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life. and how to have one.

MAY 7, 2009
The spooks of
public speaking
use these tips
to overcome
this common fear
Fad chance!
learn the dangers of fad
diets and how they can
affect your health
out with the old?
why retro video games
arent a thing of the past
May 7, 2009
Volume 6, Issue 31 [ ]
6 nurture by nature: mouthwatering mushrooms
10 out & about: We just did the hippie thing
11 in the life: a secondhand job
12 tomorroWs neWs: easy online budgeting
13 WesCoe Wit: slow dance chubbies!
18 reVieWs: X-Men prequel excites and amuses
From top left: Photo illustration by Jerry Wang;
photo by Caleb Sommerville
May 7, 2009
table of contents
Cover photo illustration by Jerry Wang



8 feature: Ms. Pac-Mans
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May 7, 2009
Editor Matt Hirschfeld
Associate editor Jessica Sain-Baird
Designers Erica Birkman, Lauren
Contact Elliot Kort, Stephanie
Health Sachiko Miyakawa, Megan
Manual Becka Cremer, Katherine
Mulder, Adam Schoof
Notice Madeline Hyden, Ross Stewart
Play Kelly Breckunitch, Kristopher
Contributors Drew Anderson, Mark
Arehart, Alicia Banister, Taylor Brown,
Chance Dibben, Mia Iverson, Carly
Halvorson, Daniel Nordstrom, Meghan
Nuckolls, Abigail Olcese, Brieun Scott,
Kelci Shipley, Amanda Sorell
Creative consultant Carol Holstead
Contact us
The University Daily Kansan
111 Stauffer-Flint Hall
1435 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
thursday, may 7 friday, may 8
saturday, may 9
monday, may 11
sunday, may 10
jayplayers editors note
Only a few times
in my life have I been
happily surprised.
Usually, after friends
and family catch
me off guard with
what they think of as their best intentions,
I become disgruntled and semi-pissed off.
Once, though, in my adolescence, my parents
threw my brothers and me off guard in the
best possible way.
My brothers and I had been playing the
NES, the frst Nintendo system from circa
1985, for about a decade. We considered
ourselves lucky when babysitters, friends and
relatives had more advanced systems for us
to drool over. Our parents just didnt get
that bigger and better systems had come out.
Well, one elementary school spring break, our
parents fnally got it.
When my parents gathered my brothers
and me around the kitchen table, I knew one
of two things was about to happen: Either
we were about to be punished or we were
just about to have another endless family
Once we got settled, I could tell my mom
could barely hold in her excitement. She
pulled out the solid Toys R Us bag and our
eyes widened with awe. Then, she unveiled
the surprise: a Nintendo 64. My older brother
lunged for the present and all of us stared at
the box in disbelief. Even though the N64 had
come out two years before, by our reaction
youd have thought we got hold of the system
on day one.
I cant remember what games we played
that frst week, but we played nonstop for the
whole spring break.
Check out Kellys story on page 8 about
older video game systems that are still making
a wave in the video game market today, and
how maybe I should have held onto that NES
for a rainy day.
New and better systems came out and my
brothers and I stopped playing the N64. This
past week, though, I played a friends N64, and
I couldnt help but associate one of my most
memorable surprises, a shared surprise, with
the vintage video game system.
