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Title: Started: Submitted: Time spent: Test 1 September 20, 2010 5:38 PM September 20, 2010 6:52 PM 01:13:31 Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 40

Total score: 31.4/40 = 78.5% 1.

An economic system that focuses on supply and demand in the marketplace and emphasizes minimal government regulation of the economy is called Student Response A. a command economy. B. mercantilism. C. colonialism. D. a laissezfaire economy. 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

Score: 2.


Today, the Global South is characterized by its Student Response A. lack of technological advancement. B. high degree of democratization. C. low rates of population growth. D. all of the above. 0% Score: 3. The Asian Tiger countries have succeeded economically through Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback 0/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

A. implementing importsubstitution industrialization. B. the use of strict communiststyle control of the economy by the government. C. promoting free trade among the industrialized countries. D. aggressively promoting export-led growth. Score: 4. World-system theorists see the world as divided into Student Response A. the Global North and the Global South B. the industrialized core and the lessindustrialized periphery. C. capitalist and communist states. D. Eastern and Western blocs. Score: 5. Newly industrialized countries (NICs) are Student Response A. countries in the Global Value Correct Answer Feedback 0/1 Value 0% Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 100%

South that have severed ties with the Global North. B. struggling to create economic growth in their states. C. dependent on import-led economic growth. D. members of 100% the Global South that have begun exporting manufactured goods to the Global North. Score: 6. V. I. Lenin believed the second wave of European imperialism was caused by Student Response A. the desire of European adventurers for gold and silver. B. the white mans burden to convert heathens to Christianity. 100% C. the monopoly stage of capitalism, which needed cheap raw materials and investment for accumulating capital. D. the idle rich who wanted political Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1

positions abroad. E. all of the above. Score: 7. One explanation for why some countries are underdeveloped is offered by dependency theory, which explains that Student Response A. some countries political systems are so mismanaged that they need to depend on the Global North for help. B. the major civilizations of the world will clash, bringing about global warfare. 100% C. less developed countries are exploited because global capitalism makes them dependent on the rich countries that create exploitative rules for trade and production. D. wealth is created through efficient production, free enterprise, and free trade. Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1

Score: 8.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Asian NICs? Student Value Response 100% A. Closed themselves off to foreign investment B. Stabilized the value of their currencies C. Brought inflation under control D. Privatized previously stateowned businesses Score: 9. Which of the following factors contributes to the instability and violence in many states in the Global South? Student Response A. Government instability B. The existence of more than one nation in the state C. Poverty D. Both (a) and (c) above E. All of the above Score: 10. A strategy of development that encourages domestic entrepreneurs to manufacture products traditionally imported from abroad is known as 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback

Student Response A. export-led industrialization.


Correct Answer Feedback

100% B. importsubstitution industrialization. C. demand-push industrialization. D. dependent development. Score: 11. The policy promoted by states in the Global South that sought greater participation for states of the Global South in the global economy was known as Student Response A. Liberal International Economic Order (LIEO). 100% B. New International Economic Order (NIEO). C. ImportSubstitution Industrialization (ISI). D. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Score: 12. The seventeenth- and eighteenth-century philosophy and practice of governmental regulation of economic life to increase state power and security is known as Student Response A. laissez-faire economics. B. neoimperialism. C. transnationalism D. mercantilism. Score: 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1

13. The psychological process of creating a mirror image Student Response A. helped leaders in the East and the West understand each other better during the Cold War. B. reduces the possibility of misperceptions leading to conflict. C. leads to a greater number of international summits and cultural exchanges. 100% D. is at the root of many enduring rivalries, such as exists between the United States and Al Qaeda. Score: 14. Schematic reasoning helps us make sense of a large amount of information by Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

100% A. matching what we see with stereotypes we have stored in our memory. B. causing us to reject any information that doesnt fit with our existing

beliefs. C. helping us see an adversary the same way the adversary views us. D. using diagrams to simplify information. Score: 15. A security arrangement guided by the principle that an act of aggression by any state will be met by a collective response from the rest is known as Student Value Response A. the KelloggBriand Pact. B. a self-help system. C. geopolitics. D. collective security. E. alliance building. Score: 16. Realists believe states are the most important actors in global politics because Student Response A. state leaders are stronger than the leaders of nongovernmental organizations. B. states answer to 100% no authority higher than themselves. C. international organizations have no impact on global politics. Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 100% Correct Answer Feedback 1/1

