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Thursday 9th August 2012 username time status

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


It's 8pm. Welcome to #ukedchat this week. Topic="What specifically turns 20:00 off students today to the most common methods of teaching?"

oldandrewuk ukedchat JanP65 JackieCarr3

#ukedchat "turns off" is a bit of a weasel phrase. It could mean 20:01 "bores/doesn't entertain", "challenges", "displeases" or it could mean... 20:03 Distracted by 800m final....ok, here we go with #ukedchat 20:03 Out of sync with how they 'learn' on their own. #ukedchat 20:03 @ukedchat "fails to engage"? What turns off students? Chalk and talk teaching. Flipped classroom the 20:03 future? #ukedchat



#ukedchat ..."requires effort to pay attention to" or "requires concentration". Not all of these are bad things. Learning's not constant 20:03 fun

MichelleDhillon ukedchat JanP65

20:04 RT @ukedchat: Distracted by 800m final....ok, here we go with #ukedchat 20:04 @oldandrewuk What works best for you? #ukedchat 20:04 Flipped classroom is really interesting. #ukedchat


#ukedchat "What specifically turns off students today to the most 20:04 common methods of teaching?"<-- sitting still for more than 12 minutes! #ukedchat Also, not all students are "turned off" by the same thing. A lot 20:04 are turned off by effort or learning. That's *their* problem. @gingamusings Indeed, but the relationship has to be one of trust 20:05 #ukedchat #ukedchat Also! Lots of time in whole class instruction that they already 20:05 know about...40-50% of what you teach they already know @ukedchat #ukedchat possibly the teacher in the room delivering the 20:05 lesson ?? @LawrenceBham @ukedchat repetition of same style is a turn off. Even 20:05 though I am an advocate of consistency for students #ukedchat @ukedchat does it 'turn them off' from learning? I don't think ch need / 20:05 should expect constant 'entertainment' - thats not always learning Page 1 of 28

oldandrewuk ukedchat

gingamusings KateBoot



Thursday 9th August 2012 Mad_teach rapclassroom JanP65 anthonydking JanP65 gingamusings lewis892 Mad_teach nickotkdIV oldandrewuk

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


20:05 @JanP65 what does a flipped classroom mean? #ukedchat 20:05 @ukedchat er.. What does that question mean?! #ukedchat 20:05 @MichelleDhillon Lol! I know! #ukedchat Beyond the Olympic glory lies a patchy future for school sports 20:05 #ukedchat @oldandrewuk But could that not be that they are forced to learn in 20:05 styles not appropriate to their needs? #ukedchat #ukedchat... believing that their teacher thinks they can't do it..Absolum 20:05 said relationships are the cornerstone of teaching Good relationships with students are essential to enable good teaching 20:06 and learning to take place #ukedchat 20:06 #ukedchat keeping it fresh and exciting keeps em on their toes! @ukedchat i think chd get turned off by teachers who still stick to the 20:06 traditional 3 part lesson. #ukedchat Group work is also pretty unpleasant for those who want to 20:06 learn if they are in a group with those who don't. @EmmaHam63497594 You turned up in time for #ukedchat which runs from 8-9pm every Thurs. You should find people to follow as well as join 20:06 in! #ukedchat Working in ESOL in UK, we see a lot of Internationals put off by 'gamelike' classroom activity, so we need to 'sell' OUR method. @oldandrewuk #ukedchat totally agree group work can be the worst. Especially for those students who naturally work alone @rapclassroom Which teaching methods don't work for pupils? #ukedchat @oldandrewuk Very true. Why it is important to very learning structures and give choice. Listen to 'learner voice' so to speak. #Ukedchat i hope this session isn't used to promote individual's pet creed, fad or theory. I can feel it already. Best be specific? #ukedchat Any type of activity which keeps kids busy but serves no purpose beyond practising an ill-defined "skill" is frustrating.

esoldaveglasgow gingamusings ukedchat JanP65 jamesdhobsonuk oldandrewuk

20:06 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07

MarieWallace7 gingamusings syded06 MichelleDhillon MichelleDhillon syded06 gingamusings ukedchat kanda_hh

@oldandrewuk: #ukedchat Group work is also pretty unpleasant for 20:07 those who want to learn if they are in a group with those who don't. @ukedchat #ukedchat Totally agree trust is huge but once given it can 20:07 easily be broken by a careless comment by teachers @oldandrewuk very true and can be difficult to manage if teacher doesn't 20:07 'know' students #ukedchat 20:07 @JanP65 :) Back to topic now #ukedchat @ukedchat Would the phrase 'turn on', even though slightly rude, 20:08 perhaps be better? ;) #ukedchat @ukedchat @JanP65 students still require the skill of listening and 20:08 patience #ukedchat 20:08 agreed @oldandrewuk @lewis892 #ukedchat Joining #ukedchat this evening. is a great site 20:08 #ukedchat @ukedchat I don't think ch need / should expect constant 'entertainment' 20:08 - thats not always learning #ukedchat

Page 2 of 28

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

Mad_teach learningteachr kanda_hh ukedchat Mad_teach oldandrewuk ukedchat

20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:09 20:09

@oldandrewuk #ukedchat or just in a grp with ppl u don't get along with. But then with friends working together there can be too much chat! Ofsted lesson criteria are likely a predictable and dull routine for students who learn to parrot them #ukedchat @ukedchat does it 'turn them off' from learning? #ukedchat @oldandrewuk Are you talking from a secondary and/or primary perspective? #ukedchat @kanda_hh @ukedchat #ukedchat v true but if there's a bit of entertainment r they more likely to be attentive? #ukedchat Any lesson which is about discussing feelings is unbearable for many kids. Unjustified intrusion into their lives.

20:09 @syded06 So this needs to be taught from an early age? #ukedchat @jamesdhobsonuk I think that not every 'method' works for every 20:09 learner, classroom and situation. Not one answer for every sit. #ukedchat @kanda_hh Do you feel this is a recent change of expectation with pupils, 20:09 or something more historic? #ukedchat @oldandrewuk students/chn know when you give activity just 'to keep 20:09 busy' - agree with you #ukedchat - must serve a purpose, learn something We need more project based work that is relevant and personalised to 20:09 each learner. Like year 7 pods @collegiatehigh #ukedchat #ukedchat "No hands up" is torture for kids who know the answer. Even if 20:09 they don't get to answer at least with hands up they show interest. #ukedchat make the learning relevant and authentic - and it will be 20:10 entertaining...We don't have to be #actors #ukedchat Waiting is probably the chief torture of school. If teachers are 20:10 not prepared or have no pace it is, again, highly frustrating. #ukedchat Any lesson which is about discussing feelings is unbearable for 20:10 many kids. Unjustified intrusion into their lives.@oldandrewuk RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat Any lesson which is about discussing 20:10 feelings is unbearable for many kids. Unjustified intrusion into their lives. @MichelleDhillon @ukedchat I agree..slightly rude haha but much 20:10 better #Ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat Any lesson which is about discussing 20:10 feelings is unbearable for many kids. Unjustified intrusion into their lives. RT @ukedchat: 45 minutes until #ukedchat, this week talking about "What specifically turns off students today to the most common methods 20:10 of teaching?" RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat Group work is also pretty unpleasant for 20:10 those who want to learn if they are in a group with those who don't. Page 3 of 28

JanP65 ukedchat



oldandrewuk gingamusings



GeorgeEBlack lewis892




Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

EmathsUK ukedchat

#ukedchat Single biggest reason for turning off: the change in society that 20:10 sees ed treated with no respect. @JanP65 So how is this manageable with large class sizes then? 20:10 #ukedchat @ukedchat I think it's all about the person facilitating the learning 20:10 reading the group of children, using what works for them #ukedchat RT @gingamusings: #ukedchat Also! Lots of time in whole class instruction that they already know about...40-50% of what you teach they 20:10 already know RT @MarieWallace7: @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat Group work is also pretty unpleasant for those who want to learn if they are in a group with 20:10 those who don't. 20:10 RT @ukedchat: Distracted by 800m final....ok, here we go with #ukedchat @syded06 @ukedchat @JanP65 absolutely! This needs to be part of the 20:10 curriculum when they start high school in year 7 20:11 Teachers Talking Too Much! #ukedchat 20:11 @oldandrewuk Generalising and exaggerating again I see. #ukedchat @oldandrewuk but important for some students, I feel SEAL is an important lesson and needs to be embedded in the curriculum #ukedchat RT @JanP65: @jamesdhobsonuk I think that not every 'method' works for every learner, classroom and situation. Not one answer for every sit. #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat "No hands up" is torture for kids who know the answer. Even if they don't get to answer at least with hands up they show interest. #ukedchat It's not about the activities... Kids from cultural backgrounds that respect and value ed consistently show this



tillio2 Apple4teacherz lewis892 urban_teacher mattharding007





jamesdhobsonuk EmathsUK

20:11 20:11

ukedchat ukedchat


RT @EmathsUK: #ukedchat Single biggest reason for turning off: the 20:11 change in society that sees ed treated with no respect. #ukedchat 20:12 @syded06 <groans> <sounds familiar> #ukedchat @Mad_teach @ukedchat I view entertainment as being different to providing the children with something interesting and stimulating 20:12 #ukedchat #ukedchat Having to find answers out for yourself isn't fun. Makes sense when that means working something out; less so for looking stuff up Agree it's hard to produce a one size fits all solution. Learners all individuals & needs wildly divergent #ukedchat Ok, with all this new #edtech around, can that raise the expectation that learning should be exciting? #ukedchat @ukedchat certainly secondary school. How many meetings do we sit in that last an hour with little of our own input #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat But there are things currently in fashion that do "turn off" students who want to learn. Group work is torture for introverts.

