Leo 2

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Leonardos Madonnas

Leonardo, Madonna with the Carnation, 1475, oil on panel Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Originally thought to be by Leonardos master, Andrea del Verrocchio

Leonardo, Annunciation, late 1470s, oil on panel Ufzi Gallery, Florence Commissioned by the monks for the monastery of Monte Oliveto, outside Florence

Star of the Sea Port of the Shipwrecked

Leonardo, Drapery Study for a Kneeling Figure, 1470s Louvre

Leonardo, Annunciation, late 1470s, oil on panel Ufzi Gallery, Florence Commissioned by the monks for the monastery of Monte Oliveto, outside Florence

Leonardo, Adoration of the Magi, begun 1481 Ufzi Gallery Commissioned by the monks of Santo Donato a Scopeto for their monastery, Florence

Leonardo, Architectural Perspective and Background Figures, for the Adoration of the Magi, c. 1481 Pen and ink Gabinetto dei Disegni e Stampe, Ufzi, Florence

Leonardo, Adoration of the Magi, begun 1481 Ufzi Gallery Commissioned by the monks of Santo Donato a Scopeto for their monastery, Florence

Leonardo, Madonna of the Rocks, begun 1483 Louvre

Copy after Leonardos Madonna of the Yarnwinder, 1501 Private Collection

Leonardo, Study of Madonna and Child with St. Anne, 1499-1500 National Gallery, London

depicting a Christ child about one year old who, almost slipping from his mothers arms, grasps a lamb and seems to hug it. The mother, half rising from the lap of St. Anne, takes the child as though to separate him from the lamb, and perhaps is intended to represent the Church, which does not wish the Passion of Christ to be impeded. And these gures are life-sized, but they are in a small cartoon, because they are all either seated, or bending over, and one is placed in front of another, moving toward the left, and this study is not yet nished. --Fra Pietro da Novellara, 1501, on the original cartoon of Madonna and Child with St. Anne

Leonardo, Madonna and Child with St. Anne, 1508-13 Louvre Painted for the high altar of Santissima Annunziata, Florence

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