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Rudolf, Leo, Ayaka Based on the latest news, there are a large number of young people with alcohol experiences in teenage period. According to article, the number is still increasing every year. Almost 80 percent people have used alcohol beverages from 1992 to 2010. This presentation is examined to teenage alcohol problem and will rise awareness the risk of having alcohol presenting long term and short term effects. There are three causes to have alcohol from young age following family factors, individual risk factors and lack of alcohol education. It is shown that patients of alcohol rehabilitation are increasing every year. Also most people get arrested because of alcohol influences. Certainly, having alcohol will damage our health. It can be divided long term and short term effects which are three and four such as decease ability to pay attention, anxiety, depression, memory loss and vital organs damages and so on. We suggested the solution of alcohol problems which are prevent solutions and aid solutions. Prevent solutions are three; giving education about the dangerous of alcohol effect, family and environment support, tighten the policy. Aid solutions are rehabilitation. People who have alcohol problems need to support professional with specific facility. In conclusion, parental guide is the most important thing to avoid teenage alcohol problem. It is also need support from the environment such as social and education. The effects are very serious to the personal and society.

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