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Seora DeMeyer

us Rocklin High School, Foreign Language Department Google voice (916) 672-8594 Office hours: before & after school & PLUS period, Room R24
AP exam fee is $87 due by Dec. 1st. Make checks to RHS, payable in Storm Cellar

AP Spanish Language & Culture Course Syllabus

Course Overview


AP exam is May 7th, 2013

This course is the most advanced course in Spanish Language at our school. It is designed to be the equivalent of a fifth semester course at the college level. Students should expect to be constantly practicing their speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in the Spanish language. In order to achieve these goals, this course will be conducted entirely in Spanish and students will be expected to communicate in Spanish with the teacher and other students. Students will be exposed to a variety of sources, most of which are authentic (original, not fabricated for the purpose of teaching), for example: radio broadcasts, newspaper/magazine/internet articles, interviews, songs, documentaries, podcasts, movies and guest speakers. The purpose for this is twofold: 1.To create an interesting, meaningful context in which to explore a variety of language concepts. 2. The AP Exam uses only authentic sources to evaluate students levels of performance in the use of the language, both written and spoken.

The AP Spanish Language & Culture course & exam are designed around the following themes: Global Challenges Contemporary Life Science and Technology Personal and Public Identities Families and Communities Beauty and Aesthetics

Teaching Strategies
The courses units of study are designed around topics that will connect with the six AP Spanish Themes. The topics are chosen to encourage sharing of opinions and participation of the students in all four skill areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Students will practice their language skills, using the format of the AP test within each unit. Regular assessments will include the students participation in these activities, formal written quizzes, journals, note taking, essays, oral presentations (individual and group), simulated conversations, debates, and practice AP exams. It is critical that students complete daily homework assignments, AND do so thoughtfully and diligently. Students will be expected to complete homework prior to each class meeting, AND come prepared with questions/doubts (grammar), and ready to participate in class discussions regarding readings and podcasts assigned. The activities we do within each thematic unit of study will mimic the learning objectives for communication of the AP course and exam. The goal is to help prepare students to demonstrate PROFICIENCY in three communicative modes: Interpersonal (interactive communication), Interpretive (receptive communication) and Presentational (productive communication).

Course Planner: Semester 1

Introduction to course (August)
Overview of exam format; become familiar w/ all exam tasks & instructions; course goals Review of summer work (including analysis of personal summer reading) Diagnostics & skill assessments Student Presentations (Mi verano, tiempo mnimo 1 minuto)

Unidad UNO: La inmigracin (September/October)

Lectura: Cajas de cartn (selected stories), Opinion articles, and current events Redaccin: AP essay (synthesis writing including 3 sources) Escuchar: Songs: Clandestino, El mojado Posibles pelculas: La ciudad, Voces inocentes, El norte Gramtica: Frases de transicin para los ensayos Repasar pretrito vs. imperfecto, los tiempos perfectos, gnero. Otras actividades: Student (individual) presentations (Yo soy, proyecto de la bolsa: tiempo mnimo 2 minutos) Group investigation/presentation: Interview of immigrant family, chapter analysis Cajas

Unidad DOS: La mujer (November/December)

Lectura: Fragmentos de El burlador de Sevilla, El delantal blanco y Las medias rojas, artculos TBA Redaccin: AP Essay: La mujer (comparar 3 fuentes) Escuchar: entrevistas de nativas, Posibles pelculas: The Life and Times of Frida Kahlo, Casi una mujer Gramtica: Repasar subjuntivo, por vs. para, adjetivos, la voz pasiva Otras actividades: Investigacin de latinas famosas

Course Planner: Semester 2

Unidad TRES: Violencia y guerra (January/February)
Lectura: Un da de estos, Muerte de Antoito el Camborio y El crimen fue en Granada, articles TBA Redaccin: AP Essay: La violencia (comparar 3 fuentes) Escuchar: Posibles pelculas: Las bicicletas son para el verano y Stalingrado Gramtica: futuro, condicional, mandatos, SiPS,C, Otras actividades: Investigacion de guerras

Unidad Cuatro: La msica latinoamericana (March/April)

Lectura: La msica latinoamericana, artculo Msica de Amrica Latina (Wikipedia) Redaccin: AP Essay: (comparar 3 fuentes) Escuchar: Videos de cantantes y de bailes tpicos Gramtica: expresiones negativas, pronombres, nmeros Otras actividades: Investigacin de ritmos musicales latinoamericanos

AP Spanish Language Exam: Tuesday, May 7th, 2013, 8:00am

Unidad Cinco: Proyecto final (May, details TBA) Class notebook/binder Students must have and maintain (up to date) a notebook/binder* divided into
the following sections and subsections. 1. Apuntes (notes on lectures, audio sources and student presentations)

2. Gramtica (grammar handouts & packets) 3. Escritura

Redaccin informal (80 palabras, interpersonal mode) Ensayos formales (250 palabras, presentational mode) Pautas semanales de escritura (journal writing from weekly prompts, interpretive mode)

4. Bitcoras de clase (logs will be provided by the teacher)

Lectura (daily reading) Prctica oral (10 hours per grading period [fechas de entrega Oct 5, Dec 14, March 1, April 26]) Escritura (responding to weekly writing prompts similar to a journal) Modismos (daily idiom) * The notebook will be collected and graded at random; it forms a large portion of the participation grade for the course.

Student Evaluation In order to pass the class, students must earn a minimum of 70% of the total points
AND demonstrate mastery ALL Essential Skills and Concepts. Exams/essays 45% (essential skills) Quizzes/Oral presentations 25% (essential skills) Homework 15% Participation 15%


Readings, grammar exercises, websites, and activities will come from a myriad of sources

throughout the year. The list below is not an exhaustive list of the intended sources for this course.

Texts & magazines

Abriendo Paso, Lectura & Abriendo Paso, Gramtica (Jos Daz and Stephen Collins, 2001) Encuentros maravillosos, Gramtica a travs de la literatura (Abby Kanter, 1998 ) En marcha! A Complete Grammar Review (Jos M. Daz and Mara F. Nadel, 2001) Repaso, A Review Workbook for Grammar, Communication and Culture (Ronni Gordon and David Stillman, 2004) Tringulo, A Propsito, Manual para estudiantes (Barbara Gatski and John McMullan), tercera y cuarta ediciones

People en espaol published by Time Inc., magazine Think Spanish ( Second Language Publishing, magazine

*BBC Mundo Terra (peridico digital)
List of worldwide news sources (newspaper, magazine, radio) La capital, peridico de Argentina

AP Spanish Language Course homepage
Web sources in Spanish divided by category

*Listening based learning Podcasts and corresponding activities *Spanish Proficiency Exercises Spanish grammar Buenos ejercicios de escuchar Listen to DIFFERENT Spanish dialects Learn Spanish Pronunciation drills Spanish Language and Culture Spanish conversation group Juegos

Referencia Real Academia Espaola *Online language dictionary (the app is also GREAT!)
Laminated Quick Study Guide for exam ($5.95)
Lyrics to songs in Spanish

Pelculas Voces inocentes La ciudad El Norte

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