TotalQuant Analysis of Teas and Wines by ICP-MS

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To t a l Q u a n t A n a l y s i s o f Te a s a n d Wines by ICP-MS
Author: Ewa Pruszkowski PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences 710 Bridgeport Avenue Shelton, CT 06484

In tr od uct io n TotalQuant is a software feature unique to the ELAN ICP-MS systems for quantifying 81 elements in a sample by interpretation of the complete mass spectrum. Measuring the full mass range takes only a minute, and the spectral interpretation itself takes a few seconds. During the TotalQuant analysis, each element is assigned a response value (cps/ppm) which is updated when a calibration is performed. Even though TotalQuant is an ideal tool for semiquantitative analysis during method development, it can also be used for a final material characterization. When using TotalQuant, spectral interpretation is performed automatically by the software and intensities are assigned to elements after correction for interferences on individual isotopes. Intensities are compared with a stored response table to convert them into concentrations. TotalQuant, being a semiquantitative program, gives quantitative results typically within +/-25% of the real value in simple matrices. A large number of articles can be found in the literature discussing the chemical characterization of wines, teas and other drinks. These studies usually concentrate on two aspects: heavy metal contamination during the growth of grapes or leaves and contamination during the manufacturing process. In the last 150 years, toxic metal emissions have increased ten-fold, leading to air, water, soil, and food contamination. TotalQuant can be a rapid, convenient, and valuable tool for the evaluation of the levels of contaminants and essential elements in environmental and food matrices. Ex pe riment al The standard instrumental conditions were used for analysis of tea and wine samples (Table 1). Wine samples were diluted 50 times. Tea samples were analyzed without dilution after tea bags were soaked in hot tap water for 1 minute. Result s Three different teas were analyzed (ginseng, green and dark tea) along with tap water; and the results appear in Figure 1. Tap water was analyzed to provide a reference point for the tea results. The data in Figure 1 clearly shows the difference in mineral and metal content between the tea varieties.

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T ab l e 1 . In st ru me nta l C on d it io ns Instrument RF Power Nebulizer Flow Method Calibration Type ELAN 9000 1400 W 0.95 L/min TotalQuant External (as defined in TotalQuant algorithm) Blank, 40 g/L mix of 25 elements in 1% HNO3 Tea 1 min brew (no dilution) Wine 50x dilution in DI water 67 seconds per sample

Calibration Standard


Measurement Time



Concentration (g/L)




0.1 Li B Na Mg Al Si P Ca Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co green tea Ni Cu Zn As Se Br Ba Tl Pb

tap water

ginseng tea

dark leaf tea

Figure 1. Results from TotalQuant analysis of tea. Tap water results are shown as a reference.

Another application of TotalQuant is to use it to establish a products origin by providing a fingerprint of nearly every element in the periodic table. Food species originating from different locations in the world can have characteristic metal concentrations based on the content of the water and soils in which they were grown. An example of this is shown in Figure 2, where elemental fingerprints of four different wines are displayed. Significant variation between wines is obvious from comparing elements, such as Be, Zr, Ru and Cd, as well as many others. 2



Concentration (g/L)






Li Be B Na M g Al S K Ca Sc Ti V Cr M n Fe Co Ni Cu Zn As Se Br Rb Sr Zr Nb Ru Cd Sn Sb Te Ba Hf Re Hg Tl Pb Bi Th U

Wine A

Wine B

Wine C

Wine D

Figure 2. Results from TotalQuant analysis of wine samples.

Co nc lus ion TotalQuant is a very useful tool for the rapid quantitation of elements within a sample. This algorithm functions by intelligently interpreting the complete mass spectrum and giving quantitative results for all elements. The analysis time is very fast, and the analysis requires only a single calibration standard. Even though TotalQuant is a perfect tool for the initial screening of unknown samples, its accuracy is often sufficient for final sample characterization, such as total metal content and fingerprinting.

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