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Year 7 Quiz Colour code - one point two points three points 1.

Define delta: The mouth of a river, where it divides into several smaller rivers that flow into the sea 2. Why is the ground around the Nile so fertile? When the Nile river floods it allows for the land around to be watered, helping the crops to grow. 3. Land that is suitable for farming is called? Arable. 4. Who is Herodotus? He is a Greek historian who travelled to Egypt and saw the importance of the Nile, and witnessed the Ancient Egyptian society. 5. There are five tiers on the hierarchy who do they represent? (in order) Pharaoh and his family, high officials and high priests, scribes soldiers of rank priests merchants, farmers servants workers and craftsmen, slaves and prisoners 6. What are three jobs that scribes did? 7. List three interesting facts about slaves? 8. Did slaves work on the pyramids? No 9. What did conscripts work on in Ancient Egyptian society? Pyramids. 10. Give three facts about women's role within Ancient Egyptian society? 11. How did women carry their food and drink? On their shoulders 12. At what age did most Ancient Egyptian girls marry? 12 13. Name three of the nine main Gods? Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Nut, Geb, Osiris, Isis, Nephrthys, Seth 14. What was on the Ancient Egyptian temples that allowed people to pray directly to the God without having to go inside? Carved ears 15. What were three things that the Pharaoh did? 16. What were the police who guarded temples and helped the army called? Medjay 17. What did the false beard worn by the Pharaoh symbolise? Power and masculinity 18. What are two ways a criminal could be punished in Ancient Egyptian society? Cutting off the criminals hands, tongue, nose or ears, being sent to labour camps in the desert. Their whole family could be punished if a person was found guilty of a crime.The death penalty. Drowning, decapitation and burning at the stake were used to carry out the death sentence. 19. How many farming seasons were there in Ancient Egypt? 3 20. What did the Ancient Egyptians do during the October - February farming season? Planting time when the water receded and the soil was still wet. 21. In what months were the crops planted? (choice here - June - September, October - February, March - June) March - June 22. What are two ways that wall paintings help historians discover what happened in Ancient Egypt? 23. What were Ancient Egyptian homes built with? Mud and brick 24. Why did Ancient Egyptians use perfumed head cones?

25. List three toys that the children in Ancient Egypt played with? Clay rattles, toys on wheels, wooden dolls, spinning tops, board games (snake and senet). 26. What happened to children who were disobediant? They were beaten. 27. True or False: Some boys went to schools that were attached to temples and would learn to read and write by memorising long texts. True. 28. What was the God Bes used for? The god of child birth, used to frighten away evil spirits that could kill a new born child. 29. What was the shape of the medal awarded to soldiers for bravey? A fly. 30. Why did Ancient Egyptians go to war? When it was necessary for the protection of their empire, or necessary to expand. 31. How did the Ancient Egyptians record the total number of enemy soldiers they killed? By cutting one hand off each of the dead enemy so the scribes could record the total number killed. 32. Why were women not allowed near the Nile? The men were worried that they would be eaten by crocodiles. 33. True or False: Many Ancient Egyptians died before the age of 30. True 34. Did Ancient Egyptians believe in the afterlife? Yes 35. Approximately how many magic spells did The Book of the Dead contain? (choice - 300, 200, 500) 200 36. What did the Ancient Egyptians believe they could achieve through embalming and mummifying their dead? Immortality. 37. What was the first step in the mummification process? The body was thoroughly washd with water or palm wine. 38. What was the body stuffed with during mummification? Linen. 39. What charm was placed over the heart in the mummification process? A scarab beetle charm. 40. What is an amulet? A charm used to protect the body from evil. 41. Name two items that Ancient Egypt commonly traded? Hay, Bull, copper, loincloths, fat, incense, ebony, heknu, ivory, grain, panthers skin 42. What were mercenaries and why were they used? Mercenaries are foreign paid soldiers, used because they were believed to be more reliable and less open to corruption. 43. What did Howard Carter discover? Tutankhamens tomb. 44. For what purpose were the pyramids built? To be used as tombs for the Pharaoh. 45. Were the inner pyramids made with great accuracy? No. 46. How many wives did King Khufu have? 3 47. What did Ancient Egyptians measure everything by? The stars. 48. How many men worked at the quarry for the Pyramid of Giza? (choice 1500 men, 2000 men, 10000 men) 1500 men 49. How much stone was needed for the Pyramid of Giza? (5 thousand tonnes, 5 million tonnes, 15 million tonnes) 5 million tonnes 50. How many burial chambers were there within the Pyramid of Giza? 3. 51. Name two jobs that priests had?

