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Objective: To create a VI that will show the basic mathematical functions- addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.

Controls and Functions

Front Panel:

Block Diagram:

Observations and Recommendations: Based from this exercise using lab view, Ive observed that evaluating the four basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) are very much easier compared to other computer programs like c++, matlab and many more. Comparing the series of codes encoded For C++: #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { float a; float b; cout<<Input First number; cin>>a; cout<<Input Second number; cin>>b; cout<<a+b<<a+b<<endl; cout<<a-b<<a-b<<endl; cout<<a*b<<a*b<<endl; cout<<a/b<<a/b<<endl; return 0; } For MATLAB: >> a=29; >> b=29; >> x=a+b x =58 >> y=a-b y =0 >> z=a*b z =841 >> l=a/b l= 1

In labview, these four basic mathematical operations where done in just simple drag and click function. Unlike the two programs mentioned (C++ and MATLAB), the commands and codes that are needed to encode were really intricate. The codes are case sensitive and even for one single error, the whole program will be ruin. In using labview, we could save time and we could avoid the occurrence of multiple errors in our programs. Its more convenient to use compared to matlab and C++ with regards to the involvement of the four mathematical operations.

Adamson University College of Engineering Electronics Engineering Department

Signal Processing and Spectra Laboratory Experiment #1 Basic Mathematical Operators

Submitted By: Sanchez, Angelin Revee C. PC # 29 Submitted To: Engr. Rex Jason H. Agustin

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