02 DNA Computers

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DNA Computer

Presented by:Shahenaz Aghariya Roll no :- 02 (6th IT)

Introduction To
DNA Computer
Store Billions of time more information. High computing speed. Information is encoded within Deoxiribo Nucleic Acid. First Demonstrated By Ad leman in 1994.

Some information about DNA

Definition of DNA About nucleic acid Genes and chromosomes

Structure of DNA
Strands of DNA are long polymers of millions of linked nucliotides. Nitrogen bases . 5 to 3 direction. Double Helix form. Purin and pirimidin bases.

Operations on DNA
Merge Annealing Melt Separation by length - Electophoresis. Separation by sequences Copying / Amplification Append Detect

Adlemans Hamilton Path Problem

Why his work is exceptional?

Adlemans Expriment
Following are the steps used by Adleman. 1.Generate all possible routes 2.Select journey that start with proper city and end with final city. 3.Select journey with the correct number of cities. 4.Select journey that contain each city only once.

How DNA Computer will work?

Development of logic gates made of DNA.

Comparison between DNA and conventional electronic computer

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Similarities:Transformation of data Manipulation of data Computation ability Differences:Size Representation of data Material Methods of calculation

Parallelism Memory capacity Low power dissipation Clean,cheap and available

Key benefits
Predictability Incredibly cheap Small size

Occasionally slow Hydrolysis Information on transmitable Reliability problems

I would like to conclude by sharing a future vision in which a single drop of water holds a veritable army of live robots for protection against various diseases may be even cancer. It is still science fiction but implanting computer programs in to living creatures may not be far away.

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