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Raising Money For Watford General Hospital Special Care Baby Unit

(West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Charity)

(Charity Registration No 1052210) Buggy Push for Preemies

Name of participant .

Gift Aid
(Make your donation worth 28% more. Please note, you must be a taxpayer paying more tax than the amount we reclaim in order for us to claim Gift Aid from your sponsorship)



(essential for Gift Aid)


Gift Aid
(please tick)

Tick if Paid

(Continue sponsors on reverse if needed)

Total Raised _________

Please Return all sponsor forms and money to: Victoria Steele (inbox me for address details at: or Return to Victoria Steele at the end of the buggy push event. After completion of the 2mile buggy push a group photo will be taken (of all who wish to be in it) so that when the presentation cheque is presented to the Special Care Baby Unit they will be able to see all who participated.

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