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Young people under the age of 18 are not allowed

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Britain, but there is concern about the age some you _:~::

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(heck that you understand:

The proportion of all young people who go on to higher

drinking alcohol and the amount of alcohol they drin a::":: - ': ,-: as'binge drinking: It is illegal to be drunk in public and ;"2'2 ~': -: more penalties to help control this problem, including Illegal drugs:
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Lifestyle patterns of children and young people (e.g. pocket mon~

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As in most countries, it is illegal to possess drugs such as ero'" ::::.~~ ecstasy, amphetamines and cannabis. Current statis ics s~: .:"::-::: . of all young adults, and about a third of the population as G used illegal drugs at one time or another. That education in Britain is free and compulsory, and that there There is a strong link between the use of hard drugs (e.g. crack cocaine and heroin) and crime, and also hard drugs and mental illness. The misuse of drugs has a huge social and financial cost for the country. This is a serious issue and British society needs to find an effective way of dealing with the problem. That there is a government target that half of all young people attend higher education That there are strict laws regarding the employment of children That there are important health concerns and laws relating to children and young people and smoking, alcohol and drugs That young people are eligible to vote in elections from age 18 is compulsory testing (in England and Scotland) at ages 7, 11 and 14; there are also GSCEand/ or vocational exams at 16; and Advanced level exams (A and AS) at ages 17 and 18

Changing family patterns and attitudes to changing family patterns (e.g. divorce)

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