oldandrewuk MichelleDhillon ukedchat syded06

20:12 20:12 20:12 20:12



Page 4 of 28

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


#ukedchat Coursework. Kids, particularly boys, hate coursework. They 20:13 know the whole exercise is a meaningless joke. @ukedchat Great question. Problem-based learning can address this. 20:13 Broad enough can be designed diff for diff learners and classes #ukedchat 20:13 @lewis892 @ukedchat Yay to agreement! Erm wow, what an avi :D @ukedchat @EmathsUK plus low expectations of young people in state schools that aren't academies. We don't all want to be like mossbourne! Too much talk - hand over to kids as early as possible #ukedchat @ukedchat edtech is certainly making it easier to personalise learning #ukedchat @ukedchat #edtech #ukedchat @ukedchat Probably quite recent - the Labour legacy of 'getting something for nothing' etc #ukedchat

JanP65 MichelleDhillon

learningteachr MrG_ICT syded06 Butterflycolour kanda_hh

20:13 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14


RT @MichelleDhillon: Agree its hard to produce a one size fits all solution. 20:14 Learners all individuals & needs wildly divergent #ukedchat A good teacher can tell when pupils are not engaged with the learning, 20:14 and adjust their teaching mid-way through a session True? #ukedchat #ukedchat worksheets, and presenting the students with a big course 20:14 book! I find both a turn off with students, I teach mostly a level. @ukedchat absolutely agree! This is what keeps ch engaged, not any 20:15 specific style or method #ukedchat @ukedchat Very true and the better you know the chn the less likely this 20:15 will happen. 20:15 @ukedchat or they could use the @Understoodit app :) #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat Waiting is probably the chief torture of school. If teachers are not prepared or have no pace it is, again, highly 20:15 frustrating. #ukedchat Another reason is teachers being cardboard cut outs of each other, regurgitating govt diktat. Let teachers have their own pedagogy @oldandrewuk English requires pupils to give personal as well as critical responses. Feelings important here. #ukedchat @GeorgeEBlack Do you resist teaching like this then? #ukedchat @ukedchat true... It's having the confidence to do so #ukedchat @ukedchat Yes, because they monitor learning throughout.. checking understanding not just at the end.. #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat I find actually teaching them works best.


GeorgeEBlack kanda_hh JellieK80 lewis892


EmathsUK JamesTheo ukedchat GeorgeEBlack JanP65 oldandrewuk Butterflycolour mattharding007 syded06

20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15

20:15 @ukedchat #edtech #ukedchat When has learning not been exciting!?! @oldandrewuk More generalisation. You're particularly negative tonight. 20:15 Anything positive and helpful to say? #ukedchat 20:15 @GeorgeEBlack my two pet hates - couldn't agree more #ukedchat Page 5 of 28

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

MrsThorne MichelleDhillon

#ukedchat we've had a big emphasis on group work since Easter; some 20:16 students polled feel too much of this impinges on independent learning @ukedchat Yes! So much potential to harness #edtech for ALL subjects, 20:16 even social media should be used imho #ukedchat @ukedchat true that - formative assessment is the best way. Only a 20:16 teacher with sound content and pedagogical know-how can-do @kanda_hh So we view pupils as consumers now. The roles are changing? 20:16 #ukedchat @ukedchat Definitely true. A good teacher shouldn't rigidly stick to plans. 20:16 #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat u have to read the class. If they're getting bored 20:16 have a brain break or even a quick run outside. RT @MrG_ICT: Too much talk - hand over to kids as early as possible 20:16 #ukedchat 20:17 @oldandrewuk How do YOU define teaching though? #ukedchat AGREE! I think learning is always exciting too RT @Butterflycolour 20:17 @ukedchat #edtech #ukedchat When has learning not been exciting!?! RT @oldandrewuk: @ukedchat #ukedchat I find actually teaching them 20:17 works best. RT @ukedchat: "A good teacher can tell when pupils are not engaged with the learning, and adjust their teaching mid-way through a session" 20:17 True? #ukedchat @ukedchat yep, subject coursework is submitted by blog, so we try and keep paperless... Students less intimidated... But still get input @Butterflycolour Exciting and engaging are two different things though? #ukedchat Controlled Assessment is a turn off often; it is high stakes, cut corners learning that stresses for no good reason. #ukedchat RT @syded06: @oldandrewuk very true and can be difficult to manage if teacher doesn't 'know' students #ukedchat

gingamusings ukedchat mattharding007 Mad_teach JanP65 ukedchat

MrsThorne Mainy83


GeorgeEBlack ukedchat jamesdhobsonuk oldandrewuk teacherofy5 ukedchat

20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17

20:18 @gingamusings @oldandrewuk It's about relationship - trust #ukedchat RT @JellieK80: @ukedchat Very true and the better you know the chn the 20:18 less likely this will happen #ukedchat @ukedchat @Butterflycolour not all students are going to be engaged by 20:18 every lesson. I guess the trick is to adapt and overcome #ukedchat @ukedchat Definitely Learners and how they learn has changed Society 20:18 has chged drastically Todays society dosent fit with trad ed. #ukedchat @ukedchat That's quite hard to do when said pupils are clearly more 20:18 'engaged' in their Facebook account ;) #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: @JanP65 #ukedchat Strangely enough, giving learners 20:18 choice is not a good way to deal with kids who don't want to learn. 20:18 @EmathsUK A lack of trust with profession though #ukedchat Page 6 of 28


JanP65 MichelleDhillon

GeorgeEBlack ukedchat

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


RT @MichelleDhillon: Agree it's hard to produce a one size fits all 20:18 solution. Learners all individuals & needs wildly divergent #ukedchat RT @gingamusings: @oldandrewuk #ukedchat totally agree group work 20:18 can be the worst. Especially for those students who naturally work alone @ukedchat Maybe so, but I don't think this is always in their best 20:18 interests. We are the experts after all. #ukedchat @JanP65 #ukedchat Strangely enough, giving learners choice is not a 20:18 good way to deal with kids who don't want to learn. @ukedchat #ukedchat Surely they are inter & intra dependent! Wouldn't 20:19 be in education if learning wasn't exciting ~ co-constructive process @oldandrewuk Ok. Agree, that is why there should not be one right way. 20:19 Should vary depending on situation/stud #ukedchat @ukedchat I'm a secondary teacher but this applies for much of primary 20:19 too, although with very small children it's a bit different #ukedchat RT @gingamusings: #ukedchat true that - form assessment is the best way. Only a teacher with sound content and pedagogical know-how can20:19 do You need to be interested and motivated yourself in the work to motivate and keep the children engaged, planning for individuals 20:19 #ukedchat RT @MichelleDhillon: @ukedchat That's quite hard to do when said pupils 20:19 are clearly more 'engaged' in their Facebook account ;) #ukedchat Right I need literacy games, actual games not too interactive, easy to play 20:19 and in groups, ks3 low reading ages....ideas please! #ukedchat RT @JellieK80: @ukedchat Very true and the better you know the chn the 20:19 less likely this will happen #ukedchat @mattharding007 @ukedchat #ukedchat this has led to some of my best 20:19 lessons! But took me a long time to have the confidence to do. 20:19 @ukedchat ok that's clearer to me! Thanks #ukedchat @ukedchat Indeed. The profession systematically and utterly deprofessinalised in last 15 years. Scary how young teachers need 20:20 spoonfeeding RT @jazziede: You need to be interested and motivated yourself to motivate and keep the children engaged, planning for individuals 20:20 #ukedchat @ukedchat #edtech and flashy screens have brought learning alive for many pupils who would otherwise be disengaged #ukedchat is that so 20:20 bad? 15% teachers % 85 students...Students taking more ownership over their 20:20 own work. Teachers becoming facilitators. #ukedchat RT @classroom4eu: looking for upper secondary 20:20 schools to participate in a multilateral Comenius project #ukedchat Page 7 of 28

oldandrewuk kanda_hh oldandrewuk

Butterflycolour JanP65





MissJLud nickotkdIV

Mad_teach rapclassroom



Click_JoeRoy urban_teacher


Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

lauwailap1 ukedchat GeorgeEBlack

20:20 20:20 20:20



@oldandrewuk Not sure. I think Philosophy4Children and understanding your feelings is important. It just needs a lot of training #ukedchat @MrsThorne When you're on a training course, do you enjoy being given group work? Role Play? #ukedchat #ukedchat what doesn't work is paying no attention to how the pupils engage with e ry other aspects of their lives. RT @Mad_teach: @oldandrewuk #ukedchat or just in a grp with ppl u don't get along with. But then with friends working together there can be too much chat!

