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Anlisis Qumico III Taller No 3 Agosto 1 del 2012 ANALIZADORES Ana Mara Pinilla Torres Universidad Industrial de Santander

1) Calculate the velocity of a toluene molecular ion, m/z 92, after acceleration by a voltage of 5 kV.

Se sabe que la carga elctrica de un electrn (q) de masa (m) es igual a la carga de electrn por el
nmero de tomos (z):

2) How long will it take this ion to travel a distance of 1.0 m through a small magnetic sector mass analyzer to hit the detector? 3) Describe the differences in setup of linear and reflector TOF instruments. 4) What forces have to compensate each other in a magnetic sector analyzer in order to keep ions of a certain m/z value on a stable flight path of defined radius? 5) Explain the term "double-focusing magnetic sector instrument"? 6) What is the difference between BE and EB instruments? 7) Briefly describe the setup of a linear quadrupole analyzer. 8) Give a short explanation of the working principle of a linear quadrupole analyzer. 9) What advantages do triple quadrupole mass spectrometers offer in addition to single quadrupole instruments?

9) Briefly describe the setup of a quadrupole ion trap. 10) Give a short explanation of the working principle of a quadrupole ion trap. 11) What advantages do quadrupole ion traps offer over single quadrupole and even triple quadrupole instruments? 12) What is the difference between tandem-in-space and tandem-in-time instruments? 13) Can you find advantages/disadvantages of either tandem MS concept? 14) Explain the basic principle of ion cyclotron resonance (ICR). 15) What is FT-ICR? 16) What are the differences in ion detection between ICR and FT-ICR? 17) Name major advantages of the mode of ion detection employed in FT-ICR.

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