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Kameraden, in an effort to continually improve the quality and accuracy of our impressions, it is imperative that you take the time to familiarize yourself with the following German commands. Your officers & NCOs will be using these commands at Odessa, so learn them, practice them and most importantly, USE THEM! This is another way for you to help distinguish Hohehstaufen in the field. Danke! SS-Scharfuhrer McCorry Angetreten (AHN-ge-tre-tin)- Fall In at Attention
Fall in! (at a position of attention) Move into formation, eyes straight forward, hands straight down at sides with palms flat against upper leg. If using rifle, hold rifle by the barrel band and let the butt rest straight out alongside right foot, slightly touching and even with toe. Antreten! (AHN-tre-tin) - Fall In NOT at attention Stillgestanden! (SHTILL-ge-Shtan-din) Attention! (snap left heel so that feet are at a 45 angle apart, eyes straight forward, hands straight down at sides with palms flat against upper leg. If using rifle, hold rifle by the barrel band and let the butt rest straight out alongside right foot, slightly touching and even with toe) Kehrt, um! (Kairt, oom) - About Face spin to the left 180 on the left heel, bringing right foot up and "klick" Vorwrts, marsch! (KOMM-pa-nee, marsh) Forward march - ALWAYS starting with the LEFT foot Kompanie, halt! (KOMM-pa-nee, halt) Company, stop! (end with left foot) Rhrt, euch! (rooehrt, oych) - At Ease rest weight on right leg, left foot pointed out at angle in front of right foot


Auf! (OWF) - Get Up! Move! Pass auf! (paass OWF) - Look Out! Aufsitzen! (Owf-zitz-in!) - Mount Up - get into the half tracks Absitzen ! (Ab-zitz-in!) - Dismount! Get out of the tracks Deckung! (Deck-oong) - Take Cover Hinlegen! (Hin-laygen) - Lay Down Laden und Sichern! (laadin oont Zeeshern) - Lock & Load Am links / Am rechts / gerade aus (Amm links / amm rektz / ger-aa-da ows) On the left / On the right / straight ahead Feuer frie! - Fire at will

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