mattharding007 rapclassroom Mad_teach ukedchat

@Mad_teach @ukedchat Me too. Takes confidence to ditch plans which 20:20 comes from experience - it's where some NQTs go wrong. #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: @rapclassroom Which teaching methods don't work for 20:20 pupils? #ukedchat @lauwailap1 @oldandrewuk #ukedchat do u use p4c? I'm trying to get to 20:21 grips! 20:21 @oldandrewuk Thanks for clarifying. Certainly helps to know #ukedchat RT @MrG_ICT: RT @jazziede: You need to be interested and motivated yourself to motivate and keep the children engaged, planning for 20:21 individuals #ukedchat RT @mattharding007: @Mad_teach @ukedchat Me too. Takes confidence to ditch plans which comes from experience - it's where some 20:21 NQTs go wrong. #ukedchat RT @JazzieDe: You need to be interested and motvted yourself in the work to motvte and keep the children engaged planning for ind 20:21 #ukedchat RT @MrG_ICT: RT @jazziede: You need to be interested and motivated yourself to motivate and keep the children engaged, planning for 20:21 individuals #ukedchat #ukedchat depends what's meant by 'engaged'. If=don't understand or 20:21 not challenged,yes,you need to adapt your approach... #ukedchat RT @GeorgeEBlack: #ukedchat what doesn't work is paying no attention 20:21 to how the pupils engage with e ry other aspects of their lives. @MissJLud agreed let me know if you find any resources, we need to 20:21 improve reading ages to access the curriculum effectively #Ukedchat 20:21 @ukedchat #ukedchat How could it be otherwise! Technology has helped to make learning so much easier, more relevant and instant but must be used well to motivate and engage! #ukedchat @syded06 @ukedchat @Butterflycolour you're right with not all students, but can try and plan for students- if you know them well #ukedchat @syded06 @ukedchat #ukedchat It is not the lesson (i.e. content) that engages them but the process! @GeorgeEBlack completely agree!! #Ukedchat







lewis892 Butterflycolour



teacherofy5 Butterflycolour lewis892

20:22 20:22 20:22

Page 8 of 28

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

ukedchat syded06

RT @EmathsUK: #ukedchat Indeed. The profession systematically and 20:22 utterly deprofessinalised in last 15 years... I'm not sure why educators are resistant to the tools that are used by the 20:22 majority in everyday life? #ukedchat @teacherofy5 #ukedchat And what is being learned needs to be pretty 20:22 concrete, not learning to "problem-solve" or "be creative" or "think". The teacher has to be excited and this means not rehashing lessons over 20:23 and over wherever possible. Easier said than done maybe?! #ukedchat @syded06 @ukedchat @Butterflycolour but sometimes even knowing them well, they might not be engaged the way you want them to be 20:23 #ukedchat #ukedchat kids seem a lot more eager to learn if there's a real reason for 20:23 them doing it. @lewis892 #ukedchat No. School is not there to provide therapy, it is there for learning. Kids need their space. SEAL is torture for many. RT @syded06: I'm not sure why educators are resistant to the tools that are used by the majority in everyday life? #ukedchat @ukedchat should jolly well hope so! RT @syded06: I'm not sure why educators are resistant to the tools that are used by the majority in everyday life? #ukedchat



teacherofy5 Mad_teach

oldandrewuk nickotkdIV Kcsunshine73 ICT_Integrator

20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23


I think P4C is great! >> RT @Mad_teach: @lauwailap1 @oldandrewuk 20:23 #ukedchat do u use p4c? I'm trying to get to grips! ...but not being wild with excitement about task/topic isn't reason to 20:23 change:need to persevere with 'boring' parts of learning. #ukedchat RT @syded06: I'm not sure why educators are resistant to the tools that 20:24 are used by the majority in everyday life? #ukedchat @lewis892 #ukedchat The other problem with SEAL is it sets up teachers as authorities on personal issues. We aren't; some of us are crazy. @kanda_hh @lauwailap1 @oldandrewuk #ukedchat what age grp r u? I do year 1/2. RT @syded06: I'm not sure why educators are resistant to the tools that are used by the majority in everyday life? #ukedchat RT @Mad_teach: #ukedchat kids seem a lot more eager to learn if there's a real reason for them doing it. @oldandrewuk SEAL? #ukedchat

LeighAlmey NQTnewbie

oldandrewuk Mad_teach lewis892 JazzieDe JanP65

20:24 20:24 20:24 20:24 20:24

MrsThorne rkieran

@ukedchat yes, both. I like working on my own, too. Variety's the key. I 20:24 think training to work in a variety of ways is important #ukedchat @oldandrewuk But if they all want to learn groupwork is brilliant. 20:24 Classroom climate blah blah blah #ukedchat Also, not having an achievable goal... Even with 6th form, something to 20:24 gain at the end of each lesson, drifting doesn't work. #ukedchat


Page 9 of 28

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


@LeighAlmey Agree! They need to know the value of hard work etc too 20:24 #ukedchat @oldandrewuk @teacherofy5 #ukedchat I question whether problem 20:24 solving, creativity or thinking can be taught as distinct entities anyway... @ukedchat "What specifically turns off students today to the most 20:24 common methods of teaching?" too much teacher talk @Click_JoeRoy definitely not! Give some students an iPod and all of a 20:24 sudden they enjoy learning with the correct apps #Ukedchat @syded06 I think that not all educators are comfortable using these tools 20:24 themselves #ukedchat @oldandrewuk #ukedchat some of the students have bad backgrounds 20:25 and school is a safe place where they want to talk about their feelings. RT @Butterflycolour: @syded06 @ukedchat #ukedchat It is not the lesson 20:25 (i.e. content) that engages them but the process! @oldandrewuk @lewis892 #ukedchat In my experience SEAL as a lesson 20:25 is a horrendous waste of time. Should not be on the curriculum @oldandrewuk While the debate rumbles on about learning styles, would you agree that students are engaged by different stimuli? #ukedchat Acoustics in classrooms have a huge impact on teacher/student relationships - where is this on the list of priorities? #ukedchat @Mad_teach Isn't this true of us all? #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: "A good teacher can tell when pupils are not engaged with the learning, and adjust their teaching mid-way through a session" True? #ukedchat

Bigkid4 Textilesteacher

lewis892 JanP65

lewis892 lauwailap1


mrlockyer EcophonUK JazzieDe

20:25 20:25 20:25




RT @JazzieDe: RT @Mad_teach: #ukedchat kids seem a lot more eager to 20:25 learn if theres a real reason for them doing it. #ukedchat Lecturing disengages the majority. Varied tasks and mediums helps, but 20:25 the learning must be at the centre of all delivery #ukedchat RT @Bigkid4: @oldandrewuk @teacherofy5 #ukedchat I question whether problem solving, creativity or thinking can be taught as distinct 20:25 entities anyway... @JanP65 then shouldn't we learn just like we learnt to use IWB, 20:25 powerpoint etc etc? #ukedchat 20:26 @Butterflycolour @lauwailap1 @syded06 Very good point #ukedchat @MrsThorne @ukedchat I agree. Variety has to be the key. Collaborative, 20:26 indiv, teacher led etc. The imp. thing has to be variety. #ukedchat @ukedchat @MrsThorne I think that depends on the task re. group 20:26 work/role play. Same must apply to pupils too? #ukedchat If you can turn every learning experience into a game for primary 20:26 students, then they'll never be disengaged! #ukedchat


teacherofy5 syded06 ukedchat

bobdbob Gwenelope lauwailap1

Page 10 of 28

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

JanP65 ukedchat oldandrewuk

@syded06 Oh I agree! There is no choice about using EdTech anymore 20:26 but some teachers need a lot more training than others! #ukedchat Should teachers continue their own formal learning, to see life from a 20:26 student point-of-view? #ukedchat @mattharding007 #ukedchat It's a pretty fair generalisation to say it's 20:26 frustrating to be ignored when you know the answer. @teacherofy5 @ukedchat @butterflycolour and that is why a lesson plan 20:26 should be fluid - not always encouraged by observers #ukedchat @ukedchat Primarily, teachers should continue their own learning 20:27 because they are education professionals. RT @asante_man: #ukedchat I am pretty sure that is the outstanding 20:27 standard in the new ofsted framework @ukedchat i'd love to, but time is an issue! needs to be supported by 20:27 school - given time off for exam leave, coursework etc. @sheilascoular #ukedchat That's not good practice for learning, but if it 20:27 provides pace & routine kids are often comfortable with that. 20:27 @Mad_teach @lauwailap1 @oldandrewuk Year 6 #ukedchat @oldandrewuk @lewis892 #ukedchat I have colleagues I wouldn't want 20:27 advising my child on personal issues. They're completely blooming nuts.. @ukedchat I am pretty sure that is the outstanding standard in the new 20:27 ofsted framework @oldandrewuk absolutely but I feel as educators we should be teaching 20:27 real life skills, not just how to pass an exam #Ukedchat 20:28 @GeorgeEBlack Where there's a will.... #ukedchat @Llamagretch #ukedchat We're not there to make kids happy. Schools 20:28 aren't orphanages for children with parents, they are for learning. @ukedchat yes, definitely. Any kind! I studied Geology GCSE alongside 20:28 pupils after school last year:massively improved my practice #ukedchat RT @lauwailap1: If you can turn every learning experience into a game for 20:28 primary students, then they'll never be disengaged! #ukedchat RT @Mainy83: #ukedchat Primarily, teachers should continue their own 20:28 learning because they are education professionals. @Bigkid4 Seriously hope you are joking about SEAL. Agree lessons in 20:28 isolation not enough it all about whole school ethos! #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat if they can, but it's not so easy... Cost or time 20:28 restraints prohibitive. @syded06 @ukedchat @Butterflycolour that's why educators need to be 20:28 ready to make changes on the spot - thnk on your feet #edchat -reflect

