Ms. Fan's Seventh Grade Math Class Rm. M4: Extra Help

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Ms. Fans Seventh Grade Math Class Rm. M4 lfan@cng.

edu Colegio Nueva Granada 2010 to 2011

Welcome to 7th grade math! This year, well be using the Connected Math Program (CMP) to explore real world problems that will challenge each of you to use mathematical thinking, analytical skills and cooperation. With hard work; everyone can be successful at math! Extra Help If students ever need extra help or some clarification outside of class time, there will be a sign up sheet set up on the classroom door. You may write your name, set a time with the teacher and come in for some one on one time. You may also send me an email after school hours until 5:00 at if homework help is needed and you will receive a prompt response. Emails received after 5:00 may or may not be answered so make sure to get your questions in early. Opportunity days will be held 2 times a week on _________________ and _________________ from 2:05 3:05. Grading Tests / weekly quizzes Assignments/ classwork Final Exam Projects Quarter Grade 100%

Procedures and Rules Procedures and rules are important so that everyone can feel safe and supported in their learning environment. The teacher and the students will create a set of core rules so that the class may operate smootlhly and so that the optimal amount of learning can be achieved. Attendance Tardiness Students are considered tardy once the door has been closed after the bell has sounded. A late student will enter the class quietly without disrupting the class and sign in. Students who come to class 15 minutes after the bell has rung without an excuse will be marked absent. Students who are late 3 times in a short period of time may receive detention or parents will be contacted. Materials It is important for students to be prepared with all the materials listed below. Students will be graded on their preparation each day. Students who bring the following items to class everyday will receive full credit. Pencil (all work is Red or coloured pen (to Math book and binder completed in pencil correct work) organized

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