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DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [DDD] MD0904 / DD0904 Time: 3 Hours Semester: 6


1. Group I and Group II questions should be answered in the Main Answer book. 2. In all questions of Group I, the subdivision (a) carries 3 marks each and subdivision (b) carries 5 marks each. 3. Answer any SEVEN questions in Group I. 4. Answer any ONE question in Group II. 5. Answer all questions in Group III multiple choice type questions (which will be given to the candidates half an hour before the scheduled close of the examination) should be answered only in the space provided in the Main Answer Book. GROUP I 1. a) What are the characteristics of good plant layout? b) Explain briefly about the types of problems related to plant layout Marks: 7 x 8 = 56

2. a) Write short notes on various flow patterns used in the industries.

b) What are the factors to be considered to obtain good working conditions in a plant? 3. a) Compare process layout with product layout. b) Describe fixed position layout with schematic diagram and list its advantages. 4. a) Explain the overall storage methods in any one manufacturing industry. b) Discuss briefly the main functions of stores department. 5. a) List out the objectives of the material handling methods. b) Describe about the principle followed for material handling activities. 6. a) In which situation conveyors are preferred? Why? b) Describe briefly the construction and function of roller conveyor. 7. a) Write short notes on hoist. b) Describe briefly with diagram about the bridge crane. 8. a) Discuss about container used in material handling. b) Explain briefly with diagram about the gantry crane. GROUP II 9. Briefly describe the following types of industrial truck (i) Fork lift truck (ii) Crane truck 10. Explain briefly with diagram about the straddle carrier. List out its advantages, disadvantages and applications.
Page No: 1

Marks: 1 x 9 = 9



Roll No. : Write the Alphabet of your choice answer for each question in the space provided in the Main Answer Book (Do not attach this question paper along with the Main Answer Book)


Marks: 10 x 1 = 10

1. Objective of plant layout is ______________ . A) minimum material handling B) minimum equipment utilization C) minimum manpower utilization D) minimum utilization of floor area

2. O type flow pattern used in ______________ industry. A) bottling plant B) steel plant C) cement plant

D) paper plant

3. ______ is useful where volume of manufacture is high and variety of jobs is less. A) product layout B) process layout C) line layout D) fixed position layout 4. Material handling and plant location is analyzed by _________. A) gantt chart B) bin chart C) emersion chart 5. Respirators used for ____________. A) lung protection B) eye protection 6.

D) travel chart

C) hand protection

D) liver protection

________ is concerned with the orderly storage and issuing of finished goods. A) tool room B) receiving area C) shipping area D) warehousing area Bin cards are used in keeping the records of A) man power B) machine utilization C) entry & exit of workers ___________ is a traction type conveyor. A) chute conveyor B) screw conveyor


D) material storage


C) arm conveyor

D) roller conveyor


________ is used for handling loads over long rectangular area in shipyard. A) jib crane B) gantry crane C) bridge crane D) monorail For narrow aisles, long loads (like pipes, angles) _______ truck is used. A) crane truck B) platform truck C) side load truck


D) hand lift truck

Note : i) Group I questions will cover the entire syllabus. ii) Questions in Group II may be from any part of the syllabus. It may have subdivisions (a), (b) if necessary. iii) Group III questions shall be distributed over the entire syllabus. Page No: 2

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