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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Part A (9*2 = 18) Represent the decimal numbers -200 and 200 using 2s complement binary form. Convert the following number from one base to other (65.342)8=( )7 . State and prove Consensus theorem. Define the term Prime implicant. Perform the BCD addition for the following numbers 184 with 576. With block diagram show how the full adder can be designed using two half adder and one OR gate. Define Combinational circuit. Give the truth table of 1-bit magnitude comparator. Define carry propagation and carry generation.

Part B (02 * 16 = 32) 1.a) (i). State and prove DeMorgans Theorem. (ii).Determine the SOP form of F(a,b,c,d)=(0,2,4,6,8) + d(11,12,13,15) and also obtain Maxterm expression . (or) b) (i). Simplify the following Boolean function by using Tabulation method F(w, x, y, z) = (0, 1, 4, 8, 9, 10) which has the dont care conditions d(w, x, y, ,z) = (2, 11). (ii). Implement the Boolean expression F=(W+X+Y)(W+Y) using NAND gate. 2.a).Design a 4-bit binary to BCD code converter using logic gates. (or) b) i).Design a 3-bit combinational circuit incrementer using logic gates. ii) .Explain the design procedure for combinational circuits. (8) (8)

(12) (4) (16) (12) (4)

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