Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems B P Lathi Solutions Manual

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Chapter 2 eee 2.1-1 Let us denote the signal in question by g(t) and its energy by By. For parts (a) and (b) te rc sintrdt= 3 fo ae cos 2dt=r+0=m 2), 2 ©) ee [ sinttut= 2 [at-} [costae rt0=% ae Bhp Se 2° eee (a) ef casin 1? ar = a3 ek [corte] = ae soln ae lo 2 Io 2 to Sign change and time shift do not affect the signal energy. Doubling the signal quadruples its energy. In the same way we can show that the energy of kg(t) is k*Ey, 2ae2 (a) Kes [Zar 2. Ey fe(uae+ f2(-1rae = 2 (2)?dt=4. Ex [rans “2 5 0/2 f pas f tora f (ytare o ia m2 a0/2 a Eey= [tars [ores [Cota ee 0 f f Therefore Eazy = Ex ~ Ey (bE, = [ors f 7 Similarly. we can show that Ezy = 44 Therefore Exsy = E. + Ey. We are tempted to conclude that Ext = E,—£y in general. Let us see. o ee [Corns [cntaer ee [ataes seve [ores [omer torn [ome [cote ‘Therefore. in general Exsy # Ex + Ey Lf cheatin snare Sf ec reed [Meteor ona & [econ sana "hh I, dt+ [, cou(aaet +204] = Fete +0) F 2.1+4 This problem is identical to Example 2.26. except that 1 # w2. In this ease, the third integral in Py (see p. 19 is not zero. This integral is given by 2 y= gi, 2 [contort + O:}c08 ait + Ha) at at rie a a eed if onl; —@)dt +f cos(2art +01 +62) dt T Ura “ra " jinn, SY 11 eoaity ~ M9)} + O-= C.Ca costs ~ 2) 1 21-5 21-6 21-8 2.21 Therefore F + crcecosins - #2) 2 Py [eras cur ®) port (yar = 64/7 a aj a [ (ct Pat = 6407/7 wr=5 f (2t*yPat = 4(64/7) = 256/7 — (€) Pea = Sign change of a signal does not affect its power. Multiplication of a signal by ® constant © increases the power by a factor ©? ani aaron Lf7ss dima ert Poa gin tf nine cars gin $f" SY parrot ra 119 on tam ‘The integrals of the cross:product terms (when & # r) are fnite because the integrands are periodic signals rinade up of sinusoids), ‘These terms. when divided by T — oc. yield zero. The remaining cerms (k=) yield ue * yy um $f Data = De? 71a bem fd (a) Power of a sinusoid of amplitude C is C7/2 Bq, (2.6a)] regardless of its frequency (o # 0) and phase Therefore. in this case P ~ (10)*/2 = 50. (b) Power ofa sum of sinusoid is equal to the sum of the powers of the sinusoids [Eq. (2.6b)}. Therefore, this case P = OME 4 UES = 178. (€) (10 +2 sin 31) cos 101 = 10¢os 101 = sin 13¢ — sin 3¢. Hence from Ea, (2.60) P ay p+ $= 51 (d) 10cos 5¢ cos 10t = 5(cos 5t + cos 18¢. Hence from Eq, (2.6b) @ + SF a8, (e) 10sin 5¢ cos 101 = S(sin 15/ ~ sin 8¢. Hence from Eq, (2.6b) P of 4 opt mas, fetorse 4 ==). Using the esl in Prob. 21-7, we obtain P= (1/4) 40/4) = 17 (f) 0/9! cos.wat = For a real a - cof. rp tim & tonT Jurpe For imaginary a. let a= jr. Then pea nineand [emcee ad [atm 1 ~ 2 J ttre) Fig. $2.5-2 Clearly, if is real. ¢7* is neither energy not power signal. However, fa is imaginary, itis @ power signal with power 1 malt) = alt 1) rant 2). galt) salt 1) tout +1). galt) = alt — 08) + sit +05) “The signal qs(1) can be obtained by (i) delaying g(t) by 1 second (replace t with f— 1). (i) then time-expanding by a factor 2 {replace f with #2). (il) then muttiply with 1.5, Thus as(t) = 1.595 2.32 All the signals are shown in Fig. $2.3-2 2.3-3 All the signals are shown in Fig, $2.3-3 4 Ba-4> 4 9 Gs) 3 A = 2 A ° oe -6 t 3 , gars) 4 gu-d 2 4 2 o = Fig. 82.3-3 Fae [anra= [eon e, Exon [cota f° dena ty bane [writen [Pours te Baum [ietarns [Pov 2.34 F y/o bnone [ner oPaaE [doen Bue. Baio [etinieine [doi eat of Pudn ets Een = f fag(t)j? ar 24-1 Using the fact that q(7)6(r) = 9(0)4(7). we have (a) 0 (b) FA(u) Ce) FMA) (4) $A) phate +3) (1) kO(w) (use L’ Hépital’s rule) 12.2 In these problems remember that impulse A(x) is located at x = 0, Thus. an impulse 4(¢—r) is located at and so on. (a) The impulse is located at + and gf) at r =f is a(t). Therefore 3

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