Martial Arts

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General Martial Arts Skills Technique


The character is trained to use senses other than sight to locate a target

Very Difficult

If the character makes the required skill roll and is within striking distance of the target, she may ignore the effects of blindness. She cannot see, but can hear or smell a target well enough to strike. This may be used as a reaction skill. If the character's attack is successful (and is not parried or dodged) and the skill roll meets the require difficulty number, the target character is disarmed The character can add +1D to their damage roll if the skill roll is successful A successful skill check indicates that the target is hurled to the ground (provided the attack is not parried or dodged) The target suffers 3D damage. This technique may be used as a reaction skill The character can add+2D to their damage roll if their skill roll exceeds the difficulty number. Failure to beat the difficulty number indicates the character is off-balance and their opponent may make an additional attack this round with no multiple action penalty A successful attempt indicates the target is tripped, falling to the ground. The character must remain prone for the remainder of the round If the character's skill roll meets the difficulty number, they may use their head to strike the target inflicting STR+1D damage


The character is trained to force an opponent to drop a weapon or object


Elbow Smash

The character is trained to deliver a powerful blow with her elbow The character can throw a target who has grappled them from behind

Very Easy



Flying Kick

The character is trained to leap to deliver a crushing kick


Foot Sweep

The character trips an opponent



The character can use her head to strike a target, even if they are held, pinned, or bound



The character is trained to grapple and hold a target immobile

Moderate plus an opposed Strength roll

The character attempting to grapple with a target must make a moderate martial arts roll to hold their opponent. For every round the held target may make an opposed strength roll at -1D, and if they beat the character's strength roll they break free. If the character attack is successful (and is not parried or dodged) and if the skill roll meets the required difficulty number, the target is knocked to the ground. The fallen character must either wait one round to stand or suffer multiple action penalties If a character is tripped or knocked down, they may use this technique to return to a standing opposition. Successful use of this technique indicates that the character can stand without suffering a multiple-action penalty If the character's attack is successful (and is not parried or dodged) and if the skill roll meets the required difficulty number, the target is stunned for one round If the character's attack is successful (and is not parried or dodged) and if the skill roll meets the required difficulty number, the target character suffers a wound (Effects of the wound are cumulative) The character can make a second attack with no multiple action penalties; the second attack inflicts 3D damage

Instant knockdown

The character knows how to Moderate maximize impact, knocking the target to the floor

Instant Stand

The character is trained to negate the effects of a fall and return to a standing combat-ready position


Instant Stun

The character is trained to strike at critical pressure points that affect breathing or the nervous system stunning the target.


Instant Wound

The character knows how to Difficult strike to maximum effect, inflicting severe damage on the target

Multiple Strikes

The character can deliver multiple blow


Generic Abilities: Deft Riposte, Disarm, Flip, Foot Sweep, Hold/Grapple, Instant Knockdown, Instant Stand, Instant Stun, Power Block, Recognitions, Reversal, Shoulder Throw, Weapon-block , Blindfighting, Echani: Attack the Prone, Deadly Grapple, Redirect Strikes, Keho Ulos Teras Inner Strength, Outer Strength, Mind-body Teras Kasi Aryx-Slash, Rancor-Rising, Focused Strength, Shenbit-Bonecrusher, K'thri Attack Flurry, Rain of Blows, Successive Strikes, Swift Combination K'tara Daze, Weapon Steal, Larynx Chop Agele Jo Artery Cut, Effective Strike, Tapping hand, Tendon Slash K'jtari Focused Mind, Mind Body Alignment, True Discipline Hijkata Deflect Attack, Harm's Way, Power Deflection Wrruushi Katarn Pounce, Kkekkrrg Rro The Webweaver Merisee Acrobatic Leap, Acrobatic Strike, Hand Spring, Imbalancing Attacks Verdanain Sliding Hand Body Shield, Gamorrean Tie, Infighting, Lock Flow, Sticky Body

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