Review Questions Multiple Choice

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Name:__________________________________________________________________ Date:_____________

You must Complete the Review Questions…with more questions.

You are to create multiple choice questions that you think will really show what you have learned this advisory.

You are assigned content questions__________________________________

You must turn them into multiple choice questions as follows:

#1) What conclusions did archeologists make about the fossils of Lucy?

Ok, since that is my question I need to review what I learned about Lucy and the fossils that archeologists found…so
let me first brainstorm.

Archeologists found a skull, a leg bone, a pelvis and if I remember correctly the skull showed that
Lucy had a brain about 1/3 the size of modern humans, she was about 3 feet tall and walked upright
and also that she was a female.

OK, so now how do I make a multiple choice question out of that?

How about this:

When archeologists found the pelvis of an Australopithecine, what did they conclude?
a) The remains were of a really tall hominid
b) The remains were of a female hominid
c) The remains were of a really smart hominid
d) The remains were of a really short hominid

Or how about this:

When archeologists compared the brain size of Lucy with the leg bones what did they realize?
a) Hominids learned to walk because their brain grew bigger.
b) Hominids brains grew bigger because they learned to walk
c) There was no connection to the size of the brain and walking

OK Now I get it…so I will turn the review questions I

have been assigned into multiple choice questions and
turn this homework assignment into Mr. Magnuson by
8:30AM on Wednesday, January 14th.

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