Self Assessment - Management Traits

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Self Assessment: Management Traits The following 15 questions relate to some of the qualities needed to be a successful manager.

Rate yourself on each item by indicating with a number (1-4) how well each statement describes you. 4. The statement does not describe me at all. 3. The statement somewhat describes me. 2. The statement describes me most of the time. 1. The statement describes me very accurately. __2__1. I enjoy working with people. I prefer to work with others rather than working alone. __1__ 2. I can motivate others. I can get people to do things they may not want to do. __2__ 3. I am well liked. People enjoy working with me. __1__ 4. I am cooperative. I strive to help the team do well, rather than to be the star. __1__ 5. I am a leader. I enjoy teaching, coaching and instructing people. __1__ 6. I want to be successful. I do things to the best of my ability to be successful. __2__ 7. I am self-starter. I get things done without having to be told to do them. __1__ 8. I am a problem-solver. If things are not going the way I want them to, I take corrective action to meet my objectives. __2__ 9. I am self-reliant. I do not need the help of others. __1__ 10. I am hardworking. I enjoy working and getting the job done. __1__ 11. I am trustworthy. If I say I will do something by a set time, I do it. __1__ 12. I am loyal. I do not do or sat things to intentionally hurt my friends, relatives, or coworkers. __1__ 13. I can take criticism. If people tell me negative things about myself, I give them serious thought and change when appropriate. __1__ 14. I am honest. I do not lie, steal or cheat. __1__ 15. I am fair. I treat people equally. I do not take advantages of others.

___19____ Total score (add numbers on 1-15; the range of possible scores is 15-60)

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