Matt Hirschfeld, editor

wednesday, may 13
tuesday, may 12
Poker Pub
Conroys Pub, 6 p.m. and 9
p.m., free, all ages
New Found Glory
Granada, 6 p.m., $18.50, all
Stop Day Eve Party
23rd Street Roadhouse, 9
p.m., $5 to $10, 18+
Stop Day Eve Party
Abe & Jakes Landing, 9 p.m.,
Floyd the Barber
Pachamamas, 9:30 p.m., free,
all ages
Neon Dance Party
The Bottleneck, 10 p.m.,
prices vary, 18+
Billy the Squirrel
Jazzhaus, 10 p.m., $3, 21+
Thao and the Get
Down Stay Down/
Sister Suvi/Samantha
Jackpot Music Hall, 10 p.m.,
$8, 18+
Stop Day with Booty
Up feat. Cyrus D and
The Eighth Street Tap Room,
10 p.m. $3, 21+
Sex Negatives/Totally
Betelgeuse Betelgeuse
The Replay Lounge, 10 p.m.,
$2, 21+
Billy Spears and the Beer
Johnnys Tavern, 6 p.m., free, 21+
Pop Quiz: Live Action
Johnnys Tavern, 7 p.m., free, 21+
The Americana Music
Academy Jam
Signs of Life, 7:30 p.m., free, all
Toubab Krewe
The Bottleneck, 8 p.m., $8 to
$9, 18+
Dollar Bowling
Royal Crest Bowling Lanes, 9
p.m., $1, all ages
That Acoustic Jam Thing
The Jazzhaus, 10 p.m., $2, 21+
The Silent Years/Milk
The Eighth Street Tap Room, 10
p.m., $3, 21+
Orlando Ventura
Pachamamas, 7 p.m., free,
all ages
Opening Reception:
Reunion Art Show
Jazzhaus, 7 p.m., free, 21+
Collie Buddz/Yuca
Roots/The Irietions
Granada, 7 p.m., $23, 18+
Signs of Life Friday
night concert series
Signs of Life, 7:30 p.m., free,
all ages
Fleetwood Mac
The Sprint Center, 8 p.m.,
$49.50 to $149.50, all ages
Paulie Rhyme/
Jackpot Music Hall, 9 p.m., $6
to $7, 18+
Salty Iguanas/
Lonesome Houndogs
The Bottleneck, 9 p.m., 18+
Phat Fridays with DJ
Johnnys Tavern, 10 p.m., free,
Ras Neville and the
Jazzhaus, 10 p.m., $4, 21+
Replay Lounge, 10 p.m. $2,
Schools Out Blowout
with Sadie Soul/B
The Eighth Street Tap Room,
10 p.m., $3, 21+
Poker Pub
Conroys Pub, 6 p.m. and 9
p.m., free, all ages
Poker Pub
The Pool Room, 7 p.m. and
10 p.m., free, 21+
Radiohead Tribute
The Bottleneck, 9 p.m., $6 to
$8, 18+
Jackass World Tour
Voodoo Lounge, 9 p.m., $10,
Blue Orleans
Jazzhaus, 10 p.m., $5, 21+
DJ Candlepants and
Gloria Vanderbilt
The Eighth Street Tap Room,
10 p.m., $3, 21+
Earth Crisis/Walls
of Jericho/Reign
Blood Stands Still
Granada, 5 p.m., $15, all ages
The Calamity Cubes/
Brody Buster Band/
Replay Lounge, 6 p.m., $3,
all ages
Smackdown! Trivia
The Bottleneck, 8:30 p.m.,
$5, 18+
The High Strung
Jerrys Bait Shop, 10 p.m.,
$3, 21+
Original Music
The Bottleneck, 9 p.m., free,
Dollar Bowling
Royal Crest Bowling Lanes, 9
p.m., $1, all ages
The High Strung
Replay Lounge, 10 p.m., $2,
Tuesday Nite Swing
Kansas Union, 8 p.m., free,
all ages
The Sounds
The Bottleneck, 8 p.m., $16,
Replay Lounge, 10 p.m., $2,
926 1/2 Massachusetts Street
Jackpot Music Hall
943 Massachusetts Street
Eighth Street Tap
801 New Hampshire Street
Replay Lounge
946 Massachusetts Street
Lied Center
1600 Stewart Drive
The Bottleneck
737 New Hampshire Street
707 W. 23rd 832-0550
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May 7, 2009
The skinny on
The truth about quick and easy weight loss
Sam Archer, McPherson senior and KU
football player, couldnt focus in his classes and
was having trouble remembering what had
happened earlier in the day. He also lacked
the energy to complete everyday tasks. It was
January 2008 and it wasnt the cold, dreary
weather bringing his body downit was the
way he had chosen to lose a few pounds after
football season.
When Archer was looking for an easy
way to lose weight, Archer says, his friend and
teammate Kerry Meier suggested a diet that
Meiers brother had success with: the cayenne
pepper and lemon juice diet. The diet required
Archer to drink six to 12 glasses per day of a
mixture that contained 1 teaspoon squeezed
lemon juice, 2 tablespoons maple syrup, 1/18
tablespoon cayenne pepper and 8 ounces water.
To abide by the diet, Archer was allowed to drink
only water and this mixture for 10 days. After
about fve days, the misery and hunger were too
overwhelming and Archer quit the fad diet.
Fad diets are a common quick fx for
college students, however, the distress to the
body that many of these diets cause can result
in short and even long-term damage, says Staci
Hendrickson, registered dietician in Lawrence.
When you do a diet like this, its like trying
to drive your car to Kansas City without enough
fuel, Hendrickson says. Youre not going to
get there. Your brain starts to shut down and
only focuses on essential activity. Youre looking
at extremely low energy, loss of memory and
an inability to focus on everyday things.
These diets can be very appealing to college
students because of their claims of fast and
easy weight loss. In an environment where
students are prone to unhealthy eating with
fast food and late-night calls to pizza joints,
many students think that a quick-fx diet is the
most effcient way to lose weight.