syded06 Mainy83 ukedchat


oldandrewuk kanda_hh

Bigkid4 asante_man lewis892 ukedchat



Mad_teach ukedchat

JazzieDe GeorgeEBlack


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Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

ukedchat ukedchat SteveThursby Jon_Torbitt syded06 nickotkdIV

20:28 20:29 20:29 20:29 20:30 20:30

Jon_Torbitt danielharvey9 GeorgeEBlack

20:30 20:30 20:30

RT @LeighAlmey: #ukedchat i'd love to, but time is an issue! needs to be supported by school - given time off for exam leave, coursework etc @SteveThursby You won't regret it. A great (but tough) journey #ukedchat @ukedchat I am a firm believer in doing so. NPQH and MA (Ed). Start prof doc next month. #ukedchat . @MichelleDhillon @ukedchat yep 'turns on' less likely to inspire mass complaining! #ukedchat @Jon_Torbitt so would you want the same lesson delivered year on year for a topic? #ukedchat RT @GeorgeEBlack: #ukedchat of course just because I haven't got time for an MEd but I do get a lot of CPD from various sources RT @lauwailap1: Lecturing disengages the majority. Varied tasks and mediums helps, but the learning must be at the centre of all delivery #ukedchat The premise needs to be flipped #ukedchat of course just because I haven't got time for an MEd but I do get a lot of CPD from various sources


@mattharding007 #ukedchat It's a completely negative topic. What you 20:30 actually mean is I've been negative about the wrong things. . @syded06 safety in what you know is 1 reason why people resist 20:30 change. If it's worked in the past it should still work #ukedchat #ukedchat when introducing something totally new eg-doubling I try to 20:30 give lots of diff activities for them to choose. All same end point. @JanP65 @jazziede @mad_teach a real reason and also a meaningful 20:31 context, eg 'you WILL use this in a job' #ukedchat partic in voc courses @JamesTheo #ukedchat Then that's your problem right there. No teacher 20:31 should hold a student to account for how they *feel*. Interestingly when learner Facebooked about meeting fave band via 20:31 @Rockhaq, he & all friends were engaged :P #ukedchat 20:31 #ukedchat do teachers need to be MEd qualified? @oldandrewuk @Llamagretch #ukedchat sadly you're mistaken. Schools 20:31 have become orphanages for children with parents in many cases @Bigkid4 @oldandrewuk I agree not all but some students need talk to. 20:31 Particularly when they dont have that person at home #ukedchat What topic / teaching method /idea can you share where the pupils have 20:31 been 'turned on' to learning in your classroom teaching? #ukedchat 20:31 @oldandrewuk So unhappy children learn? I think not! #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat let them think it's their idea! Tell em a tiny bit, let 20:32 them ask to learn more. Page 12 of 28




oldandrewuk MichelleDhillon nickotkdIV



ukedchat JazzieDe Mad_teach

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


@ukedchat Giving key information from letters, death/birth certifs etc in 20:32 The Woman in Black - investigation to find out identity of The WiB . @oldandrewuk @llamagretch sadly a lot of schools end up takin up the 20:32 slack as the only constant in many kids' lives #ukedchat #ukedchat and as a Media teacher I am constantly learning new kit and 20:32 software... Often the kids teach me! @GeorgeEBlack The last government were going towards MEd for teachers, whereas this government doesn't require teaching qual 20:32 #ukedchat 20:32 @ukedchat #ukedchat Giving explicit direction that will result in learning. RT @Jon_Torbitt: . @MichelleDhillon @ukedchat yep 'turns on' less likely 20:32 to inspire mass complaining! #ukedchat @oldandrewuk For example? Looking for specific examples ;-) #ukedchat 20:33 Sharing wisdom / ideas. @GeorgeEBlack I like that they are 'teaching' you! So empowering. Teachers don't have appear experts on everything, not realistic #ukedchat @MichelleDhillon I am unless #ukedchat turns into a repeat of last week's session! @syded06 #ukedchat The majority using something in everyday life doesn't make it the best way to do something... yummy! stuffed marrow whilst #ukedchat - stuff children with 'delicious' activities [;) ] RT @oldandrewuk: @ukedchat #ukedchat Giving explicit direction that will result in learning. RT @ukedchat: RT @Mainy83: #ukedchat Primarily, teachers should continue their own learning because they are education professionals. @ukedchat #ukedchat blogging, blogging, blogging and using a video camera! @nickotkdIV It shows commitement and further professionalises? #ukedchat @syded06 #ukedchat Why should educators change their successful practices because of the disapproval of some? @Bigkid4@oldandrew@Llamagretch #ukedchat And so must meet the needs of the children! #ukedchat lessons involving hands on, iPads, iPods where they have to investigate and scan #qrs @JanP65 @georgeeblack #ukedchat and good for them to c u make mistakes.

Jon_Torbitt GeorgeEBlack

ukedchat oldandrewuk MichelleDhillon ukedchat

JanP65 Jon_Torbitt Bigkid4 teacherofy5 effdebate

20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33

MissAPatterson GeorgeEBlack ukedchat Bigkid4 JazzieDe lewis892 Mad_teach

20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:34 20:34


Great insight into @XLR8camps by @HannahEnnis 20:34 Some outstanding practice for Y6/7 #ukedchat @nickotkdIV: #ukedchat do teachers need to be MEd qualified? I 20:34 don't think so - B.Ed or PGDE to start. Experience then high level CPD?


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Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

ukedchat MissJLud

RT @bobdbob: #ukedchat Giving key information from letters, 20:34 death/birth certifs etc in The Woman in Black - investigation to find out... @GeorgeEBlack @ukedchat I would love to do another MA or pHd but 20:34 how can you do that and all of this?! If only! @lauwailap1 #ukedchat I think kids would understand their feelings 20:34 better if they concentrated on learning to read, write and behave. @Bigkid4 it doesn't replace it just adds value. People with blackboards 20:34 were successful #ukedchat RT @tomhenzley: I finished my draft ICT curriculum todoay, would be really interested in your views to help develop it 20:34 #ukedchat 20:34 RT @danielharvey9: The premise needs to be flipped RT @ukedchat: What topic / teaching method /idea can you share where the pupils have been 'turned on' to learning in your classroom teaching? 20:34 #ukedchat RT @GeorgeEBlack: @ukedchat #ukedchat blogging, blogging, blogging 20:34 and using a video camera! 20:35 RT @nickotkdIV: #ukedchat i will hopefully be doing one in 2013-14. @nickotkdIV: #ukedchat do teachers need to be MEd qualified? 20:35 no @oldandrewuk et al #ukedchat I am happy to deal with home stuff, can't 20:35 but help do so, but that isn't best done with timetabled lessons @GeorgeEBlack Make time - it is possible, I promise! More importantly,, 20:35 what you learn about learning is valuable! #ukedchat 20:35 @Mad_teach Totally! #ukedchat 20:35 @syded06 @bigkid4 agree, if I need to chalk and talk I do... #ukedchat 20:35 RT @danielharvey9: The premise needs to be flipped @syded06 not necessarily - it's always worth researching student voice. I'm quite blunt - I front up and ask mine what they think! #ukedchat @ukedchat i will hopefully be doing one in 2013-14. RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat ..."requires effort to pay attention to" or "requires concentration". Not all of these are bad things. Learning's not constant fun @ukedchat always try to address vark. I know some find it old hat now, but great touchstone. #ukedchat @mrlockyer well I will try... I want to do the MEd in Media education from Bournemouth.., one day #ukedchat

oldandrewuk syded06

IDrumly Jon_Torbitt

effdebate JazzieDe ukedchat Jon_Torbitt


mrlockyer JanP65 GeorgeEBlack esoldaveglasgow

Jon_Torbitt nickotkdIV

20:35 20:35

TriZachTri Kcsunshine73 GeorgeEBlack

20:36 20:36 20:36

ukedchat syded06

RT @karen_macg: @nickotkdIV #ukedchat I agree with commitment and 20:36 professional knowledge and understanding - deeper learning. @Bigkid4 we are preparing them for life as well as for exams. Ignoring 20:36 edtech doesn't help them. #ukedchat

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Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

