Medical Bulletin Aug 11 Dr. Anastacio

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the laryngical vestibule and muscles along the voice box. The

inferior plate (TL) compressing the trachea. The presence of a displaced titanium plate along C2-C3 is a serious factor in the mechanism of breathing and subsequently blood circulation which may Iead to
sudden death.

Again, I suggest that we repeat our Quantum CT-Scan to determine the status of the risk and how to address it. I do hope the patient will consider my serious suggestion of re-investigation and second opinion.

ln addition, the former President is suffering from a 4O-30% Coronary Artery Obstruction of her proximal right coronary artery and left descending coronary artery based on Quantum CT-Scan Angiogram
(Anastacio protocol).

With kindness


Professor Cardiology

Research Study of the Human Circulation and the Heart thru Applied Quantum Etectrochemistry Theoretical Physics and Mathematics MAKATI MEDICAL CENTER

Room 304 (Monday

- FridaY)

Nos. 888-8999 loc. 23041 8L0-9713

August L1.,zOLz
Medical Bulletin re: former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

I am grateful to all my colleagues from Veterans' Memorial Medical Center (VMMC) especially to the Medical Director, DI. Nona Legaspi and Dr. Martha Nucum. Likewise, Dl".Antonio Sison. When Isaw the
patient during her last confinement, she was very thin and dehydrated with extreme anxiety after an episode of severe swallowing dysfunction which resulted in an episode of choking (air unable to enter her lungs). During her vigorous effort to expel the food, she suffered acute cervical
and lumbar strain.
On further investigation she manifested extreme difficulty of eating and

swallowing even water. agree with Dr. Nucum who decided to continue hydration before any examination be done.


It had been three months since I saw her and suggested to repeat her euantum CT-Scan (Anastacio protocol) to determine any further deterioration of the anterior cervical cage. I HAD reported that the Superior plate is functionally displaced and compressing the periform

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