D. there are more states than NGOs. Score: 17. Which of the following individuals best represents a pioneer of the realist perspective on international relations? Student Value Response A. Adam Smith B. Immanuel Kant C. Woodrow Wilson D. Richard Cobden 100% E. Niccoli Machiavelli Score: 18. Scholars who engage in applying scientific methods to the study of world politics are pursuing Student Response A. behavioral science. B. constructivism. C. realism. D. deconstructivism Score: 19. Which of the following was a criticism of the realist school of thought? Student Response A. It was too idealistic. B. It could not 100% account for new trends in international Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 Value 100% Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 1/1

relations, like economic cooperation. C. It was too precise in how it defined key terms, like power and interest. D. Both b and c above. E. All of the above. Score: 20. The principle that the governments of states are subject to no higher authority is Student Response A. national interest. B. collective security. C. balance of power. 100% D. state sovereignty. Score: 21. Liberal thought is based upon all of the following tenets except Student Response A. human nature is essentially altruistic and cooperative. B. morality should be a part of politics. C. unilateralism 100% is the best means to prevent war. Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1

D. violence is a product of bad institutions, not bad people. E. war is not inevitable. Score: 22. A __________ is a model or pattern that structures thoughts about an area of inquiry. Student Response A. construction B. global system C. paradigm D. deconstruction Score: 23. The proposition that democratic states may wage wars against other states but not each other is called Student Value Response A. liberal peace. B. elitist theory. C. democratic 100% peace. D. republican peace. Score: 24. Decisions made by careful evaluation of the situation, weighing of goals, consideration of all alternatives, and selection of the options can be characterized as Student Value Response A. rational. B. satisficing. C. pluralist. 100% Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1

D. elitist. Score: 25. _________________ refers to the degree to which military and economic capabilities are concentrated among the major powers in the state system. Student Value Response A. polarization B. geopolitics C. polarity D. sovereignty Score: 26. The bad, unintended consequences of decisions are also known as Student Response A. externalities. B. collateral damage. C. opportunity costs. D. satisficing. Score: 27. Which of the following is true of bureaucracies? Student Response A. They increase efficiency. B. They define rules and establish operating procedures. C. They divide authority. D. They move plans forward. E. All of the 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 100% Correct Answer Feedback 1/1

above are true about bureaucracies. Score: 28. The leaders of Britain, France, and Italy chose to appease Hitler because Student Response A. Czechoslovakias leaders had requested it. B. they had signed a nonaggression pact with Germany. C. they thought Germany would serve as a buffer against the communist influence of the Soviet Union. D. they believed it would halt further German expansion. Score: 29. The leaders of what three states met at the Yalta Conference to design a new world order? Student Value Response A. The Soviet Union, Germany, and Italy B. Great Britain, the United States, and France 100% C. Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union Correct Answer Feedback 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1


D. Germany, Italy, and Japan Score: 30. The relaxation of tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States is a policy known as Student Value Response A. extended deterrence. B. dtente. C. the Reagan Doctrine. D. the Carter Doctrine. E. None of the above. Score: 31. When two overwhelmingly powerful states dominate world politics, the structure of the international system is referred to as being Student Response A. transnational. B. polycentric. C. multilateral. D. hegemonic. E. bipolar. Score: 32. The strategy of making concessions to an aggressor in hopes that, once satisfied, they will make no further claims is known as Student Response A. machtpolitik. B. the diversionary theory of war. C. hegemonic Value Correct Answer Feedback 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 100% Correct Answer Feedback 1/1

stability. D. appeasement. 100% E. realpolitik Score: 33. Why are states in the Global South wary of foreign direct investment (FDI) from multinational corporations? Student Response: Because the investments from the Global North can make the outsiders think they can have control. And also, they may not spend their profits in the Global South, but send the money to the Global North wherever they are orginally from causing the South to not have that money funneled to their communities. 2/2 1/1


Comments: Ok. 34. Discuss four causes of World War II. Student Response: Hitler took office and then he took over Austria. Hitler and Stalin signed a document that they would not attack each other. Hitler took over Poland. England and France wanted ot help Poland, so they went after Germany. 1.4/2 I see only three separate reasons here; and, you've ignored the larger concepts discussed in class, e.g., multipolarity, imperialism, fascism, appeasement, etc.