JanP65 karen_macg

@lewis892 Great if your classroom is resourced with them. Looks of 20:36 inequality with tech bt schools! #ukedchat @nickotkdIV @ukedchat I agree with commitment and professional 20:36 knowledge and understanding - deeper learning. @lauwailap1 When it comes to feelings, self-control more valuable than 20:36 self-expression. Don't get me started on pseudo-philosophy #ukedchat @MissJLud @GeorgeEBlack @ukedchat My thoughts exactly. Did my Modern Eng Lit MA 10yrs ago, before teaching. How to find the time for 20:37 MEd? . @ukedchat @nickotkdiv What about technical or CPD courses? I can as 20:37 an IT teacher become apple / google certified without a MEd #ukedchat @kanda_hh @Mad_teach @lauwailap1 #ukedchat You can't teach 20:37 philosophy to children. They don't know enough Greek. RT @karen_macg: @nickotkdIV @ukedchat I agree with commitment and 20:37 professional knowledge and understanding - deeper learning. @ukedchat let's hope a good minister can adjust the curriculum in the 20:37 same way lol @syded06 #ukedchat Many use their IWB in the same way they would 20:37 use a blackboard. Many use it in a way that distracts from learning... @ukedchat and simply, start with confidence in them and ask for theirs in 20:37 you. Works wonders. #ukedchat @JanP65 we know we are lucky and fortunately so do the students, a 20:37 good part of the money left from BSF, although no rebuild #Ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat Also, not all students are "turned off" by the same thing. A lot are turned off by effort or learning. That's *their* 20:37 problem. @syded06: @Bigkid4 we are preparing them for life as well as for 20:37 exams. Ignoring edtech doesn't help them. #ukedchat agree @Mad_teach @lauwailap1 #ukedchat From what I've seen of it, it is a 20:37 bunch of hippies lying to children about what philosophy is. Avoid! #ukedchat @ukedchat publisher is a fun itc tool for producing 3-fold 20:38 leaflets on pretty much anything - Visual, Written, Practical. @Bigkid4 then it isn't being used to enhance learning. A tool is only as 20:38 good as the educator who uses it #ukedchat @JazzieDe @oldandrewuk Of course they can. Fractions were very boring 20:38 for me but I learnt how to do them. Edutainment is damaging. #ukedchat @Jon_Torbitt @ukedchat with the movements in education i would say 20:38 you hit the nail on the head! @syded06 #ukedchat ... change, particularly technological change doesn't 20:38 always add value. I would say it often doesn't



Jon_Torbitt oldandrewuk

nickotkdIV stephenheppell

Bigkid4 Kcsunshine73




oldandrewuk Kcsunshine73 syded06

MiniDiscsReturn nickotkdIV Bigkid4

Page 15 of 28

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

JazzieDe JanP65

Do qualifications make you better at teaching, make it easier for children 20:38 to learn. You can either teach effectively or not ! #ukedchat 20:38 @TriZachTri Is it their problem? #ukedchat @Jon_Torbitt Our student voice feedback on the use of Edtech in the 20:38 classroom was overwhelmingly in favour. We couldn't ignore it #ukedchat 20:38 @Bigkid4 @teacherofy5 #ukedchat That's my point. RT @Jon_Torbitt: @MichelleDhillon I am unless #ukedchat turns into a 20:38 repeat of last week's session! I think students dislike inconsistency/bored teachers. They seem to like 20:39 high expectations &support, so they can take some chances #ukedchat RT @Kcsunshine73: #ukedchat publisher is a fun itc tool for producing 320:39 fold leaflets on pretty much anything - Visual, Written, Practical. @Gwenelope @georgeeblack @ukedchat i want to do this but still don't 20:39 have time even though mostly online! @JazzieDe Do you mean qualifications generally or post-grad level 20:39 qualifications? #ukedchat RT @nickotkdIV: @Jon_Torbitt #ukedchat with the movements in 20:39 education i would say you hit the nail on the head! RT @Gwenelope: @ukedchat Showing pupils the 'Goodreads' site, they now tell me of websites they use to write e.g. wattpad. Two way traffic! 20:39 #ukedchat @syded06 #ukedchat using it for no good reason or inappropriately doesn't help them either... Technology for the sake of it... RT @ukedchat: @nickotkdIV It shows commitement and further professionalises? #ukedchat @Jon_Torbitt Partly but point is hooking social media INto learning. Encouraged to share work on Facebook etc #ukedchat @rkieran #ukedchat Still a distraction. If you want to learn you'd still rather hear it from an expert than a novice.

syded06 oldandrewuk danielharvey9



MissJLud kanda_hh ukedchat


Bigkid4 nickotkdIV MichelleDhillon oldandrewuk

20:39 20:39 20:39 20:39


@ukedchat Showing pupils the 'Goodreads' site, they now tell me of 20:39 websites they use to write e.g. wattpad. Two way traffic! #ukedchat @mrlockyer #ukedchat There is no "debate" about learning styles. Like 20:40 evolution, the truth is known and can be affirmed or denied. @Bigkid4 If they don't know how to use a comp having an IWB will just be 20:40 a blackboard #ukedchat #ukedchat If we expect learners to 'change' their knowledge, skill, 20:40 attitude or behaviour, we, as educators, must develop/change ourselves. RT @MissJLud: @Gwenelope @georgeeblack #ukedchat i want to do this but still don't have time even though mostly online! 20:40

oldandrewuk JanP65



Page 16 of 28

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

DrDav syded06 syded06

20:40 @oldandrewuk @lauwailap1 Oh go on. You know you want to! #ukedchat @Bigkid4 perhaps we don't need to do any training after our initial 20:40 teacher year? :) #ukedchat @Bigkid4 are you saying we should teach the same lesson for 35 years? 20:41 #ukedchat @kanda-hh A bit of both, Some teachers very well educated but would send me to sleep others without quals have a special talent! #ukedchat RT @esoldaveglasgow: #ukedchat If we expect learners to 'change' their knowledge, skill, attitude or behaviour, we, as educators, must develop/change ourselves. RT @esoldaveglasgow: #ukedchat If we expect learners to 'change' their knowledge, skill, attitude or behaviour, we, as educators, must develop/change ourselves. RT @oldandrewuk: @mrlockyer #ukedchat There is no "debate" about learning styles. Like evolution, the truth is known and can be affirmed or denied.









KateBoot mrhand87 teacherofy5 Mad_teach

@ukedchat #teachingmethod depended on the group, low ability - a 20:41 variety of tasks, sharing their learning, kept busy, +ve feedback @JazzieDe doing an MEd at the moment, certainly makes you think more 20:41 about what/how you do what you do #ukedchat educators need to identify the learning potential of each child and 20:41 develop it further - know your children in depth #ukedchat 20:41 @MrsThorne #ukedchat and feeling safe enough to take a chance. @syded06 #ukedchat What's the point of someone who has a method that is successful changing to one they don't want? Unlikely to improve 20:41 much RT @MrsThorne: I think students dislike inconsistency/bored teachers. They seem to like high expectations &support, so they can take some 20:41 chances #ukedchat #ukedchat I love how ppl all slate teachers and our long hols but here we 20:42 all r on a Thursday evening in middle of summer! @Gwenelope @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat currently doing EdD having done another BSc, and MEd... All while working FT and self 20:42 financed. RT @Jon_Torbitt: . @ukedchat @nickotkdiv What about technical or CPD courses? I can as an IT teacher become apple / google certified without a 20:42 MEd #ukedchat RT @KateBoot: #ukedchat #teachingmethod depended on the group, low 20:42 ability - a variety of tasks, sharing their learning, kept busy, +ve f\bk RT @ukedchat: RT @nickotkdIV: @Jon_Torbitt #ukedchat with the 20:42 movements in education i would say you hit the nail on the head! @JanP65 #ukedchat Sometimes those that know how to use a comp still 20:42 use it that way. Surely up to teacher to use in the way that suits them Page 17 of 28


GeorgeEBlack Mad_teach






Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


esoldaveglasgow Gwenelope

@mrlockyer #ukedchat Don't use the word "engage" Do you mean are students entertained by different 20:42 things? RT @MrsThorne: I think students dislike inconsistency/bored teachers. They seem to like high expectations &support, so they can take some 20:43 chances #ukedchat @ukedchat @MissJLud @georgeeblack Would love to do Shakespeare 20:43 MA, costs v. prohibitive. #ukedchat @LGolton @gwenelope @georgeeblack @ukedchat oh well I just feel lazy 20:43 then!Feel like it would take my time away from doing more at work? RT @Bigkid4: @oldandrewuk @lewis892 #ukedchat In my experience SEAL as a lesson is a horrendous waste of time. Should not be on the 20:43 curriculum @JazzieDe Yes, I agree, but disagree with #Tories saying no QTS needed 20:43 #ukedchat RT @Mad_teach: #ukedchat I love how ppl all slate teachers and our long 20:43 hols but here we all r on a Thursday evening in middle of summer! 20:43 Surely pupils learn best when they are happy. #ukedchat @mrlockyer Perhaps you mean "do kids pay attention to different 20:43 things?" Or "do kids work at different things?" #ukedchat @syded06 #ukedchat In the unlikely event that everything you do is 20:43 massively successful with every type of child in existence... RT @esoldaveglasgow: #ukedchat If we expect learners to 'change' their knowledge, skill, attitude or behaviour, we, as educators, must 20:43 develop/change ourselves. RT @teacherofy5: educators need to identify the learning potential of 20:43 each child and develop it further - know your children in depth #ukedchat #ukedchat If we expect learners to 'change' their knowledge, skill, attitude or behaviour, we, as educators, must develop/change ourselves. @syded06 #ukedchat Do you teach identical classes every year? If not then the answer is pretty obvious isn't it?... @lewis892 #ukedchat Provide professional counselling. Don't turn teachers into amateur therapists. @LGolton @gwenelope @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat always knew u were superwoman! Amazing


oldandrewuk kanda_hh

lewis892 ukedchat

oldandrewuk Bigkid4



urban_teacher Bigkid4 oldandrewuk KDWScience teacherofy5

20:44 20:44 20:44 20:44

20:44 @ukedchat pupils learn also best if they can trust their teacher #ukedchat @Bigkid4 Depends what you mean by 'suits them'. Using a comp to check 20:44 your email once a week is not enough anymore! #ukedchat educators need to identify the learning potential of each child and 20:44 develop it further - know your children in depth #ukedchat 20:44 @Mad_teach :-D #ukedchat Great CPD 20:44 RT @ukedchat: Surely pupils learn best when they are happy. #ukedchat Page 18 of 28

