Writing Task 2

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Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the

local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree? Here's my 4-paragraph plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction: introduce the topic of unpaid work for teenagers, and make it clear that you completely disagree with the idea of requiring (forcing) young people to do this. First reason: explain why this idea would not benefit teenagers e.g. they are already busy with school work, they should be allowed to enjoy being young, they have many years of work ahead of them when they finish their studies. Second reason: explain why this idea would not benefit society e.g. forcing young people to work goes against the values of a free society, the current system of volunteering is better, this idea would be impossible to enforce. Conclusion: repeat your opinion that requiring teenagers to work benefits neither the teenagers nor society as a whole.

Reading comics only rot the childrens mind than to provide any good education. How far you agree/ disagree with this? If you would like to explain comics in simple words you would say that comics are the books which provide funny jokes about cartoon characters. Comics have become an integral part of a teenagers life. Comics have 2 main features in them: one is the picture part and the other is the visual part. Comics depict stories which can easily be understood by the reader. I agree with the statement that comics have rotten the minds of children. Most of the comics use abusive language in their script. This kind of language exposes the children to the ugly world. This abusive language is often heard from the children who read these comics. Another impact which these comics have on the children is that these comics also use slang words. Slang words are the words which are not used in the proper English grammar and they are used outside the language. There is also strong perception that comics are for the reluctant reader. Comics tend to provide the entire story with the aid of pictures which does not allow the reader to develop his or her imagination. The bad effects of this procedure can be seen the later life of a child when he or she is unable to write a good essay or dissertation. Some people buy comics for their children and I think that they have every right to buy these for their children but, I do not think that comics help children in learning anything. Comics may be used for entertainment purposes, but they will never educate the children. I remember that one of my cousins used to read comics when he was a child and ever since then he has not scored well in his comprehension exam. He is so used to pictures that he complains his passages to be really tedious. Children have every right to read comics but they should be read in their leisure time and they should not replace the novels because the novels help the children to develop their language skills and the novels also educate the children.

Technology is making communication easier in today's world, but at the expense of personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer games rather than face-to-face contact for its main means of communication? Nowadays, communication has become less difficult because of technological development. However, personal interaction is affected because many internet subscribers prefer to stay at home and use their computers as a way to communicate. This is an astonishing revolution in humankind's way of communicating, but there are also alarming effects about this such as compromise in people's health and less attachment with other human beings. First of all, people whose custom is to work at home facing their computers risk their health by being static. These people just sit most of the time while they are working. They no longer have to move around like to walk, talk, dress-up, go up-and down the stairs, or do other things physically. Consequently, it can cause them to be obese and unhealthy; eventually, different kinds of physical illness might trigger. Lack of exercise can cause heart disease, and staying long in front of the computer can cause eye strain. Furthermore, these people can lose personal attachment with other people like their family and friends. Because they use computers as a tool for communication, they do not have to personally interact with other human beings. Thus, their bonding with others can deteriorate. As a conclusion, working in front of a computer is a fantastic idea as a means of communicating. On the contrary, internet users must be aware of dangerous consequences about this that could affect their health and attachment with other humans

5.Working and living abroad helps us to know other cultures well. How far you think working abroad has good or bad impacts on our cultural lives? Every year a lot of people go abroad for various purposes. These migrants suddenly get exposed to culturally different environments. Gradually they acclimatise themselves to their newly-accepted environment by adapting some of its elements which could be either good or bad. In this essay, I am going to take a look at advantages and disadvantages of living abroad and its effect on one's culture. Nowadays, when the world is getting more borderless caused by the advancement of technology, a lot of people go abroad for a variety of aims. These migrants suddenly get exposed to a different culture and environment. They will accustom themselves to their recent environment by adapting its culture which could be either good or not. Every country has a unique culture which sets it apart from rest of the world. A person moving to another country gets an opportunity to experience morally and ethically different society of that country. He gets a chance to taste different foods, learn new arts, and understand a common ideology of that country. These all factors expand the person's perspective and make it more global. Moreover, this improves relation among natives and migrants, and their countries also. However, migration to a culturally diverse country may affect adversely too. The person may get involved in some practices which are not acceptable in his own culture. For example, eating cow meat is forbidden in Hindu culture because of the cows religious significance, whereas in other parts of the world, cow meat is served commonly. In such instances the person may unconsciously break the rules of his own culture. Besides that, the social freedom he acquires in the foreign country, may make ill-habits like drugs, alcohol etc. more easily approachable. But, it is an individual's choice to pick up what is laid for him. In my view, advantages of living abroad definitely overshadow its disadvantages.

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