Score: Comments:

35. What are the cognitive and organizational constraints on rational policymaking? Student Response: Score: not answered 0/2

Comments: Please answer all questions. 36. What are the three methods that liberals advocated for eliminating warfare after World War I? Student Response: Score: Comments: Appeasement was one way they hoped to eliminate warfare, hoping to satify. Isolationism was another way, don't play an active role. 0/2 These are incorrect. It's actually, disarmament, creating opportunities for collective security, and international legal institutions.

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Title: Started:

Quiz 1_LM1 September 5, 2010 12:05 PM

Submitted: September 5, 2010 12:19 PM Time spent: 00:14:23 Total score: 8/10 = 80% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 10

The patterns of political interaction among actors in the global arena constitute the Student Response A. state system B. world system C. Cold War D. global political system Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


Major transformations in world politics tend to occur Student Response A. at major summit meetings. B. at the conclusion of major wars. C. during annual


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meetings of the United Nations. D. every ten years. E. all of the above. Score: 0/1 0%

An independent, territorially defined community in the global system administered by a sovereign government is a Student Response A. nonstate actor. B. state. C. government. D. cultural group. Score: 0/1

Value 0%

Correct Answer


Understanding how people perceive reality is important to understanding world politics because Student Response A. all people ascribe their own meanings to objective facts.


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B. all people make assumptions about the world that lead to actions. C. simplification of the world through a mental map is inevitable and necessary. D. all of the above. Score: 1/1 100%

People's psychological tendency to deny or rationalize away discrepancies between their existing beliefs and new information is known as Student Response A. interdependence B. cognitive dissonance. C. schematic reasoning. D. mirror images. Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


An analysis of world politics that focuses on the impact of worldwide conditions on foreign policy

behavior and human welfare is at which level of analysis? Student Response A. global B. state C. analytical D. individual E. remote Score: 1/1

Value 100%

Correct Answer


The state level of analysis emphasizes Student Response


Correct Answer


A. the internal 100% attributes of individual states. B. the personal and psychological motivations of decision makers. C. the patterns of interactions among states. D. the role of international organizations in world

politics. Score: 1/1

Give examples of integrative and disintegrative trends in world politics. Student A disintegrative trend right now would be the wars that are happening in the same country Response: against different religions. An example of integrative trends would be when other countries come together to help a disadvantaged country, such as Haiti or the Phillipines who had a natural diseaster.



Comments: Ok, but next time write a bit more, with more examples of each....

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Title: Started: Quiz 2_LM2 September 12, 2010 7:41 PM

Submitted: September 12, 2010 7:55 PM Time spent: 00:14:17 Total score: 4/10 = 40% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 10

Which of the following is a state attribute that can shape its foreign policy? Student Response A. Size of its army B. Gross national product C. Location and physical terrain Feedback

D. (a) and (b) above E. All of the above Score: 0/1

A theory that contends leaders initiate conflict abroad as a way of increasing national cohesion at home is Student Response A. democratic peace theory. B. diversionary theory of war. C. postmodern theory. D. rationalism. Score: 1/1 Feedback

Which of the following best describes the environment within which foreign policy choice actually occurs? Student Response A. accurate information about the motivations of other actors B. multiple, competing interests C. clear definition of national goals D. comprehensive knowledge on all available policy options Score: 0/1 Feedback


Standard operating procedures (SOPs) help make bureaucracies more efficient by Student Response A. facilitating groupthink. B. providing rules for making decisions in particular situations. C. preventing rivalries among bureaucratic agencies. D. all of the above Score: 0/1 Feedback

Which of the following is true of bureaucracies? Student Response A. They increase efficiency. B. They define rules and establish operating procedures. C. They divide authority. D. They move plans forward. E. All of the above are true about bureaucracies. Score: 1/1 Feedback

A dominant global leader that exercises overwhelming influence over other global actors is a(n) Student Response A. fascist state. B. isolationist state. Feedback

C. hegemon. D. Marxist state. E. none of the above. Score: 0/1

Which of the following is not considered a cause of World War I? Student Response A. The growth of nationalism in Europe. B. The rise of German power. C. The highly polarized, bipolar structure of the global system. D. The desire of German leaders to consolidate Germanys power. E. All of the above contributed to World War I. Score: 0/1 Feedback

