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MCS1040 Advanced Concepts in Data Communication Networks

Multiple Access Protocols

Channel Allocation Problem

Static channel allocation

Inefficient for bursty traffic

Queue Model
Channel capacity = C Arrival rate = frames/second Mean frame length = 1/ bits/frame Single channel
Mean time delay T= 1/(C - )

N Sub channels
T =1/ (C/N - /N ) = N /(C - ) = NT

Transmit if you have data Listen to the channel to detect collision If collided wait a random period and transmit again


Vulnerable Period

Throughput = S Offered load = G Poisson process with rate G Probability that k frames are generated during the frame time t
(Gt ) k e tG k!

S = G x Prob [frame suffers no collision] Prob [frame suffers no collision] = Prob [no other frame is generated during the vulnerable period for this frame] = Prob [no frame is generated during a 2-frame period]

S = Ge

2 G

Maximum Achievable Throughput

At the maximum point


Maximum S at G=0.5
Smax 1 = 0.5 e = = 0.184 2e

Maximum achievable throughput is just 18%

Slotted Aloha
Transmit only at the start of a slot
Vulnerable period is reduced to one slot time


S = Ge

Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols

1-persistent CSMA
If the channels is free transmit the frame If busy wait until it becomes idle and then transmit the frame If a collision occurs then wait a random amount of time and start the process again

Nonpersistent CSMA
If the channel is free transmit the frame If busy wait a random period of time and then sense the channel again
Less greedy

p-persistent CSMA
If the channel is free then transmit with a probability p
With the probability 1-p differ until the next slot

If the channel is busy wait a random period of time and sense the channel again Repeat this until a successful transmission


CSMA with collision detection
The protocol used in the Ethernet

A station aborts a transmission as soon as it detects a collision

Saves time and bandwidth

Encoding to enable collision detection

If the maximum propagation delay is how long will it take to make sure that the transmission was successful? What is the reason to have a minimum frame length in Ethernet?

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