Im good at short-term diets, not long-
term. With the stresses of school and so little
time, its easier for me to have something that is
set for a few days versus something that I have
to do all the time, for months, says Charley
Ritz, Minneapolis junior.
Ritz was looking for a fast way to lose weight
before she went home for Thanksgiving break.
She had only a week and heard about a three-day
diet. The diet cut her caloric and carbohydrate
intake by more than half. She was forced to stick
to a strict food regimen, which included canned
tuna, black coffee, hot dogs, fruits and vegetables.
A friend who also completed the diet told her
she could lose 10 pounds in three days.
Although Ritz says she had some success
with the diet because her clothes were much
looser, Mitzi Dulan, sports nutritionist for the
Kansas City Chiefs and Kansas City Royals, says
diets such as this one can actually lead to more
weight gain.
A three-day diet is really silly and to lose
that amount of weight in three days is not
realistic, Dulan says. Diets like this cause
someone to yo-yo diet. It doesnt allow a
person to develop a healthy relationship with
food. They end up severely restricting their diet
so once the three days is up, they overeat and
then gain back all the weight they lost and many
times more than they lost.
Yo-yo dieting and constantly trying
different fad diets can cause long-term health
effects, making weight loss nearly impossible as
people get older, Dulan says.
If you are constantly starving yourself on
these diets, then your body will eventually cling
to whatever food it can and slow down your
metabolism, Dulan says.
It is permanent damage that many times cant
be reversed, Dulan says. It goes back to the
beginning of time and it is a survival mechanism.
Your bodys metabolism will automatically slow
down if it is constantly hungry.
Fad diets are often programs youre
supposed to follow for a few days or a few
Mitz Dulan, sports nutritionist for the
Kansas City Chiefs and the Kansas City
Royals, offers these tips for students.
1. Talk to a nutritionist or registered
dietitian: Many times college professors or
lecturers are more than willing to talk to
students for free and they can give an easy
plan that can be catered to your lifestyle.
2. Avoid diets that claim to have
you losing more than three pounds per
week: More than three pounds a week is
unrealistic and can be potentially damaging
to your body.
3. Always incorporate a regular workout
routine: Working out keeps you toned and
helps keep weight off.
4. Read the labels: If you cant
understand most of the ingredients, then it is
probably super high in preservatives. Eating
organic is important because you will feel
more satisfed in the end.
5. Buy higher quality foods: I recommend
buying organic because it is more satisfying.
Also, the higher quality fruits and vegetables
are going to taste better.
6. Include lean sources of protein into
your diet: Eat a smaller volume. But a higher
quality of chicken or pork is going to leave
you full and not craving more.
7. Eat whole wheat and whole grains:
Whole-wheat pasta and bread is more
flling and better for your health.
By Megan Weltner
fad diets
weeks, but nutrition experts insist that the
right approach to weight loss is to change your
lifestyle permanently.
The trick is to follow a common sense
diet, says Marty Glenn, R.D. and advanced
nutrition lecturer at KU. Limit your portions
to a sensible amount, incorporate more fruits
and vegetables and exercise.
After talking to a nutritionist, Archer, the
KU football player, found that the most effective
way to lose weight was by increasing his cardio
workout and cutting out bad food, such as pizza
or fast food. He has now kept his weight off for
almost a year.
I worked out a lot more and ate a little
healthier and I have felt so much better, Archer
says. Not only did I lose weight. I was feeling
better overall. JP
7 tips for healthy weight loss in college
Photo illustration by Alex Bonham-Carter
The cayenne pepper and lemon juice diet, a detox and natural diet, involves drinking a mix of freshly squeezed
lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water. The detox has many followers in Hollywood and other areas,
where it is claimed to be extremely effective in naturally cleansing the body.
6 May 7, 2009
nurture by nature
Photo by Megan Weltner
Mushroom goodness:The vitamins and nutrients in
mushrooms can help fght off disease.
Photo by Megan Weltner
Capital G Gross: Not washing your retainers can cause
them to smell bad.
Not washing your retainers
Im not going to lie; its been a while since
I cleaned my retainers. In fact, I just stopped
wearing them after so many weeks, afraid of
the consequence for putting those unwashed
plastic molds into my mouth.
I made a good decision.
Dirty retainers can harbor some pretty
nasty stuff, says Dr. Kelly Toombs of Prairie
Village. If youre not cleaning your retainers,
then there are bacteria in your mouth that will
get on your retainers and not only is that gross,
they are certainly going to smell bad, Toombs
Retainers are a great place for bacteria
and viruses to colonize, Toombs says. They
can grow and grow in your warm, moist and
often colored retainer case. People tend to not
wash their hands before or after handling their
retainers, which transfers more germs. Most
people wouldnt even think twice about putting
something else that dirty into their mouths,
but for some reason they think it is perfectly
acceptable with dirty retainers, Toombs says.