52. Who had a harder job - the house slaves or land slaves - why? 53. What is the term for a society in which men have all or most of the power and influence? Patriarchy. 54. What happened to the money the farmers made through their produce? Paid as tax to the land owners. 55. What were two jobs of the army? Kept law and order, prevented invasion by neighbouring countries, senior officers found troops and provided weapons and training and led troops into battle 56. What was the common name given to funerary texts found in various tombs? The book of the dead. 57. True or False: Ancient Egyptians were among the first people to invent writing? True. 58. True or False: Ancient Egyptians invented cement? True. 59. True or False: Servants had the right to inherit their masters possessions when they died childless? True. 60. How was the brain removed during mummification? It was removed by using a stick with a hook at the end to remove it through one of his nostrils. 61. What was the only internal organ not removed during mummification? The heart 62. Where did ancient Egyptian women place or wear perfume? Their head. 63. Used to make bread and beer, what was the major crop of Ancient Egypt? Barley 64. Who was the most powerful person in Ancient Egypt? The Pharaoh. 65. Which part of the sphinx pyramid has been destroyed? The sphinxs nose. 66. Approximately how long did the Ancient Egyptian civilisation last for 2,000 years, 2,500 years, 2,700 years? 2,700 years 67. How many days a year did craftsmen have to work? 365 68. What are two things the female house slaves did to help their mistresses? Help their mistresses with their jewellery, make-up, hair and wigs. 69. What are four positives of being a pharaoh? 70. How many pharaohs were there in Ancient Egypt during the 3000 years that it was at its most powerful? 300. 71. What does the word Pharaoh mean? It means great house. 72. Why would the pharaoh often marry his half sister or sister? The children would have the same blood of a god (the pharaohs family blood). 73. What are three things the scribe recorded for the Ancient Egyptian society? Writing letters for fellow villagers who couldnt write, calculating the amount of food needed to feed tomb workers, keeping accounts, ordering supplies, writing legal documents (marriage / death certificates), recording harvests, documenting rainfall, controlling food supply, conducting census, overseeing the construction of buildings, tax collectors. 74. What did the soldiers do before going into battle? They made an offering to the god of war. 75. How old was Tutankhamen when he became a Pharaoh? 9

76. Where is the most fertile and arable land in Egypt? It is found along the banks of the Nile. 77. Who was the head of the household in Ancient Egypt? The man. 78. Name three ways in which the women in Ancient Egypt where treated better than those in Ancient China? 79. What are three good things about being a scribe? 80. What does the double crown worn by the Pharaoh signify? It signifies a united Egypt. 81. Define gleaning Searching for and collecting any grain dropped by accident during harvest 82. What are two pieces of farming equipment used by the Ancient Egyptians? Shadouf, sickle, scythe, plough 83. Why were wigs worn in Ancient Egypt? They were worn to give protection from the sun. 84. What was the body stuffed with during the mummification process? Linen 85. How many days did the drying process in the mummification process take? Choice 40 days, 50 days, 30 days 40 days 86. What was the unit of weight used when trading items in Ancient Egypt? Deben 87. Which Pharaoh took part in the Battle of Kadesh? Rameses II 88. How many corps did Rameses II split his army into during the battle of Kadesh? 4 89. What was the burial mask of Tutankhamun made from? Gold 90. How long did it take the archaeological team to clear and catalogue the items found in Tutankhamuns tomb? Choice 2 months, 2.5 months, 3 months 2.5 months 91. What happened to all the other tombs, apart from Tutankhamuns, in the Valley of the Kings? The tombs were robbed by thieves, who managed to rob them of all the treasures. 92. What were two advantages of being a soldier? They were rewarded for bravery with jewels, gold and silver objects or medals shaped like flies. They could also receive a share of goods that had been robbed from the enemy. 93. Name three of the people present during a court hearing? Scribe, court official, the accused person, panel of judges. 94. Do you think that a lot of Ancient Egyptian women would have died or been injured during childbirth? Give two answers for your reason. 95. What are three similarities between Ancient Egyptian life and everyday life in todays society? 96. Define scribe 97. What is kohl? A powder used to darken the edges of the eyelids. 98. Did wealthy men wear their skirt longer or shorter to show their higher status? Longer. 99. What are three differences between Ancient Egyptian society and society today?

100. What are two things you learnt from the Pyramids of Giza video?

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