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07 August 2012, Tuesday

08 August 2012, Wednesday

The ooding of Xavier

The MPC lled with students, teachers and staff, parents, alumni and friends.

No, its not a tiangge

Unheard of: Xaverians in school on a holiday doing manual labor

Our cadets responding to the call of duty.

Alumni Cadets coming home to help again.

Inside: non-stop packing and unpacking

Organized chaos

Thankfully, it got better each day...

Our now famous photo retweeted by PNoy

3 layout and system changes :)

Everyone helped out!

Everyone involved...

Everyone pitching in...

Teacher volunteers coming in full force to join the Relief Ops

And so were our parents..

No height or age requirement

Stacking empty boxes

Meanwhile our (DWTL) chefs cooking for ERDA Tech.

Yes, there were times it looked like a soiree

But there was a lot of hard work

The party music may have helped.


A dening moment

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