Narrative in Class Assignment

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By: Suzy, Maria, Roxane, and Mobeen Fictional Narrative Writing Intention To entertain To tell a story To express cultural

values To share your personal understanding of the world To get attention To solve a problem To build social consciousness (to understand, empathize, and raise awareness) Complexity of the story develops with experience and age Kinds, Modalities, and Formats of Narrative Writing

Short Story

Graphic Novels

Storytelling (using audacity and voice threads) Readers Theatre Song Radio theatre Monologue Improvisation

Fables Legend Historical Fiction Myth Play

Comics Manga Movies (Visual Novels) Claymation Video Games (narrative or role play) Television Episode to Series Artwork Picture-Story Book Photo-Story* Anime Digital Jumpstart*

Readers Theatre Mystery Fiction Fairy tale Science Fiction Song Fan-fiction*

By: Suzy, Maria, Roxane, and Mobeen Ballad Modern Fantasy Digital Story Hybrid Novel (Skeleton Creek)* E-books Tableau Dance Mimes

Tall tales Parables Humour Thesis (Performed Ethnography)

*While each example is categorized under one modality, the creation of many of these narrative fiction product
draws on multiple modes of communication and expression

Text Features of Narratives Typically has a beginning, middle, and end Contains dialogue and descriptive language to convey ideas Has a setting and sense of time Contains characters Events may be driven by a conflict Ending either has a resolution or ends with suspense Conflicts may occur between people, with nature, supernatural forces (e.g. natural disasters or god), or within the character. Creates a believable world Written or performed for an audience Mentor Texts (Jeannie Baker) (Cirque du Soleil)

Mechanics Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation

By: Suzy, Maria, Roxane, and Mobeen

Varying Sentence Structure Correct use of Dialogue (Quotation Marks) Verb tenses Front-Loading Idea Development Mentor Text Modelling Descriptive Language Vocabulary Brainstorming Point of View (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Person perspectives) Similes and Metaphors Stylistic Differences in Paragraphing Methodology Writing Process (Different writing processes) Gradual Release of Responsibility Teacher and Peer Feedback

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