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A little boy, John, went to play with his mates, and the kids raised an issue ab out who

has the most beautiful mum. Each child claimed they had the most beatifu l mum.Suddenly a child stood and said john's mum was the most ugly. John felt so bad that when he got home he refused to take his food. His mum had to ask him what was wrong. mum: " John, what's wrong with you?" John refused to answer, then the mum asked again. mum: " John, what's wrong?" John: "mum, I am not going to eat cos you are too ugly." The mum burst into tears and replied mum: "my son, I was a very beautiful woman, until one day when I was doing laund ry outside and our former house caught fire. I couldn't leave you inside to burn since you were very little then, so I rushed in and brought you out sustaining fire burns all over my body and face." John broke down in tears, hugged his mum saying, " mum please forgive me, you ar e the most beautiful mum in the world." Does this story not remind you of the death of Jesus Christ for mankind. Think a bout the scars he sustained for you and me. God loves you and doesn't want us to perish. Repent, and turn to God now.

DYING WITHOUT GOD A youth at one of the large iron works in Sheffield was some time ago accidental ly thrown on to a red hot armor plate. When he was rolled off by his fellow-work men, it was doubtful if he could live, as nearly all one side of him was burned to the bone. His workmates cried, " Send for the doctor," but the poor suffering youth cried, " Never mind sending for the doctor; is there anyone here can tell me how to get saved? My soul has been neglected, and I'm dying without God. Who can help me?" Although there were three hundred men around him, there was no one who could tell him the way of salvation. After twenty minutes of untold agony he died as h e had lived. The man who saw this accident, and heard the cries of the dying youth, was a wretched backslider, and when I asked him how he felt about the matter, he said, "I have heard his cries ever since, and wished I could have stooped down and po inted him to Jesus, but my life closed my lips." Does your life tell sinners that you are saved, or does it close your lips, when those around hear your talk and witness your actions? -- William Baugh.

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