Many scholars believe that the Treaty of Versailles Student Response A. ended World War II. B. was too lenient. C. was fair and equitable. D. was irrelevant in its impact upon Germany. E. was too punitive. Score: 0/1 Feedback

Which of the following individuals was responsible for the origins of the U.S. strategy of containment? Student Response A. Gerald Ford B. John Foster Dulles C. Woodrow Wilson D. George Kennan Score: 1/1 Feedback

The principle of ________ would ensure that an act of aggression by any state would be met by a response from all other states. Student Response A. the security dilemma B. collective security C. balance of power D. the domino theory Feedback



Title: Started:

Quiz 3 LM4 October 3, 2010 7:48 PM

Submitted: October 3, 2010 8:03 PM Time spent: 00:14:25

Total score: 10/10 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 10

The members of intergovernmental organizations are Student Response A. ethnopolitical groups B. states. C. individuals D. multinational corporations Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


Which organ of the U.N. represents all member states? Student Response A. Secretariat B. General Assembly C. Security Council D. Trusteeship Council E. International Court of Justice Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer



What percent of the U.N.'s total budget does the United States pay? Student Response A. 37 percent B. 50 percent C. 22 percent 100% D. 75 percent E. 10 percent Score: 1/1


Correct Answer


The agreement by European states to delegate some of their domestic decision-making power to the European Union is an example of: Student Response A. the nonintervention norm. B. devolution. C. realpolitik. 100% D. pooled sovereignty Score: 1/1


Correct Answer


The purpose of IMF loan conditionality is: Student Response


Correct Answer


A. to ensure equal representation of all states in IMF decisionmaking procedures. B. to promote the elimination of trade barriers among the states of the Global North. C. to ensure that 100% the problems that produced the balanceof-payments deficit are remedied. Score: 1/1

The term irredentism refers to Student Response A. the effort by an ethnic or religious group to break away from an internationally recognized state. B. the departure of religious minorities from their


Correct Answer


countries of origin to escape persecution. C. minority communities who live abroad but retain political ties to their homelands. D. majority rule over ethnic minorities. E. the attempt 100% by an ethnic group to reclaim territory by force so that the group is no longer separated by state boundaries. Score: 1/1

Greenpeace is an example of a(n) Student Response A. multinational corporation. B. issueadvocacy group. C. ethnopolitical 100%


Correct Answer


movement. D. collective security arrangement. Score: 1/1

Which of the following statements is true about MNCs? Student Response A. The annual revenue of some MNCs is greater than the GNP of most states. B. MNCs are a potential threat to state sovereignty. C. MNCs are the primary agents in the globalization of production. D. Both (a) and (b). E. All of the above. Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


Premeditated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience is known as Student Response A. terrorism. B. nationalism. C. irredentism. D. a clash of civilizations. Score: 1/1

Value 100%

Correct Answer


Samuel P. Huntington predicted that a "clash of civilizations," rather than interstate war, will occur in the future because Student Response A. states continue to become irrelevant in the face of the growing power of NGOs. B. Indigenous peoples are more warlike than state leaders. C. ethnic groups have been purchasing a larger


Correct Answer


number of arms than states have. 100% D. people identify with and organize their activities around the cultural values of their particular civilization, not their state. Score: 1/1

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Title: Started: Quiz 3 LM4 October 3, 2010 7:48 PM

Submitted: October 3, 2010 8:03 PM Time spent: 00:14:25 Total score: 10/10 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 10

The members of intergovernmental organizations are Student Response A. ethnopolitical groups B. states. C. individuals D. multinational corporations Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


Which organ of the U.N. represents all member states? Student Response A. Secretariat B. General Assembly C. Security Council 100%


Correct Answer


D. Trusteeship Council E. International Court of Justice Score: 1/1

What percent of the U.N.'s total budget does the United States pay? Student Response A. 37 percent B. 50 percent C. 22 percent 100% D. 75 percent E. 10 percent Score: 1/1


Correct Answer


The agreement by European states to delegate some of their domestic decision-making power to the European Union is an example of: Student Response A. the nonintervention norm. B. devolution. C. realpolitik. D. pooled 100%


Correct Answer


sovereignty Score: 1/1

The purpose of IMF loan conditionality is: Student Response A. to ensure equal representation of all states in IMF decisionmaking procedures. B. to promote the elimination of trade barriers among the states of the Global North. C. to ensure that 100% the problems that produced the balanceof-payments deficit are remedied. Score: 1/1


