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201206160 Jose Rizal Lodge No 1172, GL of NY, Open Installation

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Brother Master of Ceremonies, RWB DDGM Carlito Gallardo, Worshipful Master Ige Abe, Distinguished East, RW Sirs, VW Sirs, Worshipful Sirs, Brethren, Ladies and Friends: I bring greetings on behalf of our Grand Master, MWB Al Hadley, and the Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba, AF&AM, and good wishes on behalf of the Manitoba Masonic Family. I also relay warm fraternal greetings from the more than 100 Filipino-Canadian Brethren and their families who now live in Manitoba. I bring very special greetings from WB Cris Alip, the WM, the Officers, Brethren and Ladies of Fil-Can Cabletow Lodge No 189. I also bring you fraternal greetings from the Lodges in other Jurisdictions of which I am also a Member. These are my Mother Lodge, Capitol City Lodge No 174, MW GLP; Maynilad Lodge No 1521 in the GL of District of Columbia; Freedom Lodge No 1461 in the GL of Texas; and Morton Lodge No 352, of which I am an Honorary Member, in the GL of Illinois. Manitoba is one of the 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada. It became a province of Canada in 1870. It is located in the geographical center of Canada, is part of the Prairies and is located right above North Dakota.

Province Motto: Latin: Gloriosus et Liber (Glorious and free) Total area: 649,950 sq km (250,900 sq mi) vs NYs 141,300 sq km (54,556 sq mi) vs Philippines 299,764 sq km (115,831 sq mi)

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Water: 15.6% vs NYs 13.5% vs PHs 0.61% (inland water) 2011 Population: 1,208,268 vs NYs 19,465,197 vs PHs 92.34 Million Density: 2.2/sq km (5.7/sq mi) vs NYs 159/sq km (412/sq mi) vs PHs 308.0/sq km (797.2/sq mi) The capital is Winnipeg, which has 60% of the population and is two (2) hours from the U.S. Border and 2,665 kms (1,665 mi) from New York City.

The Grand Lodge of Manitoba was established on May 12, 1875. Freemasonry came to the area in 1813 when John Palmer Bourke, a member of Wellington Persevering Lodge No 20 in Montreal, settled there. In 1864, several years after Bourke's death, the Northern Light Lodge was formed by John Christian Schultz, A.G.B. Bannatyne and William Inkster. By May 12, 1875, there were three (3) Lodges in the region, which joined together to form the Grand Lodge of Manitoba with MWB William C Clark as the first Grand Master. At that time, Alberta, Assiniboia, Saskatchewan and the Yukon Territories were all under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge. In its first years, the Grand Lodge, which consisted of 200 Freemasons, was challenged by a rift between two rituals, with practitioners divided over the "American" or "Ancient York" ritual and the "English" or "Canadian" or Emulation work. To resolve these differences, the Grand Lodge of Manitoba recognized both. The jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of

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Manitoba was diminished in 1905 and 1908 with the formation of the Grand Lodges of Alberta and Saskatchewan, respectively. The numbers were further reduced in 1907, when two (2) of the Yukon lodges decided to affiliate with the Grand Lodge of British Columbia. Today, we have 45 Lodges with a little over 2,500 Brethren. The Grand Lodge Motto is: Audi, Vide, Tace (Hear, See, Be Silent & Learn) which is a shortened version of Audi, Vide, Tace, Si tu vis Vivere in pace (Hear, See, Be Silent, if you wish to live in peace). WM, I thank you for your invitation to be at your Installation and that of your Officers this evening. I am very happy to be able to include attending this Installation in my itinerary. When I learned from WB Edward Usita that you are having your Open Installation this evening, I told him that I might attend, subject to the approval of my wife, Sister Mae, who is my real Grand Master. As she knows, I always try to visit other Lodges wherever my travels take me. Hence, we are here this evening. This is the first and only Lodge so far which I have visited under the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of New York. The similarity between your Ritual and those used in Manitoba and other Jurisdictions is clearly a testament to the Universality of Freemasonry similar Rituals and Landmarks in Jurisdictions all over the world. It is a pleasure to again meet WB Edward Usita. He and I finally met in person in Manila in April after communicating electronically over the

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past few years. It is my honor to meet the learned, distinguished and eminent Past Masters and Brethren of Jose Rizal Lodge No 1172, the only all-Filipino Lodge recognized by the MW GLP outside the Philippines. Congratulations to WB Hernane Castro and the Installation Team for an excellent and a very impressive Ceremony. For the new WM: WB Ige Abe Brethren, we, Freemasons, have two Gavels. One is the Worshipful Masters Gavel, the Symbol of authority that must be wisely used to preserve harmony within the Lodge. The other is the Working Tool of the Entered Apprentice. In either sense, the Gavel is of ancient origin and honorable history. As a symbol of authority, the gavel has always been used in ruling deliberative assemblies. From the gathering of a neighborhood club to legislatures, congresses, supreme courts, presidents, premiers, prime ministers and monarchs have used the gavel to bring order and obedience. Handing the gavel to another transfers, for the time, the authority of the one who originally wielded it. A Worshipful Master of a Lodge is an autocrat while in possession of his Gavel. The Grand Master or his Representative does not actually take over a Lodge until the Worshipful Master yields his Gavel. Our other Gavel, that of the Entered Apprentice, is for the workmen to employ in their labors. It approaches in importance the Gavel of

