250 Words Eassy - About Globalization

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Globalization refers to in general terminology as "ENTIRE WORLD ONE VILLAGE" Where in the countries come to an agreement and import

and export the products which are necessary for both the countries for development.and start globalization opens the door for free trade,FDI, and many others which shall put the country on fast track mode of development. GLOBALISATION has brought in many benefits to many countries in the world today. Globalization in true sense is combining of cultural, political and trade barriers with the world countries. It is like a boon for the developing countries and also its a boon for the developed countries where they can market their products and reap in profits India is not new to the concept of globalization where in the famous LPG policy by manmohan singh brought in the globalization in India. and since than India is the favorite destination for foreign markets. Globalization also brings in many advantages and disadvantages with itself.some advantages are Greater employment opportunities for people.. Availability of greater variety of goods and services to the consumers.Faster and wider spread of new technologies..but also there are many disadvantages some are Unrestricted globalization can hamper the development process of the country.. Smaller firms may lack the resources to compete international firms.. Country becomes increasingly dependent on other countries for meeting their needs for goods and services.. But lastly globalization is rather necessary only to some extend when it doesnt hamper the countries process and welfare of the citizens.

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