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Beautiful Green Eyes Living loving and learning is my definition of my own life Less expectation from others is for

me a higher plain of serenity Acceptance has drastically changed as for the former husband; wife Single Mom's and Father's are now just as abundant as good-n-plenty I just happenstance upon right time right place and very unaware Something as simple as a question would gravitate perhaps a soul mate Behind those beautiful green eyes a woman with compassion and care As I learned with you about you I felt as though I reached Heavens gate Life and love are parallels in some instances form a crossroad of me becomes we Each and every one of us can relate to the caution as we approach in disguise As time is the great healer like ice on a burn, or perhaps a band aide on a knee Learning as we go is key without exception then comes those beautiful green eyes Aqua or blue-green has always been a favorite the color of Jade green an a+ my grade Blue is pretty too although what is behind those eyes hope with trust n compromise They say the eyes are the windows to the soul honesty sharing n trust as love is made Call me old fashioned who learned from mistakes no lies to you Beautiful Green Eyes 2012 I.M. Nobody

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