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authority. In one sense it is as important as the other Gavel, because no Worshipful Master may open a Lodge unless the workmen are present. No Worshipful Master can preside and supervise the work unless the workmen are at their labors. No Worshipful Master can be successful in his conduct of the Lodge and his supervision of the work unless the workmen are willing ones. No Worshipful Master can drive the workmen to their labors, autocratic as his powers may be, even when they are there at his bidding or summons. The Worshipful Masters term in office, his supervision of the work, will all fail unless the workmen are interested in their labors, unless they have pride in the kind of work they present for inspection, unless each proudly presents a Masters Piece to be set into the Temple, and unless each workman is able to vision the completed work and voluntarily uses his Gavel to produce a finished Ashlar of service, that Ashlar to either support or surmount the Perfect Ashlars of other Brethren. I am sure that the new Worshipful Master of Jose Rizal Lodge No 1172, WB Ige Abe, will wisely use the Gavel and give the Lodge Brethren wise and wholesome instruction in the use of implements available to us, Freemasons. It is similar to the Gavel which I was handed 10 years ago to preside over my Lodge on the following year. Congratulations, Worshipful Brother Ige, on your ascension to the East. The duties incumbent upon you will soon be fraught with grave responsibilities. Remember that the honor, reputation and usefulness of

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our Lodge will materially depend upon the skill and assiduity with which you manage its concerns, and that the happiness of our Members will be generally promoted in proportion to the watchful care with which you will cherish the genuine principles of our Institution. I wish you an excellent, enjoyable and meaningful year of serving our Lodge as Worshipful Master. Congratulations also to the other Lodge Officers. I wish all of you a wonderful year serving our Lodge from your respective Chairs. For the new IPM: WB Jun Almiron Brethren, at the same time when some of us are advanced in Masonic chairs, those who have been Worshipful Masters, must step down to a higher position. This may seem a paradoxical statement, but it is true. PM should not stand for post meridian. A Past Master has arrived at what should be the early morning of his service. To be a Past Master of a Masonic Lodge is a great reason for pride. Past Masters are justified in having pride in their service, but I have noted in those, who have risen highest, a certain humility which better becomes a Mason than a display of the pride he is justified in feeling. It has been said that humility is the greatest and the mother of all the virtues. It is the foundation of strength and the outer manifestation of wisdom. Upon it alone, an upright and beautiful character may be erected.

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The one who has given such study to the Mysteries, Teachings and Symbols of Freemasonry as to make him worthy of high honors cannot help but realize that he is but an atom in an infinite universe. He must be humbled by a realization of his own inferiority when his puny accomplishments are compared with those of the infinite power which controls our destinies. In the life of the conscientious Freemason must be fought the battle between pride and humility, and for the Freemason worthy of high honors, humility will be the victor. That Freemason will better exemplify the Teachings of our Ancient and Honorable Order. Congratulations to the Immediate Past Master, WB Jun Almiron, for a successful and enjoyable year in the East. I am sure that you have many wonderful memories of your year as Worshipful Master of Jose Rizal Lodge No 1172, which, I trust, you will continue to serve with as much, if not more, gusto and commitment as you had when you were serving it from the East. Let me share this thought. Brethren, let us have pride in our achievements. Let us have pride in the honors which our Brethren have conferred upon us. But let us be humble, as becomes both high and low in our great Fraternity. Brethren, a lot of us wear clothing, jewelry and accessories with the Square & Compasses or some other symbols of our beloved Fraternity. Our vehicles have decals with these symbols. Some even have tattoos

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of Masonic symbols. Imagine yourself in an elevator and someone notices your jacket, shirt or tattoo with the Square & Compasses. Pointing to the symbol, that someone then asks What is that? After explaining that it is a symbol of Freemasonry, you are then asked What is Freemasonry? Well, you now have no more than 30 seconds to respond. What is your 30-second elevator speech as a response to that question? I trust that most of us, including the Ladies, already have one. If we want more good men to petition our Lodges for the Degrees of Freemasonry, we must have an excellent 30-second response to the question What is Freemasonry? And the response Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols" is not really a good one. Here is an excellent possible answer which I saw on facebook sometime ago and modified slightly. And for those who will be timing it, it is longer than 30 seconds. Freemasonry is, first and foremost, a fraternity. The Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God is primary. This means that its activities are designed to promote friendship, morality and brotherly love. It is a unique institution that has been a major part of community life for almost three hundred years. It is the worlds largest and oldest fraternity and one that continues to be an important part of many men's personal lives and growth. It provides opportunities for personal development, leadership, fellowship and service. It is not a religion but