Toombs recommends washing your hands
before and after handling your retainers, but
With the swine fu scare on the front page
of every newspaper, people are looking for
ways to boost their immune systems. Many
are turning to Tamifu or other medications,
but your favorite pizza topping could help
prevent this disease.
If your favorite pizza topping is mushrooms,
then youre in luck.
Asian countries have used mushrooms for
centuries to strengthen the immune system
and promote a long life, says Deena Kosh, a
naturopathic physician in Shawnee.
They have been used for many, many
years and improve your immune system by
increasing your white blood cell count, Kosh
says. The white blood cells are disease-fghting
cells, therefore making your immune system
more resistant to bacterial or viral infections.
Mushrooms also contain a substantial
amount of B vitamins as well as selenium and
copper, zinc and potassium, says Lisa Markley,
registered dietitian with the program of
integrated medicine at KU Med. These are all
important trace minerals that the body needs
to fght off disease.
For preparation I would cook the
mushrooms. Unlike a lot of other vegetables,
they still keep their nutrients after being cooked.
I would advise against eating raw mushrooms,
Markley says.
Megan Weltner
most importantly, he recommends regular
washing of your retainers. A great way to
initially clean retainers is to soak them in a
solution of 50 percent bleach and 50 percent
water. However, for general maintenance,
denture cleaner is great and so is just brushing
them with a toothbrush and toothpaste,
Toombs says.
Megan Weltner
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Rebecca Lo easily becomes scared in front
of many people. At a piano competition when
she was younger, she became so nervous that
she started playing the piano without sitting
down on a chair. Now, in college, she still feels
uncomfortable giving presentations or speaking
in class discussions.
When Im nervous, I get really painful
stomachaches and Im unable to think, says Lo,
Coffeyville junior.
Many people experience anxiety and stress
before big events such as public speaking
and job interviews. Some of them perform
better with some anxiety, but others become
distracted by their fear. What is happening to
our body when we feel anxious? How can we
reduce the anxiety and perform well at an
important event?
Physiological responses to
Some people experience physical discomfort,
such as sweating, blushing and shaking, in
response to anxiety. This is the bodys reaction
May 7, 2009
How to not stress out
about speaking up
Handle your nervousness and anxiety
before a big speech or discussion
Preparing for successful
To prepare for public speaking, try
the following method, suggested by
Michael Eidenmuller, associate professor
of communication at The University of
Texas at Tyler.
Stage 1: Verbal rehearsal
Use the outline and rehearse your
entire speech aloud. Spend two to three
hours to practice for a four to eight
minute speech.

Stage 2: Nonverbal rehearsal
Stand in front of a mirror and rehearse
your introduction aloud while looking at
yourself in the mirror. This will make you
aware of making eye contact and effective
facial expressions. Practice this for 40
Stage 3: Rehearsal with
Stand in front of a friend and rehearse
the entire speech just as you deliver a
speech in class. Ask your friend not to
say anything while you speak. Make eye
contact, facial expressions and hand
gestures to build the psychological
connection between the speaker and
audience. Make sure to enunciate your
voice and avoid saying like, um and
you know. The stage enhances your
speech delivery.
By Sachiko Miyakawa
Photo illustration by Jerry Wang
Butterfies galore: Becoming a nervous Nellie before making a speech in front of a class or participating in a class
discussion is common. Practicing in front of a mirror helps conquer or alleviate this fear.
to the anxiety, triggered by the sympathetic
nervous system, says Sarah Pressman, assistant
professor of clinical psychology. When people
are worried or upset, their hearts beat more
quickly and blood pressure increases. The
system also makes people sweat or get sweaty
palms to cool down their bodies. Pressman
says the body functions original purpose is to
divert energy and blood fow to the muscles
to help physically fght off enemies and prepare
for a safety threat. The problem is that, these
days, the kinds of stress that we respond to
dont require this kind of increased energy and
cooling down of our body, says Pressman, who
specializes in health psychology.
If such physiological responses bother you,
Pressman recommends restorative activities,
such as spending time outside or some quiet
time alone, which can help decrease stress
hormones and blood pressure. She says
exercise is also a great stress-buster, as is
getting enough sleep.
Deep breathing and muscle exercise right
before the event can also relax the body and
relieve stress, says Bridget Biggs, assistant
professor of clinical child psychology. The muscle
exercise consists of tightening and relaxing the
muscles. For example, hand muscles are relaxed
through clenching the fst, opening the hand
and releasing tensity.
