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WEB 3.

Vinod Kumar . Busa 06311A1205 IT-A (IV/IV)

Web 3.0, a phrase coined by John Markoff of the New York Times in 2006,refers to a supposed third generation of Internet-based services.
Web 3.0, a true communal mediumthe distinction between professional, semi-professional and consumers will get blurred, creating a network effect of business and applications -- Jerry Yang (founder of Yahoo) Web 1.0 was dial-up, 50K average bandwidth, Web 2.0 is an average 1 megabit of bandwidth and Web 3.0 will be 10 megabits of bandwidth all the time, which will be the full video Web, and that will feel like Web 3.0. -- Reed Hastings (founder of Netflix)

People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when youve got an overlay of scalable vector graphics everything rippling and folding and looking misty - on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, youll have access to an unbelievable data resource. --Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of world wide web)

The term Web 3.0 has became a subject of interest and debate since late 2006 to till date. But no exact definition has been created.

WEB 1.0

WEB 1.0 is considered as library. You can use it as a source of information, but you cant contribute to or change information in any way.

During this phase the focus was primarily on building the Web, making it accessible , and commercializing it for the first time. Key areas of interest are HTTP,HTML and XML, ISPs ,the first Web browsers, Web development platforms and tools, Web-centric software languages such as Java and JavaScript.

WEB 2.0
The term "Web 2.0" was coined in 1999 by Darcy DiNucci.
Web 2.0 is more like a big group of friends and acquaintances. Web 2.0 is all about power of networks. Web 2.0 is a social change , the technical part of the web hasnt changed very much. The emergence of the mobile Internet and mobile devices.

WEB 2.0
The power of links

WEB 2.0
The power of collaboration

WEB 2.0
The power of content and reach

WEB 2.0

The power of friends

WEB 2.0

Characteristics of WEB 2.0 :

The ability for visitors to make changes to Web pages.

Using Web pages to link people to other users.

Fast and efficient ways to share content.

New ways to get information.

Expanding access to the Internet beyond the computer.

Evolution of WEB 3.0

Connections between Information

Web OS Semantic Web

Web 4.0
2020 - 2030 Intelligent personal agents


Distributed Search SWRL OWL 2010 - 2020 SPARQL Semantic Databases OpenID AJAX Semantic Search ATOM Widgets RSS Mashups P2P RDF Office 2.0 Javascript Flash SOAP XML 2000 - 2010 Weblogs Social Media Sharing Java The Web HTML SaaS Social Networking HTTP Directory Portals Wikis VR Keyword Search Lightweight Collaboration BBS Gopher Websites 1990 - 2000 SQL MMOs MacOS Groupware SGML Databases Windows File Servers

Web 3.0

Web 2.0

Web 1.0

IRC Email

PC Era
1980 - 1990

USENET File Systems

Connections between people

WEB 3.0

Web 3.0 is about meaning of the data.

If you searched for the term saturn , youd end up with results for web pages about the planet and others about the car maufacturer. A Web 3.0 search engine could find not only the keywords in your search, but also interpret the context of your request. It would return relevant results and suggest other content related to your search terms.

WEB 3.0
Web 3.0 is going to be like having a personal assistant who knows practically everything about you and can access all the information on the Internet to answer any question.

You're in the mood for a comedy film and some incredibly spicy North Indian food. You visit half a dozen Web sites before you're ready to head out the door. Web 3.0 browser will analyze your response, search the Internet for all possible answers, and then organize the results for you.

WEB 3.0

Web 3.0 is compared to a giant data base.

Web 2.0 uses the Internet to make connections between people, Web 3.0 will use the Internet to make connections with information.


Web 2.0


Web 3.0

The document web Abundance of information Controversial The social web The second decade, 2000-9 Google as catalyst Mashups , fragmentation integration, new tools Search Googles Page rank algorithm

The data web Control of information No less controversial The intelligent web The third decade, 2010-20 Semantic web companies as catalyst Why search, when you can find? Ontologies, semantic systems

WEB 3.0
Web 3.0 might be defined as a third-generation of the Web enabled by the convergence of several key emerging technology trends:
Ubiquitous Connectivity Broadband adoption Mobile Internet access Mobile devices Network Computing Software-as-a-service business models Web services interoperability Distributed computing (P2P, grid computing, hosted "cloud computing" server farms such as Amazon S3)

WEB 3.0
Open Technologies Open API's and protocols Open data formats Open-source software platforms Open data (Creative Commons, Open Data License, etc.) Open Identity Open identity (OpenID) Open reputation Portable identity and personal data (for example, the ability to port your user account and search history from one service to another)

WEB 3.0
The Intelligent Web

Semantic Web technologies








Intelligent applications (natural language processing, machine learning, machine reasoning, autonomous agents)

Different Formats of Web

Web 3.0 as different formats of web

The Semantic web

The 3D web
The Pervasive web

WEB 3.0 would have three main objectives:
Seeking Information Seeking Validation Seeking Entertainment

WEB 3.0 Approaches

Every user will have a unique Internet profile based on that user's browsing history. Web 3.0 will use this profile to tailor the browsing experience to each individual.

Services like TiVO and Pandora provide individualized content based on user input.

The foundation for Web 3.0 will be application programming interfaces (APIs).

WEB 3.0 Approaches

One Web 2.0 trend that could help the development of Web 3.0 is the mashup. Some experts think that Web 3.0 will start fresh. Instead of using HTML as the basic coding language, it will rely on some new -- and unnamed -- language.

The man responsible for the World Wide Web has his own theory of what the future of the Web will be. He calls it the Semantic Web

Berners-Lee's vision of the future Web is similar to the concept of Web 3.0.
With the Semantic Web, computers will scan and interpret information on Web pages using software agents. Semantic Web will have collections of information called ontologies. In Berners-Lee's concept, they would exist in the form of metadata.


Web 3.0 will be able to search tags and labels and return the most relevant results back to the user. Perhaps Web 3.0 will combine Berners-Lee's concept of the Semantic Web with Web 2.0's tagging culture.

Candidate Web 3.0 Technologies

Web3.0 would be used in various technologies of computer and Internet.
Artificial intelligence Automated reasoning Cognitive architecture Composite applications Distributed computing Ontology (computer science) Scalable vector graphics Semantic Web Semantic Wiki Software agents

Beyond WEB 3.0

The Web will evolve into a three-dimensional environment.
The Web will build on developments in distributed computing and lead to true artificial intelligence. The Web will extend far beyond computers and cell phones. The Web will merge with other forms of entertainment until all

distinctions between the forms of media are lost.



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