18 Bula1

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18 bulan - 1 tahun 6 bulan 76kg GOAL = 50KG!!!!!!!!!!

Control your food intake Have your cheat day. eat in moderate volume. Diet is not about not eating but eats in the right way. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper. Increase your physical activity i.e. choose the staircase instead of elevator. Minum air masak banyak-banyak. Exercise. (Its hard to start, but when u have the momentum its hard to stop). Determination is the key word.

#1: Bran (Corn, Wheat, Brown Rice, Oat) #2: Dried Herbs, Spices, and Peppers #3: Cocoa Powder and Dark Chocolate #4: Flax Seeds, Sesame Seeds, and Sesame Butter (Tahini) #5: Dry Roasted Soybeans (Edamame) #6: Sun-dried Tomatoes #7: Nuts (Almonds, Pistachios, Pecans) #8: Sunflower Seeds #9: Beans (Navy, White, French, Kidney) #10: Passion Fruit (Granadilla) My Top 10 Weight Loss Tips

Believe that you can do it. Even though they said you cant. Prove them wrong by showing them the result. Never give up if your weight does not go down. If the first plan does not working, theres always another way around. Stay focus on doing it. NEVER skip your meal especially breakfast. Eat moderately. Eat because you NEED the food not because you WANT the food. Know the calories needed for your body Dont be lazy to MOVE around and burn some calories down. And lastly, pray to ALLAH and ask for HIS help for any efforts that you do and want to do.

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