How to reduce fear
The fear of failure can create nervousness
and anxiety. Lo, the Coffeyville junior, says
shes usually sociable and outgoing, but
becomes shy when she has to speak in class
or give a presentation. Many people have the
desire to please others and they worry about
other peoples judgments. Removing those
fears and increasing confdence help people
feel comfortable about public speaking, says
Michael Eidenmuller, associate professor of
communication at The University of Texas at
Tyler. The key is good preparation and rehearsal,
he says.
Rachel Voorhies doesnt like getting
attention in front of a group of people, especially
when she gives a presentation. Studying foreign
languages, however, helps her feel more
comfortable in such a situation, says Voorhies,
Fayetteville, Arkansas, graduate student. Shes
studied Chinese for four years and lived in
China, which made her less afraid of making
mistakes and feeling embarrassed in front of
Other types of fear regarding social
situations and interaction with others can be
overcome through the exposure to the fear
and practice to deal with the situation, says
Biggs, the assistant professor of clinical child
psychology. For example, if people worry
about a job interview, they can practice with
their friends by simulating the interview.
Lo still feels anxious when speaking in
front of many people, but starting a band with
her friends improves the way she handles
her anxiety, she says. Lo plays the guitar and
piano, which makes her more confdent when
performing on stage. She says being around her
friends also relieves her anxiety when playing
at the band.
Like Los experience, with more social
support people tend to respond to stress less
severely and cope with it better, Pressman says.
Social support includes having a friend to talk
to about problems and having someone who
can give them help when they need it.
Many times, social anxiety can be solved
through an individuals effort, but Biggs
recommends consulting a psychologist if the
anxiety and shyness impair a persons ability
to function in everyday life. If people avoid
attending classes or social situations, this may
be a sign of social anxiety disorder. JP
April 30, 2009
By Kelly Breckunitch
1 1
1 1
1 1
The living room of my apartment is littered
with older systems: A Super Nintendo, an
N64 and a Playstation (as well as an Xbox 360
and Wii) rest beside the TV. This, I reason, is a
testament to my sense of video game history.
I grew up with a Super Nintendo, so I know
how far games have come. The capabilities of
the Xbox 360 and PS3 systems are amazing,
but sometimes you have to appreciate where
everything came from.Thats why I still go back
to play those older systems time and time
The set-up in my living room is nothing
compared with that of Overland Park senior
Joe Noh. Noh has almost every Nintendo
system ever made. (He even has a Famicom, the
Japanese Nintendo, for crying out loud.) Noh
doesnt just keep these systems as collectors
items, though.Im not like a museum collector.
I dont want to put them on display. I want to
play them; thats why I own them, Noh says.
Video games are quickly accumulating a
celebrated history.The popularity took off
with original arcade games in the 1970s. Pac-
If you think older video games are past their prime,
you may want to think again.
Man was the original video game icon to be
popular in his own right, which furthered the
popularity of games. The Magnavox Odyssey
brought video games into peoples homes
in 1972 and in 1977 the Atari 2600 system
made home video games popular and laid
the groundwork for the Nintendo and Sega
Systems to come. Even those arcade games are
still relevant. The flm The King of Kong: A Fistful
of Quarters is a testament to that. It outlined
the battle between two men to get the high
score in one of those old arcade games, Donkey
People still own those arcade systems,
too, and Adam Bowman, Concord, California,
graduate student, is one of them. He says he
and his wife have a mutual love of older games,
so he broke down and got her an arcade game
with multiple games on it such as Ms. Pac-Man
and Galaga.
Video games continue to steadily progress.
That old Donkey Kong video game gave birth
to one of Nintendos most famous video game
characters, Mario.There are a lot of older games
to choose from, so variety is not a problem. Noh
says there are games he may have missed on
his initial time spent with a system and he goes
back to play older games because of the limitless
possibilities. If you look at the back libraries of
games, youll fnd that theres a treasure trove of
games, Noh says.
Casey Baker, Andover senior, sticks to her
bread and butter, though: the original Super
Mario Bros. game. Baker says it gives her a
sense of past experiences playing games. Its
fun to remember how I played it when I was
little, Baker says.
Yes, nostalgia is a driving force of the
popularity of older games. Gene Nutt, owner
of Game Nut, 844 Massachusetts Street,
attributes nostalgia as a factor in sales but also
sees the popularity of older games continuing
to grow. What makes people keep coming
back to the older games, though? Well, for all
the progress in current video games, there
are some characteristics these games lack
compared with the older games.
