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Four Roles of an Online Teacher

Social Director, Program Manager, Technician, Instructor

List the Four Roles of an Online Teacher from Your Weakest to Strongest

What Skills Do I Need to Gain or Strengthen?

1. Ability to troubleshoot tech-based problems with students and then find solutions. 2.Creation of multimedia presentations using various Web 2.0 tools

How I Will Gain The Skills?

1. Use district tech guru (Sue Christensen) and other colleagues. Contact LMS tech support. 2. Request help from colleagues, PRACTICE!, plan ahead and expect problems to arise that I need to work through 1. Set aside regular time to read through and comment on posts 2. Provide clear expectations and rubrics for assignments, require self-evaluation of participation in interactive assignments, provide specific feedback 1. Regular office hours when I am immediately available by phone, creation of an e-mail distribution list of all parents, send out a regular newsletter of whats going on in the class, whats coming up 2. Conference with district tech/LMS guru, other online teaching colleagues, contact LMS tech support, as

Technical Assistant

Social Director

1. Providing regular, thought-provoking feedback in online discussions 2. Maintain a rigorous instructional program while also facilitating positive interaction between students (i.e. collaborative assignments, discussion blogs) 1. Communication of expectations, guidelines to both students and parents

Program Manager 2. Learn how to modify assignment for the whole class and for individuals within the LMS. Also how to adapt the LMS for

standards-based grading 1. Create projects that incorporate a variety of tech tools (i.e. Web 2.0) that simulate real-life experiences/dilemmas

Instructor 2. Scaffold students ability to complete high-level thinking/writing tasks

necessary 1. Collaborate with colleagues, research potential projects online, backward mapping (carefully consider what I want my students to know/do and then create an appropriate assignment) 2. Provide regular feedback to students so they know what they are doing well and how to improve in certain areas, lots of formative assessment

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