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July 11, 2012

Robyn Cluka

Issue No. 7 Vol 1

Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. -Malcolm X

Hello Class!

elcome to the 2nd grade. I am Miss Cluka. I am so happy to have all of you in my class! We are going to have a fun and challenging year. I am looking forward to getting to know you all over this school year! Before we get started, I just wanted everyone to get the chance to know me. I have lived in San Diego my whole life. I went to John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. It was a big change, but I loved it. I love sports and have played both softball and soccer. I hope that this year you all will

Microsoft word Microsoft PowerPoint

I hope you all are excited to use these tools in the classroom. I believe these tools will create many different levels of communication. It will help you all be able to stay up-to-date on assignments

Classroom Rules
he classroom rules were established to

Technology in the Classroom

E will be using technology in our classroom in many different ways. Technology is a very useful tool. It will help enhance the learning process and make it more fun and interactive. The programs we will be using are: A class blog for communication Edmodo for submitting assignments The Internet for research

create a safe learning environment. I believe if the students follow these rules that it will create a better learning environment for everyone. Students will be held accountable for their actions. The rules are: Respect everyone and everything around you. Speak kindly. Be helpful and responsible. Take care of the classroom and school property. Try your hardest each and everyday.

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