This era of new games immerses players
in realistic environments, but it cant make up
for some characteristics that older games still
have (and gamers still crave).The plotlines, the
stories, and the game itself arent as quality as
the older games, says Sean Pesnell, owner of
Game Guy, 7 East Seventh Street. Games used
to be simpler, but now it seems as if newer
games push the too much of a good thing
tendency. They have to ft one storyline into
three games. So, complexity in games may have
hurt as much as it helped.
Noh notices that effect since games
transitioned from two-dimensional to three-
dimensional. I think there was a loss of
innocence between that transition, he says.
The simplicity is what was lost.The controllers
on the older Nintendo systems, the Atari and
the Sega Genesis, had just a fewbuttons to press,
which made the learning curve a lot easier on
players. Bowman compares that simplicity to that
of brain teasers. It serves a similar function to
Sudoku. Its puzzles, its strategy, its working your
mind, but its not a ton of buttons and its not
over-complex, he says.
Nutt says he sees a growing interest in the
older systems. Theyre actually growing in
popularity, Nutt says. Older games are now
getting that classic reputation that old flms
and books earn after a period of time.
Theyre like any other medium like movies
or music. Just because somethings older
doesnt mean its irrelevant, Noh says. Indeed,
older video games have settled in to their role
and gotten a steady stream of attention.
That Super Nintendo I mentioned actually
belongs to my roommate. I will have to carry
my regret for selling mine. It was my initiation
into the world of video gaming, a part of my
history, and I let it go. Things from our past
always hold that sense of nostalgia, whether its
a book we read as a kid or a toy we played
with. Whats great about the video games is
they dont lose any of their effect as they get
older. The games are still fun today too, says
Video games have become such a part
of pop culture that it is a testament to the
mass appeal theyve gained during the past 25
years. The focus of games now is to push the
envelope in terms of reality, and it creates some
great entertainment, but dont forget how it all
began. Some of those images from old games
tend to stand out as an art form. People grow
to respect them more as the years pass. Now,
theres a certain familiarity of guiding Mario
through the Mushroom Kingdom, looking for
fre fowers. Chances are, whether you know
video games or not, this will stand out more
to you than a scene from a modern game.That
shows that older video games arent going
anywhere.Theyre here to stay. JP
Where do you start with older games though?
There are so many past generations of video
games out there it leaves you with a lot of
options. If youve never played a video game
in your life, I suggest you play some games
from the NES era or older. Why? In short,
theyre easy to fnd on the Internet, so you
dont have to go through the hassle of actually
getting the system. Here are some of my
recommendations, and all of which can be
found on
Super Mario Bros. 1) The frst installment
of the Mario franchise appeared on
the NES and its right there so you can
experience it on the Internet. Its really
easy to dive right into the game because
the controls are so simple and you can
play through it really quick. Plus, there are
a lot of hidden tricks to the game.
Mega Man 5 2) Looking for more of a
challenge? Then dont pass up Mega Man.
It can give you fts.As simple as the original
NES games could be, Capcom tried to
build as many puzzles into this action
game as possible. The storyline was very
futuristic for the time, pitting the cyborg
hero Mega Man against an army of robots.
That was part of the appeal though, as
was getting the robots weapons after
you defeated them.
Joe & Mac 3) A personal favorite of mine,
Joe & Mac is very user-friendly for new
players. Everything about the game is
simple.As an added bonus, the game is set
in prehistoric times, so you get to beat
up dinosaurs. Trust me, this game is pure,
simple fun.
Xevious 4) I have to include one of the
original arcade games that started the
video game craze. Xevious is a classic
shooter, for those who like to blow stuff
up. You have to guide your ship through
waves of enemies to win, and it takes the
top-down view, making it a real classic.
Ninja Gaiden 5) I include Ninja Gaiden so
people can see its roots. If you do, and
even if you dont, knowhowthis series has
progressed to the modern game it is, you
should try out the original games.Theres
defnitely less brutality and the game is
fast-paced with ninja action. Becoming a
ninja master can be quite addictive.
Screw Rosetta Stone! Im going to give you a
quick guide to an entirely more useful language
than Spanish, French and German combined.
The world of online gaming (specifcally mass
multiplayer online gaming), has spawned its
own language. If you ever want to venture into
that realm of gaming, here are some phrases
you need to know.
Ninjas players who steals loot/items that
they have no right to in a game
Mobs characters in a game that are not
users, usually monsters, bad guys or beasts
Bios refers to players leaving the game to
use the restroom
Nerf when an updated version of a game
makes a powerful character less powerful
Pwn a derogatory term used to express
w00t an expression of joy
Farm to kill enemies who keep respawning
in one area to reach a particular goal or get a
particular item
QQ used as an insult, aimed at someone
who is complaining (acronym for quit crying) Source:
The new technology hasnt completely
forgotten about older games though. The Wii
includes an online shopping channel where
owners can purchase older video games that
range from the era of the NES to the N64.