JanP65 urban_teacher ukedchat urban_teacher

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

DrDav Jon_Torbitt

Yup, they don't exist as a stable construct. MT @oldandrewuk: 20:44 @mrlockyer #ukedchat There is no "debate" about learning styles. . @nickotkdIV @ukedchat This might start to apply for other subjects, 20:45 only so much theory you can teach? #ukedchat @lewis892 #ukedchat How are we qualified to do that? Does anyone who 20:45 isn't a teacher think "teachers are good at real-life situations"? @lgolton @gwenelope @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat Can't even 20:45 contemplate it at mo as feel overwhelmed with what I already have to do RT @kanda_hh: @JazzieDe Yes, I agree, but disagree with #Tories saying 20:45 no QTS needed #ukedchat @LGolton @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat I take my metaphorical 20:45 hat to you. Impressive! @urban_teacher Is this easier for primary teachers rather than secondary 20:45 teachers who have so many pupils going through #ukedchat RT @Mad_teach: @MrsThorne #ukedchat and feeling safe enough to take 20:45 a chance. @ukedchat What is the modern obsession with happiness? As a young person and an adult I've achieved a lot through times of "un-happiness"! @teacherofy5 and respect them... #ukedchat @ukedchat @urban_teacher true. teachers also teach when they are enjoying it! @ukedchat Yes & pupils learn best when they are fully supported imo #ukedchat @teacherofy5: @ukedchat pupils learn also best if they can trust their teacher #ukedchat agree #ukedchat @Mad_teach On P4C: the 'fun' bit (Qing & hypothesising) MUST be followed by rigorous evaluation. Pointless without it. @mrhand87 Yes sure it does, just commenting on what I have experienced, think CPD is necc but doesn't always have desired result #ukedchat Final 15 minutes of #ukedchat for this week... @ukedchat Surely all teaching should cater for individual needs of the children not what the teacher wants? #ukedchat @ukedchat: Should teachers continue their own formal learning, to see life from a student point-of-view? #ukedchat YES... from SLT to NQT @JanP65 #ukedchat debatable. Whether or not a teacher uses a computer or not is way down my priority list when judging quality of teaching @teacherofy5 Excellent. Trust,respect, happy. #ukedchat RT @esoldaveglasgow: #ukedchat If we expect learners to 'change' their knowledge, skill, attitude or behaviour, we, as educators, must develop/change ourselves.


KDWScience JazzieDe Gwenelope

ukedchat esoldaveglasgow

Mainy83 JanP65 nickotkdIV MichelleDhillon GeorgeEBlack

20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45



JazzieDe ukedchat TaffTykeC

20:45 20:45 20:46



Bigkid4 ukedchat

20:46 20:46



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Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


oldandrewuk teacherofy5 oldandrewuk

@Bigkid4 ok so in order to adapt to students we should learn how to 20:46 implement edtech to further their learning then? #ukedchat RT @Bigkid4: @oldandrewuk @lewis892 #ukedchat I have colleagues I wouldn't want advising my child on personal issues. They're completely 20:46 blooming nuts.. 20:46 RT @JanP65: @teacherofy5 and respect them... #ukedchat 20:47 @mrlockyer @Mainy83 #ukedchat They're the ones avoiding the debate. @syded06 #ukedchat don't see the relevance of edtech. Know your classes, change your lessons to suit them. Might involve edtech, might 20:47 not .@oldandrewuk @lewis892 at the risk of a lynching - totally depends on the individual and their experiences / objectivity #ukedchat RT @GeorgeEBlack: @teacherofy5: @ukedchat pupils learn also best if they can trust their teacher #ukedchat agree RT @ukedchat: RT @nickotkdIV: #ukedchat @urban_teacher true. teachers also teach when they are enjoying it! RT @Gwenelope: @LGolton @missjlud @georgeeblack #ukedchat I take my metaphorical hat to you. Impressive! @Bigkid4 Do you think it is acceptable for a teacher to refuse to use edtech in their class? #ukedchat RT @nickotkdIV: #ukedchat @urban_teacher true. teachers also teach when they are enjoying it! @JazzieDe most definitely! #ukedchat @ukedchat can a teacher-who is absent every now and then[for nothing]be trusted? #ukedchat - no - in my opinion @mattharding007 #ukedchat With hands up you can at least acknowledge that lots of students had their hands up and apparently knew the answer @Bigkid4 I'm not sure how you can adapt without changing your existing method or am I missing something? #ukedchat @Mad_teach @Llamagretch #ukedchat As a classroom teacher dealing with 30 kids? Not going to happen. @ukedchat My PGCE tutor used to say 'spitting makes some kids happy, but that's no reason to add it to my SoW' ;-) @nmckain teachers should continually enhance knowledge, not to see student pov, but to become better educators #ukedchat @Bigkid4 which is my point. If teachers don't learn how to use edtech then how can they make an informed decision about it? #ukedchat @KDWScience @gwenelope @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat I carried on because I love learning. It helped to improve my teaching as well... RT @esoldaveglasgow: #ukedchat If we expect learners to 'change' their knowledge, skill, attitude or behaviour, we, as educators, must develop/change ourselves. @TaffTykeC @ukedchat but do the children know what their needs are...? #ukedchat


Jon_Torbitt teacherofy5 nickotkdIV ukedchat JanP65 ukedchat mrhand87 teacherofy5

20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47

oldandrewuk syded06 oldandrewuk LeighAlmey ryansecondarysc

20:47 20:47 20:48 20:48 20:48





JamesTwigg21 mrhand87

20:48 20:48

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Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

MissJLud plestered

RT @syded06: @Bigkid4 then it isn't being used to enhance learning. A 20:48 tool is only as good as the educator who uses it #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat ..ok everyone, turn to p43 & do questions 1-10... 20:48 Still quite common in private schools I hear. @mrlockyer Every time you say B*ain G*m a unicorn dies. (Try rotating 20:48 it's legs, it might stimulate it's respiratory-brain-bit). #ukedchat RT @KDWScience: #ukedchat Can't even contemplate it at mo as feel 20:48 overwhelmed with what I already have to do @KDWScience @gwenelope @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat I started it to prove I could learn having almost failed at Uni due to 20:48 dyslexia... @nmckain @ukedchat yes even more important that SLT don't just do 20:49 management or 'leadership' courses - must stay grounded #ukedchat @JanP65 @Bigkid4 If they can achieve the outcomes of the lesson 20:49 without edtech then no reason why they should have to use it. #ukedchat 20:49 @ukedchat @nickotkdiv @urban_teacher Very true #ukedchat An educator that claims a tool is a magic bullet is as bad as one who 20:49 dismisses something kne #ukedchat RT @LeighAlmey: #ukedchat My PGCE tutor used to say 'spitting makes 20:49 some kids happy, but that's no reason to add it to my SoW' ;-) @JazzieDe #ukedchat Then you think wrongly. Substantial body of 20:49 evidence to suggest that we learn best when a bit down. @syded06: @Bigkid4 then it isn't being used to enhance learning. A 20:49 tool is only as good as the educator who uses it #ukedchat agree! @ukedchat #ukedchat ..asking my 2 primary- aged daughters- if the 20:49 teacher is 'grumpy' & shouts a lot @plestered @ukedchat Don' tell that to Gove. Private schools are better 20:49 remember? #ukedchat 20:49 @plestered #ukedchat But #Gove thinks thats the way forward! ;-) #fool RT @LGolton: #ukedchat I carried on because I love learning. It helped to 20:49 improve my teaching as well... @oldandrewuk @mattharding007 #ukedchat I use hands up sometimes for pupils to SHOW they know the answer. Then hands go down before an 20:49 answer @syded06 #ukedchat Your initial premise was about using tools majority 20:49 use in every day life... I never said I would not change my lessons.. @teacherofy5 @ukedchat Colleagues will not trust the frequent absentee 20:49 teacher either. Have one of those in my dept. #ukedchat RT @Gwenelope: @LGolton @KDWScience @missjlud @georgeeblack 20:50 #ukedchat You certainly have, and then some!

