Renaissance Sacred Vocal Music

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Renaissance Sacred Vocal Music

Contenance Angloise
English Guise/Manner - 1442 a new way of composing with lively consonances.. Dominated by thirds, fifths, sixths Panconsonance ample use of thirds, and limited use of dissonance

John Dunstable
Quam Pulchra Es written pre-1430 Three voices of equal weight No pre-existing material Similar rhythmic profile, moves in blocks Compare to: -Flos Florum Du Fay

Texture: Pervading Imitation

By 1470s, composers began using this new technique Pervading Imitation: musical ideas stated imitatively in all voices Required singers to the same musical ideas in equal weight A stylistic feature of music from late 15th century on

Ave Maria virgo serena (1470-1480)
Josquin des Prez Point of imitation Not entirely imitative, textural variety Best known, widely admired Mona Lisa of Renaissance Music One of the best examples of Renaissance music /student/olc/42.htm

Ave Maria Virgo Serene

Treatment of Text built around structure of text, each strophe has own thematic material, varied texture, cadences, and voices

Genres of Renaissance Music

The Mass The Motet
One of three functions:
Liturgical: Rarely connected with the Office Devotional: Religious gatherings outside the Liturgy Occasional: Dedications and responses

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