Correct Answer


The term irredentism refers to Student Response A. the effort by


Correct Answer


an ethnic or religious group to break away from an internationally recognized state. B. the departure of religious minorities from their countries of origin to escape persecution. C. minority communities who live abroad but retain political ties to their homelands. D. majority rule over ethnic minorities. E. the attempt 100% by an ethnic group to reclaim territory by force so that the group is no longer separated by state boundaries. Score: 1/1


Greenpeace is an example of a(n) Student Response A. multinational corporation. B. issueadvocacy group. C. ethnopolitical movement. D. collective security arrangement. Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


Which of the following statements is true about MNCs? Student Response A. The annual revenue of some MNCs is greater than the GNP of most states. B. MNCs are a potential threat to state sovereignty. C. MNCs are the primary agents in the globalization


Correct Answer


of production. D. Both (a) and (b). E. All of the above. Score: 1/1 100%

Premeditated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience is known as Student Response A. terrorism. B. nationalism. C. irredentism. D. a clash of civilizations. Score: 1/1

Value 100%

Correct Answer


Samuel P. Huntington predicted that a "clash of civilizations," rather than interstate war, will occur in the future because Student Response A. states continue to become irrelevant in the face of the growing power of


Correct Answer


NGOs. B. Indigenous peoples are more warlike than state leaders. C. ethnic groups have been purchasing a larger number of arms than states have. 100% D. people identify with and organize their activities around the cultural values of their particular civilization, not their state. Score: 1/1

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Title: Started: Quiz 4 LM5 October 16, 2010 3:07 PM

Submitted: October 16, 2010 3:24 PM Time spent: 00:16:36

Total score: 10/10 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 10

Which of the following significantly contributes to the globalization process? Student Response A. cell phones B. personal computers C. the Internet D. satellite networks E. all of the above Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


Currency traders help keep states' currencies in balance through buying devalued currencies in the currency market and selling them in countries where they are valued more highly in a process known as Student Response A. capital flight B. arbitrage C. currency adjustment D. the capital mobility hypothesis Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


According to the authors, Student Response A. globalization is making states obsolete. 100% B. although state sovereignty has been eroded by globalization, states continue to remain the principal source of security and identity in most people's lives. C. state sovereignty has been unchanged by globalization. D. globalization has made MNC's more important than states. Score: 1/1


Correct Answer


Advocates of ______________ policy believe that by controlling the growth of the money supply, governments

can regulate their nations' economic activity and control inflation. Student Response A. exchange rate B. fiscal C. commercial liberalism D. monetary Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


The organization formed at the end of World War II at Bretton Woods to manage the system of fixed exchange rates was the Student Response A. World Trade Organization (WTO). B. International Monetary Fund (IMF). C. World Bank. D. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Score: 1/1 100%


Correct Answer


The study of the intersection of politics and economics that illuminate the reasons why changes occur in the

distribution of states' wealth and power is known as Student Response


Correct Answer


A. international 100% political economy. B. political liberalism. C. globalized mercantilism. D. trade protectionism. Score: 1/1

What is the underlying principle of the Liberal International Economic Order? Student Response A. beggar-thyneighbor policies B. free markets 100% with few barriers to private trade and capital flow C. mercantilism D. trade protection to protect infant industries


Correct Answer




The concept that markets work best without government interference is known as Student Response A. mercantilism. B. comparative advantage. C. laissez-faire. 100% D. autarky. Score: 1/1


Correct Answer


The principle of comparative advantage states that Student Response A. instituting trade restrictions such as nontariff barriers is an effective way to gain a comparative advantage in certain trade sectors, such as manufactured goods. B. a state should 100% specialize in producing


Correct Answer


those goods it can produce comparatively cheaply and trade them for goods in which others enjoy a comparative advantage. C. it is comparatively cheaper to protect new domestic industries than to allow them to be destroyed by competition from more established industries in other states. D. because security issues or other "high politics" issues have more public interest, they have a comparative advantage over "low politics" issues when competing for attention from policymakers. Score: 1/1

How does the World Trade Organization (WTO) differ from GATT? Student Response


Correct Answer


100% A. WTO extended GATT's coverage of products, sectors, and conditions of trade. B. The WTO promotes trade protectionism. C. GATT discouraged free-riding more than WTO. D. all of the above Score: 1/1

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