Mainy83 ukedchat



DrDav TaffTykeC ryansecondarysc

ukedchat oldandrewuk

GeorgeEBlack plestered Gwenelope kanda_hh ukedchat



Gwenelope ukedchat

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Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

KDWScience MichelleDhillon

@Gwenelope @lgolton @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat seconded 20:50 especially supporting others as well. Thank you RT @plestered: @ukedchat #ukedchat ..asking my 2 primary- aged 20:50 daughters- if the teacher is 'grumpy' & shouts a lot @JazzieDe #ukedchat Obviously not when traumatised, but even when 20:50 depressed. Theory is that's why we evolved to be prone to depression. An educator that claims a tool is a magic bullet is as bad as an educator 20:50 that dismisses something new without good reason #ukedchat RT @Jon_Torbitt: @teacherofy5: @ukedchat pupils learn also best if they can trust their teacher #ukedchat very true - makes a massive 20:50 difference 20:50 @TaffTykeC @ukedchat @urban_teacher indeeed. @teacherofy5: @ukedchat pupils learn also best if they can trust 20:50 their teacher #ukedchat very true - makes a massive difference RT @DrDav: @JanP65 @Bigkid4 If they can achieve the outcomes of the lesson without edtech then no reason why they should have to use it. 20:50 #ukedchat @Mainy83 @oldandrewuk Individual, whole class and group work all has 20:50 a valid place. Ask anyone who teaches EYFS! #ukedchat @ukedchat teaching class themselves in groups on specific subject after 20:50 research&advice.From yr7-10 they loved it & learnt loads! #ukedchat @LGolton @KDWScience @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat You 20:50 certainly have, and then some! @syded06 #ukedchat to suit the changing abilities and personalities of my 20:50 students. I see no reason to change a successful method... @esoldaveglasgow: #ukedchat If we "expect learners to 'change'... we, as 20:50 educators, must develop/change ourselves. AMEN 20:50 @ryansecondarysc I'd say both are essential outcomes #ukedchat RT @KDWScience: @Gwenelope @lgolton @missjlud @georgeeblack 20:51 #ukedchat seconded especially supporting others as well. Thank you 20:51 RT @nickotkdIV: @TaffTykeC #ukedchat @urban_teacher indeeed. @syded06 #ukedchat they don't NEED to make informed decision about 20:51 it. They need to teach well. RT @Bigkid4: @oldandrewuk @Llamagretch #ukedchat sadly you're mistaken. Schools have become orphanages for children with parents in 20:51 many cases @JanP65: @Bigkid4 Do you think it is acceptable for a teacher to 20:51 refuse to use edtech in their class? #ukedchat yes, if it's box ticking 20:51 @Gwenelope @ukedchat agree, feel the same #ukedchat Page 22 of 28



teacherofy5 nickotkdIV




MissJLud Gwenelope


gingamusings nmckain

ukedchat ukedchat Bigkid4


Jon_Torbitt teacherofy5

Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


@ukedchat best piece of PGCE advice c1994 was 'always leave a child 20:51 with his/her dignity' #bestlesson #mantra @KDWScience @gwenelope @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat I 20:51 picked up a boyfriend on the way who enables my learning addiction. 20:52 @Bigkid4 does teaching well therefore mean no edtech? #ukedchat RT @Gwenelope: @LGolton @KDWScience @missjlud @georgeeblack 20:52 #ukedchat Very fortunate! RT @MiniDiscsReturn: @JazzieDe @oldandrewuk Of course they can. Fractions were very boring for me but I learnt how to do them. 20:52 Edutainment is damaging. #ukedchat #ukedchat @ukedchat my learners were most involved when they led 20:52 THEIR learning & followed on fRom THEIR qs. After all it is theirs not ours RT @Llamagretch: @oldandrewuk et al #ukedchat I am happy to deal with home stuff, can't but help do so, but that isn't best done with 20:52 timetabled lessons @JanP65 #ukedchat Don't know anyone that refuses because don't know 20:52 any managers silly enough to direct someone to use it. @LGolton @kdwscience @gwenelope @missjlud @ukedchat it all sounds 20:52 so good! @ukedchat 'Meaningful relationships that have fundamental pedagogic 20:52 structures and essences related to each other..' - W A Landman #ukedchat I have enjoyed the chat tonight, but children not sleeping. 20:52 Night night, all. Where is the summary published? @ukedchat #ukedchat Direct instruction. Feedback. Making them work 20:52 hard. Testing. Those are the things that work. @DrDav So depends on the lesson. A whole year teaching lessons without any 'tools' learners are using today, would that be right? #ukedchat @LGolton @KDWScience @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat Very fortunate! RT @LGolton: @KDWScience @gwenelope @missjlud @georgeeblack #ukedchat I picked up a boyfriend on the way who enables my learning addiction. #ukedchat sometimes its not what teach them that really matters its how you make them feel! @PeterSpencer88 @philallman1 @nuttya10 This made me laugh...can't do right for doing wrong #ukedchat

LGolton syded06 ukedchat




Bigkid4 GeorgeEBlack

teacherofy5 esoldaveglasgow oldandrewuk

JanP65 Gwenelope

20:52 20:52

ukedchat urban_teacher TaffTykeC

20:52 20:52 20:52


@oldandrewuk Absolutely I do, you dont need a qualification. Life is 20:52 a lesson that students want to know about #ukedchat @Bigkid4 agreed although I'm responding to the fact that if edtech isn't 20:52 used then we are not preparing them for later life #ukedchat


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Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


@DrDav @lauwailap1 #ukedchat Okay. Heard P4C types saying in philosophy there are no wrong answers. That all opinions should be 20:53 respected. @syded06 #ukedchat some of my pupils are highly unlikely to have jobs much less jobs requiring computer knowledge so not sure I agree... @oldandrewuk @ukedchat measuring a child everyday won't make em grow! @esoldaveglasgow It will be at #ukedchat .@syded06 @bigkid4 don't need to necessarily use tech to be an artist or a writer? What is 'edtech' specifically? #ukedchat .@syded06 @bigkid4 don't need to necessarily use tech to be an artist or a writer? What is 'edtech' specifically? #ukedchat

Bigkid4 Mad_teach ukedchat Jon_Torbitt Jon_Torbitt

20:53 20:53 20:53 20:53 20:53

ukedchat kanda_hh TaffTykeC Gwenelope GeorgeEBlack JanP65 ryansecondarysc

RT @teacherofy5: #ukedchat 'Meaningful relationships that have 20:53 fundamental pedagogic structures and essences related to each other..' 20:53 @urban_teacher I love that idea! Agree! #ukedchat @mrhand87 @ukedchat Think some do...possibly if they are older or 20:54 whole school approach? #ukedchat @ukedchat What about the merits of learning something non-academic? 20:54 Am learning to sail soon, but still a learner. #ukedchat 20:54 That's it #ukedchat off to watch Bolt do his thing! Thanks for the chat! Xx @Bigkid4 I have come across educators that refuse to use any. Don't 20:54 believe tech has a place in the classroom. #ukedchat @Bigkid4 @syded06 justified use of any tool shouldn't be a way of 20:54 invalidating a teacher. #ukedchat RT @DrDav: Yup, they don't exist as a stable construct. MT @oldandrewuk: @mrlockyer #ukedchat There is no "debate" about 20:54 learning styles. 20:54 @oldandrewuk Formative or summative testing? #ukedchat 20:54 @rkieran #ukedchat Not really. RT @ukedchat: RT @Mad_teach: @oldandrewuk #ukedchat measuring a 20:55 child everyday won't make em grow! I agree @KDWScience @gwenelope @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat don't do it unless you feel you can. I have no kids and that has been a major 20:55 thing 20:55 Thanks @ukedchat #Olympics time! #ukedchat @TaffTykeC @mrlockyer That is obviously the case. But the difference is 20:55 not "learning style". #ukedchat @oldandrewuk @drdav @lauwailap1 I heard that in Philosophy101 at Uni 20:55 and left when we had to argue over what was a table! Farcical #ukedchat 20:55 @GeorgeEBlack Me too! #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: RT @Mad_teach: @oldandrewuk #ukedchat measuring a 20:55 child everyday won't make em grow! @Bigkid4 @ukedchat great chat and always keen to hear more opinions. 20:55 Thanks for hosting. Must dash - there is a race on #ukedchat

oldandrewuk ukedchat oldandrewuk mbrayford

LGolton kanda_hh oldandrewuk

Jon_Torbitt JanP65 nickotkdIV


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Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


