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Virtual Machine Installation

1. Download the free Virtual PC application from from MS web site for the appropriate machine (Windows 7 32 bit, 64 bit, etc). 2. Run the downloaded executable and install the Virtual PC application on your PC. 3. If the external Hard Drive that contains the 50 GB Virtual Hard Drive file (which has a file extension of *.vhd) is available, connect the external drive to the PC that the image is being installed on, and copy it over to the C: drive, then skip steps 4 and 5, and go to step 6. Moving this image could take anywhere from 90 minutes, to over two hours. If the external drive is not available, go to step 4. 4. Download Visual Studio 2010 and TFS Virtual Machine (21 files, 15GB) from MS web site... 5. Extract the VS 2010 TFS virtual machine (into a virtual hard drive, *.vhd file) by running the downloaded executable (*part0001.exe). This might also appear as a Microsoft update, and it could, again take between 2 and 3 hours to complete. 6. Create and run the VS 2010 TFS virtual machine using the vhd file. Some helpful instructions can be found on the following web site. 6.1. Start the Virtual PC application from the start menu. At this point, the program will look like an
empty Windows Explorer window.

6.2. Click the Create Virtual Machine button from the VPC panel.

6.3. Choose a name for this Virtual Machine (e.g. WS 2008 - MTM) 6.4. Allocate 2GB RAM (or half of your RAM available if you have less than 4GB RAM) 6.5. Select existing Virtual Hard Disk and browse to enter the vhd file location. 6.6. Fixed Hard Drive, 50 GB 7. Start the VM by Selecting the VM from the Virtual PC application page, right click and open.

8. When prompted to press ctrl-alt-del, press the icon button that appears as ctrl-alt-del, not the individual buttons. 9. When the VN first starts, it will request the domain of the server that TFS is installed on, along with the password. The domain is sprcompanies\username, and the password is pass@word1. 10. When first logging in, choose the icon of the fictional developer Abu, and type in the password P2ssw0rd. Visual Studio should then open normally.

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