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My holiday time On holiday time, I went to citraland mall. It is located at west of Jakarta.

I went there with my big brother, his name is awank. We went to citraland mall by motorcycle. The journey to that place is very crowded because it was Sunday; many people in the city were getting their holiday. But I was very happy because when I and my big brother had arrived at citraland mall. We saw many interesting things around the mall. There was music performance, at that mall, and there was a SeaWorld in the mall. We saw many fish, shark, and starfish over there. We also touched the shark; it was really amazing experience in my holiday time. Waktu liburanku Pada waktu liburan, saya pergi ke mal Citraland. Terletak di Jakarta barat . Saya pergi bersama kakak saya, namanya awank. Kami pergi ke mal Citraland menggunakan sepeda motor. Perjalanan ke tempat itu sangat ramai karena itu hari Minggu, banyak orang di kota itu merayakan liburan mereka. Tapi aku sangat senang karena ketika saya dan kakak saya tiba di mal Citraland. Kami melihat banyak hal menarik di sekitar mal. Ada pertunjukan musik, di mal itu, dan ada SeaWorld didalam mal. Kami melihat banyak ikan, hiu, dan bintanglaut di sana. Kami juga menyentuh hiu, ini benar-benar pengalaman yang luar biasa dalam waktu liburan saya.

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