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Finks PreK3 Busy Bees

August 13-17- 2012
Theme: School Rules & School Tools
CORRECT Pencil/ Crayon GRIP Introduce our Calendar Routine-- Talk about BIRTHDAYS -SCISSOR safety


1. Calendar-Songs 2. Fire Exit Drill -Learning to Line up-Practice 3. GLUE 1-drop Art: Frog Paper Story: Froggy Goes To School 4. Manners: Learning to get along using kind words:

1. Calendar-Songs-name recognition 2. Read: The Little Engine that Could T-R-Y your best 3. SCISSORS correct use-safety- Scissor Chant 4. SHARING & MANNERS : Read: What Do You Say When a Monkey Acts that Way?


1. CALENDAR-Songs-Weather Graph-Patterns on dates 2. RESPONSIBLILITY : Read: Responsibility Take care of our supplies 3.PENCILS Correct Position Read: Tortoise & the Hare- Work slow & steady4.Trace YOUR Capital Letter--Start at the Top 5.USE YOUR WORDS Read: Grover Goes To School- use our words --not hit our friends

1. CALENDAR-SONGS-WEATHER GRAPH-DAYS OF WEEK 2. LISTENING rhyming our names-1st letter substitution Mrs Mrs.Fink 3. BIRTHDAYS: sing Months of the Year; Art: (using our scissors)Make our Birthday Cake add 3 candles. Fingers on the bottom--Thumb on the top-open wide--and chop chop 1. CALENDAR-SONGS-WEATHER GRAPH-DAYS OF WEEK-MONTHS 2. FRIENDS: What is a friend? Read: Will I Have a Friend? 3. . MARKERS : Use-Chant: Use a marker-return the cap-dont let it fall upon your lap -or one day you will SHOUT-Mrs. Fink my markers all dried OUT!!! 4. RHYME letter substitution- game with our names. Letters make sounds. Hello Bella----No, no...Della !

NEXT WEEK: Letter of the Week is....Bb , bubbles, beanies, and of course BEARS! Bring a LABELED BEAR to school on Wednesday, August 22nd The bears will spend the night at school, so dont bring one that needs to stay home! THANKS :0)

Mrs. Finks PreK3 Busy Bees

NEXT WEEK: Letter of the Week is....Bb , bubbles, beanies, and of course BEARS! Bring a LABELED BEAR to school on Wednesday, August 22nd The bears will spend the night at school, so dont bring one that needs to stay home! THANKS :0)

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