Ambush Marketing by Natraj

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Marketing Management > Ambush Marketing - By Natraj

Ambush marketing

1. What is ambush marketing? Definition: When one brand pays to become an official sponsor of an event and another competing brand attempts to cleverly connects itself with the event, legally, and without paying the sponsorship fee, such a marketing act is known as Ambush Marketing and the brand which does so is known as Ambush Marketer. Other names are: - a.) Parasitic Marketing, b.) Guerilla Marketing

Eg:- During December 2003 when Rahul Dravid scored 200 against Australia, Airtel had paid Times of India Rs 25,00,000/- just to have their logo underneath Rahul Dravids picture printed on the first page knowing the fact that Rahul Dravid is an Orange ambassador.

2. What are the effects of ambush marketing?

Loss to the sponsors Loss to the event as there will be no sponsorships henceforth Confusion of the consumers about the real sponsors.

3. How to avoid Ambush Marketing?

Corporate laws/rules Lanham Act, Uniform Trade Deceptive Practices in USA, Olympic Arrangement Act in Australia Clear and well-defined sponsorship contracts- the ICC contract which was signed by all the cricket playing nations participating in the world cup event. Contract signed by venues for ads on strategic places, well defined security, restrictions for bill-boards, banners placards of opponents at or near the venue. Tickets for the audience with printed rules and regulations for the entrance at the event. Broadcasters should also enter into deal with the event organisers relating to ads, time slots etc.

4. Is Ambush Marketing ethically/ morally right or wrong? Yes Ambush Marketing is ethically wrong, but in the world of modern marketing, sponsor and ambusher are not moral labels to be assigned by the self-appointed arbiters of ethics, but merely the names to be given to two different and complementary but competing roles played by the competitors vying for consumer loyalty and recognition in the same strategic space of marketing. So the saying Everything is Fair in Love and War! justifies the question.

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