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Rework for material received from subcontracting or in case of material scraping. Enter Transaction code: CO07 to create rework order. Following screen will appear after execute t-code CO07.

Following screen will appear after press Enter button. Enter required data as shown in screen.

Press Enter button after enter the required data. Following screen will appear with the massage. Click on Continue option of massage.

Enter the reference routing number whose task list type is S as per below screen. (Create reference routing with CA11)

Settlement screen will be open. Enter Category as: - CTR (Cost center) & Respective cost center after confirm from finance.

Check settlement rule is correct or not.

Ignore the massage and press continue button.

Enter data under Assignment tab as like mention in below screen.

Following screen will appear. Enter the component with positive quantity whose quantity to be consumed & Component quantity with negative whose quantity should be again updated in stock.

After that check Capacity, Material aviability, Cost, scheduling & carry out release.

And save the order. We will get the order number.

Confirm this order with CO15. Stock will be impacted by component quantity after confirmation of order. Enter t-code CO15.following screen will be appear.

Check respective Mvt type & save the order confirmation.

We will get following massage.

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