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After weeks of struggling and hard work to complete assignment given to us by our teacher , Mr Foo Chee Foong We finally did it within 2 weeks with satisfaction and senses of success because I have understood more deeply about the interest and investment more than before. We have to be grateful and thankful to all parties who have helped us in the process of completing our assignment.It was a great experience for us as we have learnt to be more independent and to work as group. For this ,we would like to take this opportunity to express our thankfulness once again to all parties concerned. Firstly, we would like to thanks our Additional Mathematics teacher, Mr Foo Chee Foong for patiently explained to us the way to complete this assignment . With his help and guidance, many problems we have encountered had been solved. Besides , we would like to thanks our parents for all their support and encouragement they have given to us. Loo Jae Zeun parents had given us the house for staying their home to discuss the assignment. Last but not least, we would like to express our thankfulness to our friends in 5V1,who have patiently explained and helped us during the process of finishing the assignment.

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