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OHT Study Factors Predicting Onset of POAG -OHTS designed to evaluate safety and efficacy of topical meds in delaying/preventing

POAG -1636 pts w OHT and IOP 24-32 w/no evidence of glc damage; randomized to tx or observation -goal of tx was to achieve IOP <24 and 20% reduction from baseline IOP (IOP <18 not required) -60% reduced risk of POAG w topical meds -at 60 months risk of POAG was ~4.4% in txd group vs 9.5% in untxd group -CCT measurements obtained at F/U visitis, not during randomization; inverse relationship between CCT and development of POAG; 3 fold risk incr if CCT <555um -key risk factors: age, large vertical CD ratio, incr IOP, incr PSD on at least 2 VFs, thin CCT (<555um) -Hx of DM seemed to be a protective factor from onset of POAG (6/191 developed POAG)

Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (1992-2001) -compared the effect of immediate IOP lowering vs not treating on progression of newly detected OAG -255 pt (129 tx/126 controls) aged 50-80 (median 68) w/early glc, repeatable VF defects w/ONL on GHT, and median IOP of 20 -txd group received 360 trabeculoplasty plus betxolol drops bid -pts remained in untxd unless progression occurred F/u every 3 months, with stereo photos every 6 months -Tx reduced IOP by ~5mmHg (~25%); progression less frequent and occurred much later than untxd group -mean IOP reduced in tx group from 20.6 to 15.5 (25%) -larger progression in control group; mean time to progression=48 months for control; 66 months for txd group -Each mmHg decrease correlates to ~10% lower risk of progression -nuclear lens opacitites incr in txd group -study showed that reducing IOP can slow progression of glaucoma; also showed value of repeated reliable visual fields -no rigid target IOP was set in the EMGT -considerations: almost all participants were white with very early glaucoma and IOP <30

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