RT @Mad_teach: @oldandrewuk #ukedchat measuring a child everyday 20:55 won't make em grow! @syded06 #ukedchat You can teach well without using edtech. I would 20:55 encourage someone to continue doing so if it suits them best @mrlockyer I gave you three different possible questions you could have 20:56 been asking when you used the word "engaged".It's unclear. #ukedchat @JanP65 Would those be the tools of reading, writing and learning stuff? 20:56 #ukedchat @JanP65 @Bigkid4 Me too. Some educators simply 'do not want to' use 20:56 edtech #ukedchat @LGolton @gwenelope @missjlud @georgeeblack @ukedchat agree they 20:56 eat into working time no matter how old they r but wouldn't change it @JanP65 #ukedchat Doesn't matter if they teach well. My teachers didn't 20:56 use any yet somehow I managed to learn... @GeorgeEBlack @kdwscience @gwenelope @missjlud @ukedchat it is until the deadline looms... And you have no plan #dyslexicmoments RT @GeorgeEBlack: @ukedchat #ukedchat if they can, but it's not so easy... Cost or time restraints prohibitive. RT @LGolton: #ukedchat don't do it unless you feel you can. I have no kids and that has been a major thing @Jon_Torbitt @lewis892 #ukedchat SEAL was never optional. It was never only to be taught by teachers with that expertise. #ukedchat PAUSED 200m final! @MichelleDhillon @JanP65 #ukedchat I don't see that as a problem provided they are good teachers. respect and trust must be mutual #ukedchat @KDWScience @lgolton @gwenelope @georgeeblack @ukedchat think I'd rather have kids than more letters after my name! RT @KDWScience: #ukedchat agree they eat into working time no matter how old they r but wouldn't change it @Jon_Torbitt @lewis892 #ukedchat Even I was made to teach it, and the kids could tell I didn't buy it: #ukedchat night all! There we go. That's the 200m done...last moments of #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: #ukedchat PAUSED 200m final! @ukedchat me too! @Bigkid4 @syded06 but is it about teacher's ability to teach or teaching of kids to be able to interact with unkown future tech #ukedchat @bobdbob @mattharding007 #ukedchat That's good. I sometimes use: "hands up if you don't know the answer". @oldandrewuk @lewis892 never taught it myself but have tons of life 'experience' whatever that is #ukedchat RT @KDWScience: #ukedchat absolutely one has ADHD think this has made me a better teacher. More understanding


oldandrewuk DrDav MichelleDhillon

KDWScience Bigkid4

LGolton MissBex_M ukedchat oldandrewuk ukedchat Bigkid4 teacherofy5

20:56 20:56 20:56 20:57 20:57 20:57 20:57

MissJLud ukedchat oldandrewuk Mad_teach ukedchat teacherofy5 Kcsunshine73

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mrhand87 oldandrewuk Jon_Torbitt ukedchat

20:58 20:59 20:59 20:59

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Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


@MissJLud @lgolton @gwenelope @georgeeblack @ukedchat absolutely one has ADHD think this has made me a better teacher. More 20:59 understanding @MichelleDhillon @JanP65 #ukedchat I use edtech when it suits me to 20:59 but all I really need is my brain and possible a board and marker @Bigkid4 @JanP65 No comment :) Can be obstructive if learners want to 21:00 use tech to enhance skills #ukedchat @KDWScience @LGolton @Gwenelope @MissJLud @GeorgeEBlack @ukedchat Not looking good on the kids front, re. age, single and 21:00 biological clock. @mrhand87 @syded06 #ukedchat If we're relying on teachers to teach 21:00 pupils how to interact with unknown future tech then we're in trouble... @Mad_teach @Llamagretch #ukedchat Yes, but we are not therapists or 21:00 substitute parent; nor should we be. @JanP65 However, more seriously, I would expect some use of edtech at 21:00 some point during the year. e.g.Datalogging in science. #ukedchat RT @ukedchat Next week, @ThisisLiamM will host #ukedchat with "How 21:01 do we build upon the success of Team GB in our classrooms"? 21:01 @ukedchat me three :-) @JanP65 @syded06 #ukedchat If someone teachers better without 21:01 edtech than they do with it then why should they be compelled to use it? RT @ukedchat: Next week, @ThisisLiamM will host #ukedchat with "How do we build upon the success of Team GB in our classrooms"? @rkieran @Mainy83 #ukedchat Which has, anecdote would indicate, become a complete disaster area in recent years. Next week, @ThisisLiamM will host #ukedchat with "How do we build upon the success of Team GB in our classrooms"? @LeighAlmey Almost? You did better than me :-D @Mad_teach @ukedchat #ukedchat Turns out that being tested on whether you know something is really good for remembering it. Surprisingly so.

Bigkid4 MichelleDhillon


Bigkid4 oldandrewuk


MrsThorne KateBoot


ThisIsLiamM oldandrewuk ukedchat ukedchat

21:01 21:01 21:01 21:02

oldandrewuk LeighAlmey


Bigkid4 ukedchat oldandrewuk Jon_Torbitt

21:02 #ukedchat Thanks for hosting! I almost managed to keep up this time... @JanP65 @syded06 #ukedchat if not using edtech suits someones teaching methods better then why should they be a worse teacher to suit 21:02 some Thanks for all comments and discussion with #ukedchat this evening. 21:02 Good to be back :-D @lewis892 #ukedchat If you don't mind me asking, if you are not a 21:02 teacher, what do you do? 21:02 @ukedchat @thisisliamm do we actually need to? sadly @oldandrew uk #ukedchat this convo is reminding me of last night's 21:03 on schl sport 'not our job, so we shouldn't do anything at all' > Page 26 of 28


Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?


@teacherofy5 Our Reggio approach works a treat for this. 21:03 (Reception) #ukedchat @TaffTykeC @ukedchat potentially, but balance/perspective needs to be 21:03 maintained as kids can often progress learning rapidly, or hinder it @ukedchat #ukedchat I mean testing as a teaching method not assessment. Ask kids to recall what they were meant to have learned. 21:03 Works well. @oldandrewuk @mattharding007 #ukedchat That's good. Are they happy 21:03 to admit they don't understand openly? Many of mine wouldn't. @ukedchat @ThisisLiamM Sounds a great topic but sadly I'll be in Egypt :( 21:03 Good luck! #ukedchat @oldandrewuk @ukedchat may e for some but I remember NOTHING of 21:04 my gcse French! @oldandrew #ukedchat But we should care and use skills to help children 21:04 deal with emotions and situations unless I think wrongly! #ukedchat @syded06 I'm interested in that concept, what thinking specifically, and 21:04 does curriculum/syllabus prevent? #ukedchat @ukedchat @thisisliamm -great. Look forward to it. Can we then send 21:04 blog of tweets to #Gove @Jon_Torbitt @DrDav @lauwailap1 #ukedchat I don't mind arguing over 21:04 what a table is, as long as it's a good argument. But there are bad ones RT @mrhand87: #ukedchat potentially, but balance/perspective needs to be maintained as kids can often progress learning rapidly,or hinder it @oldandrewuk @Mainy83 #ukedchat a disaster? Have you ever seen it in a school working well? @oldandrewuk @ukedchat @oldandrewuk #ukedchat > meanwhile, whilst we wait for *someone else* to get their act together, kids lose out RT @Bigkid4: @oldandrewuk @Llamagretch #ukedchat sadly you're mistaken. Schools have become orphanages for children with parents in many cases @syded06 that's interesting, what you thinking specifically, and is it limited by curriculum/sylabus? #ukedchat @mrhand87 @syded06 #ukedchat Given some teachers limited competence with current tech I dread to think what they would be teaching them...



bobdbob MichelleDhillon Mad_teach

JazzieDe Charlie_Uddin plestered


ukedchat rkieran danielharvey9 Llamagretch

21:04 21:04 21:05 21:05

TriZachTri Charlie_Uddin

21:06 21:06



lewis892 ukedchat oldandrewuk

@DrDav @oldandrewuk but there would be sone you inspired even if you 21:07 didn't know it that's the joys of working with young people #ukedchat 21:07 RT @danielharvey9: @oldandrewuk #ukedchat @mrlockyer #ukedchat Which is still ambiguous. What's the different 21:07 between "stimulating interest" and "entertaining"? @oldandrewuk @Mainy83 #ukedchat Anecdote would indicate primary 21:07 schools are non-competitive sporting cotton wool balls of fluff. Reality? Page 27 of 28


Thursday 9th August 2012

#ukedchat Archive

Hosted by @ukedchat - What specifically turns off students?

MrG_ICT Charlie_Uddin oldandrewuk ukedchat

How do we build upon the success of Team GB in our classrooms? Next 21:07 weeks #ukedchat topic looks very interesting. 21:08 @Charlie_Uddin not using tools #ukedchat 21:08 @Mad_teach @ukedchat I didn't saying "examining", I said testing. RT @oldandrewuk: @Mad_teach #ukedchat I didn't saying "examining", I 21:09 said testing. @teacherofy5 This year, my class caught a dragon through 'let's imagine' 21:09 theme but other class went to 'space'. Kids directed us. #ukedchat RT @lewis892: @ukedchat or they could use the @Understoodit app :) 21:10 #ukedchat RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat I do, but it turns out to be the recall, not 21:10 the application, which is key to reinforcing the learning. @Bigkid4 @syded06 #ukedchat But is that an excuse? Should CPD 21:10 opportunities support teachers more effectively to reduce 'the dread?' @danielharvey9 @ukedchat I do, but it turns out to be the recall, not the 21:10 application, which is key to reinforcing the learning. 21:11 #ukedchat archive process now started @ValHewson No problem, should also find some useful FE & Edu 21:11 accounts from some of the lists on my profile. #ukedchat #cpchat @syded06 @mrhand87 #ukedchat There is no edtech that is essential. I 21:13 use various bits of software and hardware if and when it suits me...

TaffTykeC Understoodit


mrhand87 oldandrewuk ukedchat



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