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SUMMONS -—_—__________ Suto, (CITACION JUDICIAL) (solo Pana Uso beta CORTE) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: ANTHONY AKMAL AKA ANTHONY Convonmtsl eh fare (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): BELL; LEE BROWDER; MARVIN sue RANA ES A i BROWDER; JASON COOPER; XAVIER COWLEY; KEITH PRS SO ee DANIELS; BLAND DORTCH; GEORGE DOSS; CECIL HILL AKA MIKE JOHNSON; LYDBLL JACKSON; EDDIE JOHNSON; FREDDIB] AUG 06 2012 KING; JOSEPH E. NELSON Ill AKA JOSEPH NELSON; JOSEPH EDWARD NELSON; WILLIAM OFFRAY; MARK ROBINSON; Hebd. Cl te eee MELTON STRAUSS; as Individual Defendants and DOES 1 through 100.4y: ity. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: a (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): ‘HE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 7 e Carmen A. Trutanich, as the City Attomey for the City of Los ngeles, NOTIGEI You have been sued. The court may decde agains! you withoul your being heard unless you respond wilhin 90 days, Read the lnfownalion below. ‘You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a witlon response at this court and have a copy ‘served on the plant. A Teter or phone call wil nol protect you. Your wrllenresporse most bein proper fogl form i you want the cour lo hear your ease. There may bo a court form tnat you can use for your response. You ean find those cout forms and more Information at the Califia Courts Galine Sei-Help Center (wn., your county ler Worary, or the courthouse nearest you. I you cannot pay the fing fe, ask {he cout eerk fora fee wafver for, Ifyou do nal fla our response on te, you may iose the ease by defaul, and your wages, money, and propery ‘may be laken without furner warning fom the court ‘There are other legal requirements. You may want 0 call an attomney right away. If you do not know an attomey, you may want Io allan allrney ‘oferal service. you canto afford an attorney, you may bo elgfbla for fee fogalseiveas ram a nonprot agal stviees progam. You can foal thase nonprofit groups atthe California Legal Services Web sito (, tho Calforia Coutts Online Sell Halp Center (iru'p), of by contacting your local court or County bar associalon. NOTE: The court has a stalulory len for waived fees and Costs on any sellement or arbitation avd of $10,000 oF more iach case. The court's len must bo pald bafors te court wl dismiss the ease, AMSOF Lg hon demand. io respond dont go 30 oes, lo cote puode doc on su cota sn escuchar su rin. Loa fa foacin @ ontiaunck “lane 20 DIAS DE CALENDARIO dospus de que be entree fa cilacn y papateslegales para presentar una respussla por serio on este corte y hacor quo se entregue una copla al demandsnio, Una carla o una lamad flofdnica nolo prolegen. Su respuasia por eset ono quo oetar| 69 formaio loge corocl si dasca quo procasen su caso on la corlo. E's posible quo haya un formula quo usled puede usar para Su respuosta Puede encontrar estos formolarios do la corte y mas Informacion on of Cantro do Ayu de las Cares do Caliorna,gov) en a Diniotece 0 loves de su condaco o en fs core que Te quede mas corea. Sino puode pagar la cuota do prosentacion, pla al secrotala do a cafe po, puede perder ef caso por incumplimienoy fa cots le ‘que fe dun formularo de exencin de papo dl cuotas. Sno presenta su respuest ‘Bodré quia su suoido, dinero y bees sin mss advertenct Hay aos roquistos gates. Es recommendable qué lame a un abogado Inmadialamente, Si no conoce 2 un abogado, puede lamar a un sanvicio do rami 0 abogoges. SF ne pind pagar aun abagad, e2 porb e 7 fs fequlfos para obtener soniowslogalos grates de tn rogranna de servicios legates sin fs ds luo. Puede encontrar eet fines de fucro on oso wob do Calfornla Legal Sonices, fhnwclavtelpeatforeta.or), en el Conio de Ayu de las Cortes de Calforta, (wut gov 0 ponindose on centacto con la corte 0 él alegio do abogados locates. AVISO: Por a, la coro fons doracho a roclanarIas cuolae y los castes oxontos por imponer un gravamen Sobre Buel ecuporain de $10,000 mds de vl ea mcara ut acuordo oun cnzasiin date an cao do recharge ol grr dom cv als de gun a ote pd dosh cvo,. (Elnombre'y dfoccion do la core 63) SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Cental District, TIT North Hill Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 “The name, address, and (elephone numberof plaintiffs atlomey, or plaintif without an attorney, is: {Elrombre le dracon yo omar de teflana del abogado del demandents,o del demndnte que no leno shagad, eu CARMEN A TRU RANICH, City Attonicy, (213) 978-409 (213) 978-8717 fore, SBN 180956 Anne Trembiay, Supervisor, ‘Aseistant Sugm J. Chung, Deputy City Attorney, SEN 22775, LA. Office of the City Attorbey, 200 N. Main St, 9th Floor, L.A., CA 90025 DATE: Clerk, by . Deputy {Focha) (Secretaria) ie Chambers Adiunto) (For proof of service of this summons, use nmons (form POS-010),) ae {Pare phate ont Ge oo steitn sf ofan Eibsto Gomis of Summons 