The Internet has become a haven for the
older games as well. There are multiple sites
where you can play those original NES games,
as well as some of the arcade classics such as
Pac-Man and Pole Position. For systems such as
Super Nintendo, there are sites where you can
download emulator software, which acts as
the actual system and is saved on your hard
Older video games still have an effect on
characters and storylines of newer video games
as well. Whether its a character or a remake
of a classic game, older video games tend to
infuence this cutting-edge era of games.I think
a lot of people like the original games, and thats
why theyre continuing to bring Mario into all
the newer systems, Baker says.
The storylines help the continuity from
past to present as well. Pesnell, the owner of
Game Guy, says hes seen people come in to
the store to buy the original Metal Gear games
so they can understand how the story has
progressed up to the point of the most recent
Can the older video games keep up their
popularity in the current environment?
Nintendo Entertainment
System (NES) 1985
Super Nintendo 1991 Sega Genesis 1989
Nintendo 64 1996
9 May 7, 2009
Left: Game Boy games at Game Guy, 7 East Seventh Street, are still a popular buy for gamers who appreciate the simplicity of older games.
Middle: Arcade games such as Ms. Pac-Man started the home gaming revolution.
Right: Classic video game systems each have their own kind of controllers, which can become a mess for a video game nut.
Photos by Caleb Sommerville
Controllers from way back when
Regular Bed for
Super Bed
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May 7, 2009
My greatest summer vacation was going to Scotland during high
school. I dont remember too many details about the trip, but I
remember having the greatest summer of my life. The feeling of
freedom I had over there was really good.
Rick Berger, Munson, Detroit junior
[What is your best summer
vacation experience?]
I used to live in England, by the beach, and Id go surfng in the
summer. One summer, I was actually surfng with dolphins. That was
pretty sweet.
William Taylor, Perranporth, England, freshman
Last year, I went on an Alaskan cruise with my whole family and we
did things like dog sledding and zip-lining and just visiting a bunch of
Alaskan towns.
Tori Komsthoeft, Olathe junior
Going on Lake Minnetonka on the Fourth of July and theres at
least like 400 boats out lying next to each other on the sandbar and
everyone just likes to go out and have a good time.
Brit Stansbury, Eden Praire, Minnesota, freshman
Probably going to Oregon last summer and meeting my extended
family for the frst time. We went on hikes, went to the ocean, Crater
Lake, and redwood forests. We just did the hippie thing.
Maddy Campbell, Wichita sophomore
Going over to Greece and Europejust going on a cruise out there
and just relaxing for a couple weeks. Obviously we went to a lot of
clubs, its a big thing to go out and drink, have a good time.
Jim Argianas, Chicago sophomore
I took a three-week trip to Europe. I went to England, France,
Belgium, Germany, Holland and Switzerland. It was awesome. We
mostly went to historical sites like Normandy, and we went and saw
the Eiffel Tower and most of the tourist spots. It was really fun.
Rachel Janose, Kansas City, Missouri, sophomore
Out About
Kelly Breckunitch, whose best summer vacation experience was visiting both coasts in one summer,
in Florida and California, as well as going to Disney World, Dodger Stadium, and meeting my moms
relatives out in California.
May 7, 2009
in the life of...
A secondhand store owner
Photo by Adam Schoof
Take a second look: Guy Neighbors says secondhand
business Yellow House Store, 1904 Massachusetts Street,
has picked up as the economy has worsened.
When you work in the secondhand business,
someone trying to sell you a bear rug is old hat.
Although Yellow House Store, 1904
Massachusetts Street, mainly buys major
appliances, you can hawk your guitars, video
games or bricks from your backyard. Guy
Neighbors has been in the secondhand business
for 21 years and is co-owner of Yellow House.
His wife, Carrie, also owns the business and
Guy says hes second in command. When his
mother-in-law is around, hes bumped down to
third, he says.
Yellow Houses business has picked up as
the countrys economic situation has worsened,
Neighbors says. He says people dont want to
pay for an expensive, new major appliance.
Neighbors says he cleans all the appliances with
bleach and touches up the paint.
If you want to sell something to Yellow
House, bring it in and Neighbors will check the
value of it on eBay. Then hell negotiate a price
around the prices he fnds online. Neighbors
says people have tried to out-bargain him in his
own store, and hes had to ask them to leave.
