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Table I: Priorities for the Project Problem There are negative attitudes, lack of concern and indifference in the

Kenyan communities, especially among professionals, policymakers and implementers, the general public towards Kenyan Sign Language and the Deaf. Objective Awareness raising and human rights education among the Deaf, communities, professionals and policy-makers. Activity Conducting awareness raising seminars and workshops among the Deaf and hearing communities Conducting advocacy, human rights education seminars; and meeting with educational institutions and other social service providers policymakers and government officials Training Kenyan Sign Language Interpreters and placing them strategically in key social service positions Train key staff members of essential service providers in Kenyan Sign Language, Deaf Culture and History. Extended advocacy work in terms of campaigns and conferences to establish the potential and success of SL as a tool for deaf empowerment and development Expected Results Positively changed attitudes towards Sign Language and the Deaf people. Favorable policies and regulations towards SL and the Deaf Affirmative actions by the educational and other relevant institutions towards SL and the Deaf Increased Sign Language interpreting services, esp. in education, media and other social services Increased interaction between the Deaf and hearing professionals; better service delivery. Governments declaration or legislation of SL as one of the official languages in Kenya

Kenyan Deaf people do not have equal access to information, education, social, economical or political interactions in their communities owing to existing linguistic barriers

Elimination of the linguistic barriers facing the Deaf

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