705-010). NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served 1. [_] asan individual defendant 2. [] as the person sued undor the fiaitious name of (specify): 3. [] on behalf of (spesity): undo] 6eP 41870 epraas) {16204180 ¢rnn [) cp 416 20 (defunct corporation) [1cce 416.70 (conservatee) [EJ cee 416.40 (association or partnership) [=] CCP 416.90 (authorized porcon) [la ooa 4, (7) by personal delivery on (date): Page ttt a sianons Teg enereeatenel “Set Cance Catone sds aw awe & CONFORM Cory CARMEN A. TRUTANICH, LOS ANGELES CITY ATTORNEY gIMGH tesa ns Mary Clare Molidor, Deputy Chief, Sainte a RS Criminal and Special Litigation Branch (Bar No. 82404) Aug 06 2012 ‘Anne Tremblay, Supervisor, Assistant City Attorney, ‘Anti-Gang Section (Bar No. 180956) Jota A Clg CxeetveOexeletk Greg Dotlinan, Deputy City Attomey (Bat No. 204470) gy. her eee Susan J, Chung, Deputy City Attorey (Bar No. 227755) ita 200 N. Main Siteet, 9th Floor, Room #966, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone #: (213) 978-4090; Fax #: (213) 978-8717 Email: Greg Email: Susan. Jean, Chung@lacity.ore, Attorneys for Plaintiff, The People of the State of California NO FEE ~ GOV’T CODE §6103 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CENTRAL DISTRICT BCA8 95 GS ‘THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Case No.: Ex rel, Carmen A. Trutanich, as the City Attomey for the City of Los Angeles, COMPLAINT SEEKING TO ENJOIN, ABATE, AND PREVENT NUISANCE Plaintiff, ACTIVITY AND TO ENJOIN UNLAWFUL BUSINESS PRACTICES vs. [CIV. CODE §§ 3479, 3480, AND 3491; ANTHONY AKMAL AKA ANTHONY BELL; LEE) CODE OF CIV, PROC. § 731; BUS. & BROWDER; MARVIN BROWDER; JASON PROF. § 17200, 17203, 17204] COOPER; XAVIER COWLEY; KEITH DANIELS; BLAND DORTCH; GEORGE DOSS; CECIL HILL [Unlimited Action] AKA MIKE JOHNSON; LYDELL JACKSON; EDDIE JOHNSON; FREDDIE KING; JOSEPH E, NELSON UI ‘AKA JOSEPH NELSON; JOSEPH EDWARD NELSON; WILLIAM OFFRAY; MARK ROBINSON; MELTON STRAUSS; as Individual Defendants and DOES Ithrough 100, Defendants. Plaintiff, PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA (hereinafter “the People”), complaining of the above-named defendants ("Defendants"), make the following allegations based ‘upon information and belief insofar as they pertain to Defendants” identity and conduct: uM Wt a dT COMPLAINT SEEKING TO ENJOIN, ABATE, AND PREVENT NUISANCE ACTIVITY AND TO FNIOIN TINLAWHUT. RTISINESS PRACTICES: 20 a 2 2 4 25 26 a 8 NATURE OF THE ACTION 1. This action arises as a result of the pervasive illegal ticket selling (also known as “ticket scalping”) that Defendants are engaged in atthe Staples Center and LA Live venues; Dodger Stadium; University of Southem California (USC) Galen Event Center/Galen Athletic Pavilion (“Galen”); and the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (“Coliseum”) (hereinafter collectively known as, “LA Sports/Entertainment Venues”). This action is not directed at typical or average sports fans who, on occasion, sell extra tickets in front of each respective venue noted above. Fach Defendant has been observed frequently engaging in ticket scalping at the LA Sports/Entertainment Venues and has been arrested multiple times for such conduet. Defendants’ conduct constitutes'a public nuisance for ever goers and unfair competition for legitimate ticket-selling businesses. 2, In this action, the People seek a court order enjoining Defendants from being present at the LA Sports/Entertainment Venues. PARTIES: 3, Plaintiff, the People, is the sovereign power of the State of California designated by the Unfair Competition Law to be the complaining party in law enforcement actions brought under that statute, The People act here through Carmen A. Trutanich, City Attorney for the City of Los Angeles, under the authority granted to him by Business and Professions Code sections 17203, 17204, 17206, 17508, 17535, and 17536 to bring such law enforcement actions. 4, The City Attorney for the City of Los Angeles brings this cause of action alleged herein on behalf of the People, pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 17204, which provides that an action under Chapter 5 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code may be brought in the name of the People of the State of California by any City Atomey of a city, or city and county, having 4 population in excess of 750,000. The City of Los Angeles has a population in excess of 750,000. (See People v. Bhakta (2006) 135 Cal.App.4th 631, 641.) 5, The People are informed and believe and based thereon allege that Defendants are individuals who have been arrested at one or more of the LA. Sports/Entertainment Venues for violating California Penal Code (hereinafter "PC" section 346; and/or Los Angeles Municipal Code (hereinafter “LAMC’) sections 42.00, subdivision (b), and 42.03, subdivisions (a) and (b): ___2 COMPLAINT TO ENJOIN, ABATE, AND PREVENT NUISANCE ACTIVITY ‘AND TO ENJOIN UNLAWEUL BUSINESS PRACTICES

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