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its emphasis on the Fatherhood of God ensures that the Brotherhood of Man follows naturally. This, coupled with the obligation to abide by the Golden Rule, particularly with a fellow Freemason, makes for one of the strongest bonds of society. When a Freemason meets another Freemason, the odds that the latter will treat the former as the former would like to be treated are very high indeed. Freemasonry is also a way of life, a philosophy of life. It manifests itself in our daily contacts with others. It is not what the tongue proclaims but what the heart contains. The true Freemason, then, is one who interprets the symbols in which Freemasonry is concealed or by which it is explained, through exemplification in his daily life of what was put into such symbols long before Solomon started construction of the Great White Temple. Our way of life is one of doing good, just because. It entails sharing our 3Ts (Time, Talent & Treasure) while continually trying to be a better human being, person, husband, father, grandfather, uncle, son, cousin, grandson, relative, friend, neighbor, citizen, manager, subordinate, coworker, leader and follower. Brethren, if we decide to share our three (3) T's and, thus, wisely use the tools we are given, then we will be able to help make good men better. We can assist in providing opportunities for these good men to be better men. We will then be closer in attaining the purpose of

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Freemasonry, our beloved Craft, and these better men will continue to make a positive difference and help make the world a better place. Our beloved Fraternity has existed for almost three (3) centuries. A good number of our predecessors have made the choice to share their talent, time and treasure and they have made a positive difference. We have a very, very glorious past, an excellent legacy and history we are all extremely proud of. We can talk endlessly about our Brethren who were or are presidents, potentates, prime ministers, premiers, senators, congressmen, governors, successful businessmen, leaders and so on. Unfortunately, however, we cannot live in the past. We cannot and dare not rest on our laurels. The present, Brethren, the here-and-now - is our responsibility. Yours & mine. But, most importantly, the future is our obligation. The future of our Lodges, Districts, Jurisdictions, York Rite Chapters, Councils, Preceptories, Scottish Rite Valleys, Shrine Units and Clubs, Eastern Star Chapters, Amaranth Courts and specially our Youth Organizations, DeMolay, Jobs Daughters and Rainbow Girls - their future - is our collective obligation. Yours & mine. Brethren, if we choose wisely to use the tools given to us and continue to perform our duties well, part of that future will include at least another three (3) centuries of spreading the light of Freemasonry. I know that all of you have chosen wisely and will continue to do so. And I

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commend all of you for choosing to make a difference and help make this world a better one. And if we work together in unity and harmony, our Masonic journey will be more enjoyable and our Masonic Labors will seem lighter. It has been said that the world needs Freemasonry more today than before. If we work in unison and in accord, just think of how greater a positive difference our Fraternity can make and how much more fun our endeavors can be. Here is a quote from the renowned American cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead, who once said "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Brethren, I know that we, Freemasons, are small in number in relation to the world total population. However, I believe that we are thoughtful and committed citizens who want to and can make our world a better one through our Craft. I trust that we are truly happy not only to stand for Freemasonry, but also to promote it as a way of life and make a positive difference in this world. Let me close with this quote from Lao Tzu, the Father of Taoism. Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character.

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Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. Brethren, when we were accepted into Freemasory, we were charged to be exemplary in our thoughts, words, actions and habits. If we remain true to that charge, we will then have an exemplary character, one that will enable us to get closer to our destiny of becoming a better man. Congratulations to the Officers and Brethren of Jose Rizal Lodge No 1172 on your Lodges consistent growth and accomplishments since receiving your Dispensation 28-1/2 years ago in 1983. I wish Jose Rizal Lodge No 1172 continued success in the future. WM, I hope that you and your Brethren will consider having a Twinning Agreement between Jose Rizal Lodge No 1172 and Fil-Can Cabletow Lodge No 189. This Agreement aims to promote closer fraternal ties between our Lodges and among our Brethren. I thank WB Edward Usita for coordinating my attendance here this evening and for Bro Boy Calvario who is our very gracious Designated Driver today. At this point, I would like to call RWB Cecil Abbott to the Altar. RWB Cecil was our very wonderful tour guide this past Wednesday and Thursday. If you want to learn about Downtown Manhattan and all the secrets of the rich and famous of NYC, hop on the Gray Line bus which has RWB Cecil as the tour guide.


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DDGM RWB Carlito Gallardo, please present these pins to MWB James Sullivan and relay to him my warm personal and fraternal regards and that of my Grand Master, MWB Al Hadley. Worshipful Master Ige and Brethren, I thank you for the courtesies extended to me, to Sis Mae and to our children this evening. I look forward to the balance of this meeting and the fellowship, which I am sure will be warm and wonderful. I know that some of the food will keep us from growing old.
Brethren and Ladies, I thank you all for your kind attention. Good afternoon.


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