Neighbors says his secondhand business
is good for the community because the stuff
were restoring would probably end up in a
Adam Schoof
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May 7, 2009
Budgeting online
Need someone to remind you that youre
wasting too much money while youre distracted
with fnals week? Well, you wont have to resort
to calling your mom. Try instead. is a free personal budgeting
website that can access your bank account
online and groups together your spending in
categories that you set up yourself.
Worried that youre spending too much
money on beer and burritos? You can set up
your account to tell you exactly how many
purchases youve made at specifc businesses or
even how much you spend on specifc brands.
You can even set up warning notices that
e-mail you if you exceed your spending limit
for the month.
If you dont bother balancing your checkbook,
or just hate keeping track, give a shot.
Its free, and you can even get it on your iPhone
or iPod Touch.
Ross Stewart
Photo illustration by Ross Stewart
Chip chop: Instead of resorting to cutting up your credit
card to budget yourself, get an account at the free
personal budgeting website
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Ross Stewart
Guy 1: I dont like that we constantly have
to distinguish between interspecies and
intraspecies sex.
Guy 2 to professor: We are talking about
interspecies sex, right?
Guy (pointing to childrens art): If my kid
brought this home, Id be pissed.
Girl (holding his hand): You have a kid?
Guy: Yeah, man, my teacher
sucks so much dick and not in a
good way.
Girl: I didnt know there was a
good way.
Girl 1: We only had sex for
a minute so I dont think it
really counted.
Girl 2: Ive had that before.
GTA: Louis Overthrust is the best
geologist porn star name ever.
Guy 1 (to hot dog vendor): Got any relish?
Guy 2: I just want to roll around in it.
Guy 1: K-Ci and JoJo make me feel like
Im at a middle school dance.
Guy 2: Slow dance chubbies!
Girl 1: Were going to fail this
Girl 2 (yelling): Yeah, cause
youre not a team player!
May 7, 2009

23RD & HASKELL (NEXT TO SONIC) *on select beer
into the spotlight, while she sings Im a full
grown woman/I am not your porcelain doll.
She ends the album in the piano-laced ballad
Im Okay.
Chrisette Michele delivers everything one
hopes from an up-and-coming, here-to-stay
artist. With her pitch-perfect vocals, catchy
lyrics and tempos, Epiphany makes a hot album
that anyone would love.
Brieun Scott
May 7, 2009
Savvy songstress Chrisette Michele frst hit
the scene in 2007. After collaborating with hip-
hop leaders Jay-Z and Nas, Chrisette put out
her frst album, I Am, capturing fans with her
jazz-infuenced sounds and sultry vocals. With
her sophomore album, Epiphany, produced
by Ne-Yo, Michelle delivers an album about
relationships and heartbreak in a voice full of
vibrancy, edge and youth.
The album starts off with her hit-single
Epiphany, a sassy, up-tempo song about leaving
her cheating boyfriend. She slows it down in
Notebook, as she croons about a crush that
she cant fnd the nerves to approach, and
instead Writes in my notebook/Xs and Os
beside your name.
Chrisette gives a strong performance in
soulful ballad Blame it On Me, delivering a
pitch-perfect performance while telling an ex-
lover to blame her for the failed relationship.
She picks up the tempo in songs Playing Our
Song, in which she sings about that one special
song between lovers, and Another One, in
which she croons about a boyfriend acting
funny, singing Friends come around/you dont
act the same.
The smooth, sultry voice is stunning as she
sings to her ideal man in Mr. Right, and again
in On My Own and Fragile. In Porcelain
Doll, fans get a refresher of the jazzy, yet
sassy, sound that frst brought the songstress
MUSIC: Epiphany by Chrisette Michele
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Mia Iverson
May 7, 2009
Being a prequel to the previously released
X-Men trilogy, X-Men Origins: Wolverine holds
its own. Not only are audiences privy to new
mutants absent in the frst three flms, but non
comic book readers (such as myself) get to see
how Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine, became the man/
beast that he is.
Wolverines story begins when he was a
boy living in Canada at the turn of the century.
Through familial disturbances, he teams up with
his half-brother Victor (who eventually become
Sabretooth) and they become inseparable up
until the 1970s after the Vietnam War. Shortly
after, they are introduced to their own kind via
Stryker, who naturally has an ulterior motive.
Between love, suspense and action, Origins
proves to be the beginning of a new wave
of X-Men movies. Bridging the past with the
present, the movie deals with unanswered
questions (such as why doesnt Logan
remember his past?) and leaves more to be
I dont know why you wouldnt want to see
this movie. The flmmakers do an excellent job
matching the younger versions of Stryker and
Scott Summers to their older counterparts.
Theres also some romance and bloody,
suspenseful action.
MOVIE: X-Men Origins: Wolverine
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