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Welcome to Environmental Science

DO NOW: Quietly grab one of every handout Work on your do now and copy your HW In your own words, define the word environment, be specific and/or give examples, be prepared to share with the class. HOMEWORK: Due Wednesday Read and answer the questions on the article Environmental Justice What is it?

IWBAT understand the importance of having a safe space in this class room IWBAT get to know a little more about my personality and of others in this class

Evolve or Die!



In Crowd Activity and Discussion Colors activity Name plates/pictures Start HH


Amado Office

hours: Mondays 3:35pm-4:45 pm

UNITS: Unit 1: Race and Environmental justice Unit 2: Ecology and conservation Unit 3: Urbanization and water and geology Unit 4: Population Studies

Each unit will have the following components


project at the end Biology connections/labs at the end Discussions as assessments

For Example- Unit 1

1. Socratic Seminar on Environmental Justice and Race 2. Mock Trial using the following- Prezi, excel, webquests 3. Laboratory- DNA extraction lab, DNA electrophoresis lab

BATHROOM PASSES You will be given 4 passes for the entire year. You may use the passes as needed, no pass = no break. At the end of the year you may return the unused passes for a treat. Please make sure to take the Bathroom Pass with you every time!

EVALUATION: Assessments 100% (exams, Socratic seminars, projects, cumulative exam, activism)

CLASS WEBSITE: ce n-YES/189636134402195

SUPERVISOR CONTACT INFORMATION: Nathone Armando Jonathan Phillip Stephanie Saide

Audubon YES

Membership = $35 / year Gets you 1. National Audubon membership + magazine 2. Award if enough points are accumulated

100 points= Audubon YES award 2 point= Hands-on restoration 3 point= Educational, bird walks, lectures, talks 3 points= leadership/supervising Adopt your own sustainable project Considered for leadership/conservation award


Consequence: Dean

DO NOW as soon as you come into class, classroom leaders will provide you with a quiet reminder if needed. Handouts are ALWAYS in the front of the class, grab as you walk in. NO gum or food Table of contents and binder must be organized at all times ESAT college ready PACK-UP No materials given out by teacher, no exceptions

Consequence: Collect gum/Dean

First group to be organized, leaves first

Classroom leaders

1 student each month, chosen by teacher to demonstrate leadership skills

ROLES: Walk around at the beginning of class making sure everyone is working silently on their DO NOW and has copied their HW down. Read the goals for the day in a loud and clear voice.

The In Crowd

Read the article the In crowd to yourself and highlight 1 phrase or sentence or word that sticks out to you. Everybody stand up, read your chosen phrase and sit down, quietly listen to other peoples chosen phrases (dont worry of your phrase was repeated) After activity- complete the reflection

Reflection: What do you think the purpose of this activity is?

Why would it be important to feel safe to express your opinions in this or any other class?

Name 3 things that are most important to you about the classroom that would make you the most comfortable sharing your thoughts and/or opinions? Be as specific as you can.

Colors Activity- Which color are you? 5 minutes


by numbering the boxes #1-4, #4= most like you, #1= least like you

Add up the points and determine which color you are most like. (If 2 colors are equal pick one).

In your colors- 20 minutes


the contents of the envelope outloud, discuss if you agree or disagree with the descriptions a visual and a skit about your color and your personality.


Your name+ picture

Write your name legibly on the paper in large font. First and Last name


article and answer questions, come prepared to discuss environmental justice in a silent gallery walk.

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