars, smashed storefronts, bullet marks everywhere. ANGLE ON -- A lone UNDEAD. The sole movement in this dead street. Behind her crooked Prada sunglasses and peeling skin, she looks strangely familiar. We follow her slow aimless progress for a while and then, without warning, her head EXPLODES. ANGLE ON ~~

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